Hey! I saw they patched the loottable so the barb uniques no longer drops for druid. I was super excited that it is finally here and maybe now my lvl 90 druid has finally a chance of dropping the Tempest Roar helmet… so long story short i played yesterday after the hotfix for like 12h and not a single unique dropped, played today for 6h now and no unique drop still…
I feel like the way they patched the barb uniques no longer dropping is by disableing unique drops completely or they just messed up something by doing that… any one else run into that problem?
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No, i’ve had multiple unique drops as Druid. You just have bad luck. I normally find 0-1 uniques a day playing 16 hours+ a day, so just be more patient.
hm thats kinda strange rng, usually people i run nightmares with get at least 1 drop maybe all 2h (thats like somewhere between 8-12 runs), sometimes less and sometimes even more than that and it was kinda similar for me too since launch. But i never had 2 Days of grinding the s**** out of the game without a single drop
You guys can’t hear it, but I am cackling like a madman.
I am noticing the same thing. I don’t think i have found 1 since that patch
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They are dropping nothing’s changed. I find at least 2-3 uniques minimum per level up in the early-mid lvl 80s. So much so that I’ve started to sell them recently.
My second stash tab is riddled with various uniques. I wish I could use them on alts but the dumb scaling on item level renders them pretty much useless for low level chars.
Are you talking about within the last day? that is when I have noticed no uniques dropping since the patch.
Played for around 140+ hours now and found only 3 uniques - the ring we all get, the butchers sword and a chest piece with some shapeshifting aspect on it. No idea how people are getting them but im not.
Its all rng. I’ve had 4 uniques drop on my druid in 2 hours running nightmares. Other days I might get none. Just because you dont see any doesnt mean its broken, perfect example of confirmation bias.
I had some seemingly useless unique boots that freeze the ground you walk on drop, so yeah, yay for me.
Specific druid uniques? No. I’ve only had 2 ever at 62 so far. One bear and wolf chest each.
Confirmation bias is when you say something and draw evidence to support only that. This post, entire thread in fact, is information gathering so it is no confirmation bias when people are opening up the discussion for questions.
I am glad others are getting uniques, that means that the loot tables are not bugged in some way post patch.
Dam that is very low - what activities are you doing?
Mostly whispers, pretty sure whisper caches can’t have uniques too.
Considering literally most of your comments are creepily obsessed with proving other people wrong online on these forums especially regarding Tempest Roar I’d say go out and touch grass mate.
I had the same issue… played for a few hours, cleaned my inventory out 10-15 times, and not a single legendary (other than the guaranteed ones). I played yesterday, and everything was back to normal, with a few uniques in there.
If trying to get people to understand that they are upset over literally nothing makes me creepy, then so be it. So many people making posts venting their frustrations on something that shouldn’t make them frustrated to begin with. It’s fine to be frustrated when you haven’t gotten the loot you want, to be sure, but actively raging out and blaming it on non-existent reasons doesn’t help.
So yeah, I’ll be creepy about it if it gets at least one person to calm the hell down and realize they have no reason to be angry.
Also, it’s been raining for like a week straight, my grass is soaked and desperately in need of mowing. I’m aware I need to go out and touch it because it looks atrocious at the moment. 
Since the patch that “fixed” druid loot table, I haven’t seen a single unique drop - and that was from leveling almost exclusively through Nightmare dungeon spams / helltides (from levels 65 - 81).
NOTE* I have received three uniques from the reward for completing NM dungeons (hunters zenith, frostburn, and temerity), but none have actually dropped to the floor, none have been from chests, none have been from the whisper boxes, none from world bosses, none have been from loot in anyway – solely NM dungeons completion rewards.
From level 1 - 81 I have actually only receieved one vasilys, and one hunters zenith, totalling two druid exclusive uniques; the remaining uniques I have received have been non-class specific uniques, and I have only received seven (two butchers cleavers, three frostburns, one mother’s ring, and one of the unique boots with frost trail - can’t remember the name).
My other classes seem to get more class-speciric uniques than my druid ever has, and on top of that, they all get uniques much more frequently, and they actually DROP as loot.
Blizzard, please address this?
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Update: level 83, almost 84 – still no unique drops; however, I did receive my first insatiable fury from the NM dungeon completion reward.
Non existent reasons? People have good reasons - the druid loot table had major bugs. Yes Blizz has claimed to have fixed them but the fix doesn’t mean you get real RNG at all. There are obvious caching issues with near duplicate items dropping repeatedly for many people, these are highly unusual if you understand LLN at all.
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Bug. Singular. Sometimes our 2h Axes and 2h Maces would roll as Barbarian drops.
RNG is RNG. Drops are random. Some stuff is rarer than others.
As always, though, if you can provide a source and legitimate data I’ll apologize and eat crow.