Sick of Playing "Don't Touch the Lava" (Pit Bosses)

It would have been nice to fight some new, inventive bosses, but pit bosses are just the same few we’ve already seen, with random bonus mechanics that are mostly obstructive one shots, floor covering damage areas, and stuns. If these were applied in some well-thought out way to bosses to avoid certain OP combinations, that would be fine, but many of these bosses already cover a large amount of the field with bad stuff, and having multiple added mechanics that do the same and stun and slow makes what is already a slog of a fight due to their incredibly high HP even longer, as it’s rare you can stand in one place long enough to line up an attack.

I’m ranged with good CC, so basically I just run around until the boss freezes and then unload. Usually two bouts of this kills it, but it’s starting to take three and the fights just drag, and dying because I stepped into a BROWN SWIRL on a BROWN FLOOR is enough to make me rage-quit.

Don’t get me started on the Sea Hag I just fought combo’d with snake eye stuns and tons of floor hazard on top of her slows, one-shots, and pushes.

I seriously have no idea how anyone who is melee can even fight these bosses.


Well, the way I see it - boss fights favoring builds with oneshoting abilities (like HOTA Barb in old days) and idea that once you leverage such built your ability to fight harder bosses progressing with your masterworking

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The REAL fun starts if you play a class without fortify, like sorcerer, while using a melee build like ball lightning. As soon as the ghost boss starts spawning crap, i teleport into the furthest corner of the area to even have the tiniest chance of surviving whatever.

Endgame is terribly unbalanced. If you ask me, HP pools of pit bosses 45+ and nightmare dungeon bosses 90+ has to be nerfed by 50 to 70%. It’s ridiculous how spongy they are.

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Being that you have to farm those bosses in 3 minutes or less to be efficient you better be running them where you can just stand in the lava. Because 1 fail in 5 runs makes any levels higher you doing useless.
I can farm a 100 in under 5 mins. But since every once and awhile a boss will kill me i turn it down to 90 and increase my mats per hour.

I mean its hard cause im playing FO and I can decimate mobs but single target is painful.

Most sorc build arnt all that balanced when it comes to single target vs aoe.

Im still having fun but its going to be a slow climb likely stop at 100.


This touches on a big issue… D4 heavily incentivizes boring easy content.

The uber bosses are a great example. Why why why did they make the tormented bosses only drop 1 duriel/andy summoning mat!? It makes it so that killing the harder (and more fun) difficult versions is a super bad idea, because it is a huge waste of mats.


Laughs in immortal firebolt build.

How is the firebolt build?

Seems to be better at single target than Forb and Blizz. But I’m not high enough to pit push.

Must be able to have 100% uptime on flame shield thru tempering and CDR tho.

It’s amazing they have added this rage quit feature. I literally rage quit twice (uninstalled twice) after being randomly one shot by something I haven’t even seen. I have played this season even less than the previous one, despite some good changes.

I’ve had varied success in melee, what tier of the pit are you on?

I just hope they listen and nerf pit bosses, the changes have been so good, but the end game is broken cause pit boss one shot mechanics and absurd hp pool

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I believe the pit is infinitely scaling, so at some point everyone will get one shot. At what Tier are you getting one shot at?


I’m doing level 75 curently with a bash barb still level 94, but res and def capped, 42k hp , aspect of might , a shako and other damage reduction sources.
With the minon necro i was able to do 85 mostly safe, avoiding everything on the floor. But with the Barb is not possible to avoid everyhing, some boses have a combination of enormous hp pool and broken uber boss attacks mechanichs that I do think are quite exagerated.
The thing is , the rest of the duingeon is like a walk in the park, it is unbalanced.
Another thing, they should give more for killing one of this pit uber bosses, gems, and gold at least

It stops at tier 200, but you’re not meant to reach that far unless you have a OP build or are really good skill-wise.

So yeah, getting “one-shot” is understandable. Even if it’s just because the bosses numbers are so greater than ours.

Sea hag is a real pain. On many of these bosses you just have to aim your attacks somewhere and hope you are hitting boss while you only look at your character and if something is about to gib you. You only have .5s on the sea hag thing to dodge or you are dead.

Still dying while boss is staggered is what is just really making me rage quit.

The stagger thing is truly frustrating. The shadow mechanics should be stopped when the boss is staggered, this is how other bosses like Elias worked. Don’t see why the pit bosses’ shadow accomplices need to circumvent this.

I fall in the unpopular camp of the content scaling to the point where it’s not doable. I like to see how far the most extreme people are able to push it instead of everyone being mad at the binary “can/can’t” be fully completed and then somehow feeling completely invalidated if they can’t.

It’s like a time trial, you’re supposed to measure against yourself, not the sweatiest streamer.

Exactly. Thought the tormented sub bosses was a good idea. Because running the sub bosses is unrewarding and boring.
But that is not what they did. Sub bosses 5 times as difficult as duriel/andariel yet do not drop ANYTHING else. Just 6 times more of the crap you vendor. About the only benefit is if you have a unique reliant build like frost orb or something.
And tormented versions of duri/andy should have a whole lot better uber drop rate. Ubers not even really uber anymore anyway.
So what has happened is most of us sitting there with 15+ stacks of living steel and other mats with 0 incentive to run the stuff.


This is funny, you even uninstalled just to reinstall. This community is in desparate need of rational adults.

Quite easily, we use unstoppable skills, use evade (step through the mob basically) and lots of run speed and of course I play on a pit level that does not insta kill me if I make a small mistake to spam some heals.