I’ve been happy with my drops. I’m not mad I don’t have a D4 Shako or whatever.
I would like it if the Aspects you get from dungeons weren’t the worst roll possible by default, though. That’s rude. Just make it either roll randomly when applied to an item, or give us the best roll.
I also wish crafting components were either less necessary or more common. Until you’re over level 50, you don’t really have enough doo-dads or gold to really get into crafting beyond enhancing gear 2 steps. Like, you need a ton of materials you only MIGHT get from breaking down legendaries. It’s stupid. Let us craft things. Grim Dawn does. They reworked their crafting system to be easier on the player, and it made the game better.
I have a full tab and half of uniques that I, for some reason, still keep, even though most are useless for my current build. At this point, when a unique drops while I’m farming, I get upset. Because I know it won’t be an uber rare, and it will be just another useless unique. Not much to look forward to in the late game.
I think it can be summed up in how I react when getting loot in prior Diablo games compared to D4. In prior games I would check every drop as soon as I picked it up if the color indicated it may be of interest. In D4, I don’t bother looking until my inventory is full because I’m not expecting any of it to be useful.
Tomorrow we will have plenty of new loot.
- waifu pillow Lilith “big double features”
- magic flute that lets players dance around you
- unique pants “Eyes In The Light”
- medieval shirt “im with furry”
- magic bag of rice (your character dont have to eat anymore… golfclap)
- mini lootgoblin giggling all the time while refusing to pick up things until you have Eyes In The Dark equipped.
I mean, PoE is like #169 while D4 is #22 on twitch rankings right now ? How is that a good indicator ? (especially since launch is always more played, AND there was a twitch campaign linked to it)
While I agree that loots should be improved (and rerolling builds as well), there not really a lot of stuff that proves Diablo 4 is really failing as hard as you seems to believe.
Yeah a filter would be great, in the meantime. Here is what I do sometimes. If I’m looking for stats for something like say gloves, I only pick up the gloves for a bit. I do that for each slot. Granted playing like this you could potentially miss an upgrade for another slot. But hey I am just sorting through gloves only then.
the saddest thing about … they are overpaid of doom … literally bring out only garbage and cant even programming well … and than they are proud about? … proud about what? that they dont make a single person happy in their life … and everyone is just mad about tham … seems like they are the biggest trolls in history
This is a very good point about POE, and basically explains why mapping is generally more fun. The core gameplay loop isn’t any more enjoyable - but the fact that you’re always looting stuff that has value, and there’s such a range of value, it feels rewarding to do stuff.
Even if you do a map and get nothing but some generic currency, it still feels like progress - whereas just edging your gold count up a little by vendoring rares doesn’t have that same gameplay feel here.
Every now and then I get an upgrade to mother’s ring. But even though its a higher item level most of the stats will be lower(both fully upgraded) than the previous. Except crit damage is higher so it’s an upgrade.
I mean lets be honest - maps are far more diverse, because NM dungeons are all just tunnels skinned if like 5 theme flavors. Why entire endgame has to be me sitting in some dull looking tunnels? How’s that even fun. And I’ll be honest here - dungeons look terrible compared to surface locations. PoE has 115 different tileset maps in comparison - some are open space maps, some are more dungeon typ maps - they key takeaway is that there is huge diversity making things less stale, while D4 dungeons have like 5 theme looks and you just cycle thru that and on top of that - there’s no open spaces which is terrible for another factor - space constraints will be massive limiting factor of what they can do in seasons. (example POE breach or legions in corridor maps = and D4 endgame is all like that)
Oh I totally agree with all of that, I’m just talking about the core gameplay loop of both is basically the same (albeit typically more annoying in D4 due to dumb objectives leading to backtracking).
I’m talking moreso from how it feels from a looting and reward perspective mostly. I don’t really care too much about the tilesets themselves - although obviously it does no harm for them to be better and more interesting.
What I care about is did it feel like I made any progress running them for a couple of hours? The answer in D4 is almost always no, you just end up with a bit more gold and maybe another spare aspect in your stash.
Have to agree, only exciting loot is shako and it will never drop for anyone.
I am a bit tired of checking the loads of full inventory of ancestral items and all the craps all the time. My friend just didnt even check them just sell them all.
Loot is not exciting, sorc has zero uniques to use all craps. Barb also only craps.
Legendary are not exciting neither. They never roll good stats so they serve only as aspect and cost double gold to reroll stats.
The enchanting cost is so high that I am usually not exited from upgrades anyway, its like hmm this will be waste of 20 milions I wont even bother to enchant this item.
Easy fix just get the itemization from d2 and slap it on D4(all the stuff rune/set/unique) .
Throw a loot filter because we are 2023 and some extra crafting (just pick one from the other successful ARPG) and you fix your game .
Yes is a band aid but will be 100% better then the current state of the game.
I don’t want this game to be worse then D3 and do justice to the Diablo franchise .
Not only that but yellow chase is exhausting. Not only you can’t reroll affixes in a good way (as this costs an absurd amount of money). But having to manually checks if it’s a good item, and can become a good item in the future, of if it’s useful for a future build, because you’ll never see it again if not, is a bit troublesome. Especially in a live game with incoming buffs and nerfs that could transform your lovely build into an unplayable mess.
Not only the cost for respec/enchanting should be fixed as soon as possible but there should be a real ways to target loot the properties/items you want if you still want the “yellow chase” to be a thing.
I already stopped reading books because i read more than enough pockets full of yellow items every day.
It still wouldnt matter , the loot itself is just crap. Generic and boring.
They need to rework the whole loot system , affixes and suffixes , the lot
Lol , i actually laughed out loud when i read this, such truth, make it happen blizz…
Except “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature”. There are plenty of people who enjoy going through tons of loot to find the rare pieces that suit their playstyles.
So you believe D4 itemization is done right and is an engaging part of D4?
The Dev team had plenty of feedback regarding their D4 lackluster loot system even long before they went live. They chose however to go with the subpar crappy D3 loot system instead. Clearly they reused waaaay too much of the original D3 source code instead of coming up with something fresh and innovative or at least reusing D2 loot ideas (which are clearly superior). The result is mediocrity that you see now. As an aside the game play also suffers because they chose to make controller-based players first class citizens in the game; 6 skill buttons to do not make for interesting play.