Should I try a sorc?

its the only class i didnt try yet and wondering if a frozen orb thingy would be fun to try. I got tired of the pit with a thorn barb so left him at 4/12 as mastergambling is simply too lame. So if im not planning on any pit, will a sorc then be fun to play and do nmds (90+) just fine ?

you`ll be fine. Sorc is fun to play and try some things out.

Sorcerer is fun to play except it’s kinda like playing a different game once you reach end game. The sorcerer is good only to about level 90 then the other classes damage scales while sorcerer does not. It’s clearly a failure but blizzard doesn’t want to admit it. It’s kinda a running joke actually. They continue to nerf the worst class by far. Still …as far as play style a spellcaster is a blast!

Sorc is good till you hit endgame. For the journey, he’s fine.

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Yep what everyone else said but frozen orb can handle 100 to 110 lvl pits if built right if not 90.

love my sorc, and she clears nm 100s and pit 100 no problem.
playing BL, not sure how its all gonna look like with our defenses neutered and teleport … further nerfed. but i’m sure it will work out ok.

Dont roll sorc at all in S5 or S6 if end game or doing any pit tiers after T100 is important to you.

There are some troll barb on this thread (ie: ThanoTurd aka ThunderTurd), so you will have to ignore them.

It’s a fun class to play most of the time, it’s just very bad at bosses. Good as an alt though.

If you want to play FO you need a Winterglass before you even think of getting started, so pick something else to level with. Incinerate and Chain Lightning are both good for that.

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Sure, sorc is a lot of fun to play. You’re not going to hit in the billions like barb and co but it’s still a lot of fun. I did Frozen Orb/Conjuration this season and comfortably farmed pit tiers 85-90. I did tier 100 for the achievement but I’m not a very sweaty player so I continued farming 85-90.

-Frozen Orb/Conjuration will feel a bit janky until you reach certain breakpoints with gear and such. If you google “gold farming season 4 frozen orb sorcerer FAQ” and watch that video, it will help you understand the breakpoints. I did incenerate until I could piece the gear etc together. Incinerate is a lot of fun for levelling up and farming what you need.

Probably doesn’t need to be said but since I was farming pit 85-90; nightmare dungeon 100 felt like easy mode.

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If you like challenges then this class is just for you. You will feel like you are struggling to overcome every corner after reaching level 100. You will learn the meaning of the phrase “the price of strength”, but I do not mean that you will be strong.
But this is the most brainless class in the game, since it is recommended to assemble any working assembly only from the macro level.
So it’s up to you to decide.

Thank you all for the hints. Running around with ice shards at lvl 50 and having a blast. Teleport is epic.

haha thats the correct word for this garbage slot machine.

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Now you should absolutely start building a sorc lol. We will be able to do a lot of damage I don’t know if we will be top tier but we will definitely be close. Anyway where we might cap out our have difficulty is when our defensives tap out in high tier pits. Cause I still have questions with Ice Armor but overall we will be much much stronger offensively for sure. Great job Blizzard for the Sorc class thanks for listening.

a bit of numbers tuning and the masses are content. Kinda sad how easy it is to convince ppl, and completely forget that the class still has soo many concept issues, like the enchant system, or garbage paragon glyphs and nodes.


You did see they increased all legendary nodes lmao. Yes the only other thing they need to change in the paragon is the stupid potion nodes to max health I could careless about the enchantment slots they won’t do crap anyway.

They seemed a little oversensitive today about taking concepts from other classes. I feel like the one dude who helped showcase spiritborn works on sorc in his spare time.

He was quick to point out they borrow from what works to supposedly fix what does not.

I don’t trust them so we’ll see. I know a lot of barbs are complaining about nerfs but when we’re doing hundreds of thousands of damage, they don’t need to be doing billions.

Just saying.

if you want to feel you are on world tier 5, toi die everywhere and feel a lot of frustration…of course. BE MY GUEST

Well i had super fun leveling and now at 80 with 5 uniques, he kinda works in open world but it was hard killing the maiden. Also the enhancement slots are not by any means as good as having 2 extra weapons slots for aspects. Overall Im surpriced the difference between the thorn bash barb and even the pure minion due i ran beginning of season. And the irony is that i need to mastergamble to try to improve him but he cant do pits very well. He was fun but had it been my main build i would been really bitter as there seems to be no good way to scale the dmg. But i do love to freeze everything. If I had any luck in mastergambling and nova was spamable it would be a bit cool. But Im glad i tried it. Seems they plan to lvl cap to 60 in V of hate and maybe, just maybe the sorc will truely work :slight_smile:

Enchantment slots are the class mechanic, like Technique is for Barbarians. It is not meant to equal extra weapon slots.

It shouldn’t result in a permanent disparity in class power however, which it has so far because as OP correctly noted, the enchantments don’t give us even close to the power a Barb gets from those extra weapon slots. That’s the point.

Sure, class mechanics should be unique, but they should also be roughly on par with each other in terms of power, or at least not result in one class being enormously more powerful than the rest. People wouldn’t be repeatedly asking for other classes to get extra equipment slots (or for Barbs to lose some of the benefits of theirs) if that weren’t what was happening.