Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

I don’t think the long cds are really a problem, D3 had long cds as well, but there were a lot of ways to lower them to the point of always having something like vengeance perm. d4 does seem to be going against this but it could always change.

CD’s are needed because Blizzard is trying to make you use more than 1 Offensive Skill. If there were no cooldowns everyone would just spam the highest damaging skill all the time like diablo 2. Having CD’s for other skills allows us to have more choices but not be able to abuse them. It has nothing to do with WoW

Because of trashy moba games spreading and ruining everything with stupidly long cooldowns.

It’s messed up a lot of games thanks to devs trying to copy them.

You can ID it instantly whenever a game has 5s+ cooldowns and they barely do anything, especially when it comes to CC durations or the like.


That’s why in D3 they effectively removed cooldowns by introducing sets and high CDR on items :slight_smile: So, no!

Also, in D2 I had all skills at my disposal if I wanted to not only 6 of which 3 are defensive skills and one is a generator. So I feel I am way more restricted here when it comes to skills. A summoner necro used like 15ish skills including teleport, barb war cries, town portal scroll and so on.

Good thing they didn’t do go with what most ppl want then.
(It’s not really true, not for the casuals they are targeting).

Stop worshiping POE…which is designed to get ppl to pay 500EUR/season for cosmetics and basically gave every casual and “normal” game enjoyer the middle-finger with “we make the same money selling 1 440EUR costume so why sell 20 22EUR ones”.

This is another reason why we can’t have good games anymore (AAA companies are still first, then probably political agenda pushing, then this).

Most of you ppl seem to want 1 button screen clears, and loot hunting, and dopamine rushes, and rare prestige cosmetics. Anu forbid someone wants actual action you can control and fun engaging combat …like…an actual game and not a spreadsheet followed by glorified gambling as you walk about one shotting screens of 45 enemies (or getting one shot by the one that was missed by the 60 lightning tendrils that autocast from your minions as you walk around).

“It’s more fun with friends”, “I want a reason to farm”, “WW barb doesn’t work”, “ppl don’t want slow and tactical”, “there’s no reason to grind”, “let them make their own fun”, “the other players are the game”, “where is the content that forces you do socialize and be in a guild”, “why can’t I hoard items and spend 2h a day talking to ppl looking for a good trade”, “I want a reason to come back so seasonal resets are a must because I have to measure my game experience by what everyone else is doing so it needs a fresh start once in a while”…WHERE IS THE GAME in all that? Is that engaging because we (well, mostly you ppl), are social animals (that are also conditioned to feel good when you accomplish something and can’t separate it from entertainment very well), sure. But that’s not the actual game.

The complaints about how D4 story is not as good as D2, or the world and characters and cinematic (with 2 exceptions) are not memorable, and how there’s not enough build diversity (yet)…those are about the actual game.

they should cost a big chunk of resource instead of having the cooldown and no resource cost.

i dont like cooldowns in arpgs

i) Awesome gatekeeping
ii) You apprently enjoy pointless grinds designed around slowing you down and forcing you to carefully evaluate every piece of kit for hours on end - it’s just weird. Stop being weird. This is not fun. This is dull.

Normal folks want to drop in, have some fun - preferably with mates in a non-aggravating manner, then move on to something else… This is the playerbase - not the streamer mouth-breathers. Not the yelling crowd of weirdos who spent 18 hours a day in-game because grinding 4 hours for one level is “fun”…

The design behind this game is so devoid of focus on entertaining gameplay, it’s almost as if every lesson learned in D3 was ignored.

based on your description, those who whine are simply addicts. They are in withdrawal so that’s why they are so bitter. lol

Revolutionary and Glorious design that Diablo 3 introduced!

Yep. It’s baffling. Their devs just don’t have the quality they used to 20 years ago. Massive cooldowns in an arpg is just plain stupid.

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There are builds where you can almost spam ultimates with the right setup and CDR.
Arc Lash Sorc for one example.

It’s not gatekeeping because if you can do that in game then everyone who wants to actually think about what they do when they see a pack of 2-4 elites would be “gatekept” out of the game entirely.

If you have 1 button builds that work great in ALL CONTENT then you can’t have meaningful combat for the other ppl.

The other way around is not true. Want to have fun holding down WW? Play NM tier 50 after you get 30% more gear than the “thinking” ppl need for the same content. It’s already easy to get there (according to everyone crying a river over how they are not forced enough to grind harder for longer). And you won’t even be missing anything because lvl 90 monsters can drop ANYTHING in the game so there’s no reason to play harder content.

Your reply is exactly why I think people complaining there’s no reason to do harder content are crazy. It could be a bit more rewarding (preferably in efficiency of farming not in any unique items you can only get there) but otherwise it is the way it is exactly so ppl can just have fun and not miss out on much (or anything).

Since that previous post I happened to see this:

This is not a game, this a spreadsheet, followed by 10h of farming, and then by 7h of trading and then it’s a walking simulator. It’s worse than vampire survivors where you actually want to dodge and care about positioning (and see the floor on which you move).

If that’s the definition of fun (along with the dopamine loot drop that got to so high amount that you need loot filters) then there’s very little difference in the endgame of this, what some ppl want in D4, Vampire Survivors (but smaller loot).

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To make it more miserable and not fun? Thats a core value of blizzard.


Actard is as Actard does.

You’ve obviously never played vampire survivors or POE at any level, lol

Vampire survivors is a total walking simulator once you get some upgrades. And POE isn’t at all, you’re just missing the mechanics underlying these things.

Those who are complaining are on the high end spectrum of addiction, they want to get the micro-dose of adrenaline or dopamine as much as possible as frequently as possible, they don’t want anything in front of them getting that dose, cooldowns is one of the obstacles, low drop rates is another, non challenging content is yet another.

If Blizzard makes that happen, e.g., remove all cooldowns, increase drop rates, make monsters challenging, those addicted will have an all time high from the doses they will get which will rapidly become not enough and they will crave for more. If that happens, they will come back to the forums and say the game is boring, that everything is easy and they’re getting no reward from playing the game.

Blizzard can again reply to this adding more and more power, more item drops, more challenging monsters, so that it gives a bit more of the doses to satisfy those hungry for more, that’s when power creep comes in and ruins the game.

That’s what happened to D3, that’s what happened to WoW.


WoW is the worst thing to ever happen to the RPG genre AND Blizzard.

Diablo 4 mobs used this video against us.

I found the best resolution to the cooldowns was finding D2R on sale for $13, loading that and creating a Sorceress. Then after having a good belt that carried lots of Mana pots I found the runes to make Insight, gave that to my merc, and now SPAM the hell out of everything with combination of Frozen Orb/Blizzard as fast as I can cast.

Plus I got to actually decide what I wanted to put in stats, not what Blizzard wanted me to have. I got more choices in skill points and got to decide in more detail what skills I wanted to emphasize over others. It actually makes me feel that my character is MY creation, and not some tool Blizzard is leasing to me (Hello D3 & D4 devs!). The best part of all, I never again worry about taking a coffee break while something is cooling down.

To make you make choices around skills and gear that reduce cooldowns or remove cooldowns.

They are behind cooldowns so they aren’t autoincludes without building around them for the most part.