Sick of Playing "Don't Touch the Lava" (Pit Bosses)

Melee has always been unbalanced in these game. Range can run around like headless chicken, melee doesn’t have that luxury.

id wish people would mention the pit tiers they are clearing.

lol, you arent serious. barbarians have been literally the top class for the last two season. (+sorc in s2)

ironically sorc is literally the tankiest class right now thanks to flameshield

you can have 100% up time on flameshield, this makes you 100% invulnerable lol

the problem is doing enough damage to kill them before you run out of time

last 5 seasons.

even during season of balls they were still better than ball lightning by a hair lol

And this seems to be the concept ppl are :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Maybe if we didn’t have to eat up 3 skills slots with both shields + teleport for EVERY build, we could slot gasp 2 different skills to specialize in AOE vs single target.

Apparently that takes too much work and imagination.

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play the invulnerable sorc, or actually try getting good.

by far the most fun is helltide reborn. yet the most important stuff is locked behind these bs boss fights.

i like the idea that unlike previously where we upgraded our gear almost automatically by mashing the button, now the mats are hard to come by and we need to put efforts towards it, making each upgrade precious.

but man, using these bs one-shot mechanics as a hurdle? maybe i’ll be fine by fighting multiple bosses, but i can’t even fight these echos and the main boss summons EVERY OTHER ATTACK. i don’t really think it’s fair.

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It’s a PoE mechanic. Nothing new and nothing creative.

I presume, you are talking about HOTA Barb from last 3 seasons? :smile:

Another person with poor reading comprehension argueing about something I didn’t say. Read what I said and try again.

Heres a hint: Barbarian has nothing to do with my point.

be more precise with what you are saying then. barbarians are a melee class.

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My point is painfully obvious to anyone with a first grade reading comprehension level.

I like that some Pit bosses + summoned echo bosses fill all the arena with ground effects that player need to dodge…

Far too many modern boss fights revolve around “don’t stand in circles.”
It’s old, dull and overused.

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Like Sorcs are melee???