Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

My Barb is no different here to Cyclone there in smoothness. POE you just never push any other buttons but your main and Health pots.

One thing D4 def has over POE is melee combat. In 20+ seasons they have never figured out melee with their engine.

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What mechanics are those? The Phd you need to build the character? I am aware of those existing. Doesn’t change that the gameplay is (for most builds, when “finished”) walking and casting screen clearing abilities. You can probably make something else…and there are good bosses…but it has the highest nr of “and now I just win with minimal effort as long as I don’t get touched by a stray spider” builds in any semi-famous or higher ARPG.

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Those TCG example does not fit for various reasons i am not even bothering to explain.

Putting a skill in the tree JUST for fun is even more stupid.
Hey why not put a skill in the tree that when put on the hotbar lets you walk around with a silly hat?

In short.
There is a massive diffrences between just for fun, actualy usable and ultra efficant.
And everything beyond 20sec cd is horrible inefficant and therefore not usable.

The pace of the game is just to fast so that even most casuals not use them (after trying them out) if they dident look for a guide that makes them usable somehow.

yea, true words spoken.

are we playing the same game? i see, more so around 5-6 enemies at a time on my screen. then i walk for a bit and see another smallish mob of enemies.

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I like the concept of cool downs.

They present interesting trade-offs in terms of decision making.

I just wish they had more cooldown reduction mechanics.

Or maybe you’re just an idiot who can’t handle fast-paced gameplay. Food for thought.

I don’t have any because the combat was so awful I never wanted to play long enough to get there.

Yup, that’s the key word people complaining about stuff use to shift the goalposts and confidently claim that no alternatives exist.

Janky and pace-limited are not the same thing. I agree it is pace-limited by design: your abilities have costs, those costs force you to design builds that pace their damage or burst their damage until the late game, where you can sustain longer bursts. Having a generator / spender set up makes this pace much better because you have an actual ability you can weave in to keep damage going and feel useful instead of auto attacking while your potions recharge or to preserve potions.

Your damage output is limited to make this a puzzle you can solve. Generator/spender is one solution, bolstered by basic attack speed. Some builds use the mobs themselves to fuel longer sustainment, while other builds rely on long cooldowns. Some builds can get there with resource regen and cost reduction.

An example of the pacing is having smaller mob packs. This keeps the first type of build from totally dominating the second type, since each break in the density reduces the power of using mobs for sustainment and increases the power of waiting for cooldowns.

If they created a system where you just face roll through infinite density, then it would have the opposite problem: a one button loot simulator just isn’t fun for a lot of people. Destroying everything with no trouble so that you can eventually find better loot that allows you to destroy everything with no trouble on a higher number is a really niche activity. Harder difficulty needs to present a different challenge to be interesting, even if it comes with a gear / level check and an increase in loot.

It’s true that Action RPG has the word action in it. But the RPG part is also there. Diablo was specifically more like Rogue than like Gauntlet or the Bullet Curtain clone that D3 became. I enjoy Dead Cells and Vampire Survivors and Hades, I just want a different pace in Diablo. Having resource costs and cooldowns and CC and limited affixes per item and capped item power and paragon and capped glyph levels and so on, all contribute to a game where combat is tactical and varied.

I agree, didn’t want to veer off-topic. But I do feel I needed to agree with this. The problem this creates is this, there will never be another WoW moment if they keep trying to copy WoW. There was no WoW before creating WoW. WoW blew up because they were “innovating” (key words)

If they never innovate, and keep trying to copy the success of WoW. They WILL NEVER have another “WoW moment”

Honestly I don’t really think the people in charge really care anymore as they had their “million dollar” moment and were merged into corporate oblivion. The “Diablo” name alone will sell copies. So at this point, they literally can’t screw up.

I’m sure some people there are passionate about what they did here. But all the passion and ingenuity has been sucked away by the corp. Thus follow the golden rule, “One game to rule them all” WoW…

I never played WoW, lol

Personally, it’s the pretty much the same with every game nowadays. They all try to copy eachother adding live service methods, battle pass, seasons, etc. It’s all just imitations of past and or current games. Gaming is growing stagnate, only a few titles set the precedent, and the others just follow suit, because it worked for them. Or maybe I’m just getting old, but I think it’s the other way around.

Sorry responding is such a bother. Maybe if you weren’t so wrong about this you’d find it easier to state your position.

The whole game is about having fun. It’s not a job. It’s a literal loot factory where you show up to spend the minimum possible time churning out BiS items. Putting skills in the tree that are fun should be all they do.

Except it isn’t and tons of ults get used because they are amazing and having some fights where use it and some where you don’t is even better because it means there is some variance and strategy to each fight.

Lol, no.

Then by your own admission you have no idea what you’re talking about with PoE. That’s fine, just don’t refer to it as if you do.

Look, that’s just pure deflection and disingenuousness now. Name a build without cooldowns in the damage loop to back up your argument, or admit you’re wrong. If there is a build in D4 that doesn’t have cooldowns, I’ve yet to see it. I’m happy for you to enlighten me, though.

This is the only point of this discussion - cooldowns don’t belong in ARPGs and are a bad addition wherever they exist IMO. They are mobile/MMO design elements and should not be in an action game.

The addendum to this is where mitigating/removing the cooldown is an intended aspect of builds (as in PoE) i.e. it is possible to build correctly and remove the cooldowns. That’s fun. Hard limiting the cooldowns is pure jank.

Janky and pace limited are cause and effect - the skills are pace limited which is what causes the janky movement and combat.


The devs decided you should have to stick your thumb up your bum after every pack of mobs.

I have played it on three separate characters trying to like it and found it too janky to play. That is direct play experience. If it gets better once you suffer through the awful early combat that’s lovely, but it’s irrelevant to all the people like me who shut it off before getting there. D4 just does this way better.

WW barb

This is how it works in D4 also. There are ways to reduce cooldowns on all classes and there’s generic cdr. Most builds find ways to keep their skills up all the time.

Because World of Warcraft developers made D4 and they don’t know any better.

The cooldowns are the price of not having to manage a potion belt. I’d prefer the potion belt and be responsible for how much of my character’s mana I need to spend to make it through an encounter.

I dont agree with the " mobile game " analogy for something inferior. In fact if u forget that diablo immortal is disgusting pay to win and have inferior graphics compared to D4… the mobile game actually is superior in absolutely everything else from socials and communication to quality of live features and even the pace of the game and end game features. Absolutely and definitely a better game that is just ruined by the huge pay 2 win and nothing else. Even the gear and aspects are better and classes feels better especially the necromancer is miles ahead what we have in d4…its incredible how bad d4 actually is.

Skimming over what Diablo Immortal offered in terms of social features and MMO-esque open world had me optimistic that was going to be a scaled-down version of what Diablo 4 would be. It turns out it’s the opposite, because Diablo Immortal will probably make more money than Diablo 4 in the long run so they’re going to prioritize development there because that market is very eager to hand over money for nothing. Yeah, yeah nothing has been implemented in Diablo 4 that’s probably in the barrel yet, but the business model isn’t as good of an ROI as a mobile game.

Simple. Because otherwise every skill would be part of the moronic generator-spender system that all classes have.

That’s why I stopped playing, on top of us only having 6 abilities and majority of the abilties on ur bar aren’t anything special.

Main builder and a spender was a dumb idea for an APRG, it’s like blizz didn’t know what they wanted to do with it in the end.

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Lol they can barely do that these days.