Short feedback on beta

Hello Blizzard,

like many others, I also would like to give my feedback on beta. Nothing new on bugs side since every bugs or problems occurred to me was already reporter by other players, so just a humble feedback on my play experience.

Very humble feedback since I could play not so much in both beta we, unfortunately.
I just tried all 5 classes bringing necro at 15 and ench at 10. I won0t say anything about classes since at too low level for a comprehenive feedback, except that necro appeared immediately too strong. A the begenning it was fun, but honestly it turned boring very fast. i played till lev 15 with 1 skill and minions and for many levels I still was no interested in drops since no need to improove… In fact I ended to abort necro and play enchantress (much more difficult and fun to play with her). I think it is a metter of balance in very early game.

Generally speaking, I liked the game. It seems much more rich than D3 and I liked the dungeons I did since they were more various than D3 ones. I’m not conviced about mmo style, but I think too early to say.

Since a good feedback starts from bad things, to be constructive, here below some things that I really didn’t like.

  1. main quest to talk with that woman for a blessing (sorry, I don’t remember the name) was very boring: for 90% was walking from her temple to there, than to her again, then to there, than to her again… really, it was boring.

  2. even with “abandon expedition” option in emo wheel (not working everytime) it was boring to walk back from dungions to exit. Please put a the end of all the dungeons some option to go out (like the first one at very begenning).

  3. I was horrifeid to see at my first gem drop that they take 1 slot in inventory. It was annoying since D2 (let’s stay in peace D1…) and appears to be a so old feature… If you don0t want to put in material section, you could think about a dedicated bag for gems/runes only (allowing identcal gems/runes to stack).

  4. I was not convinced about mmo feeling, on one side beacuse of other players (e.g. the room with shared stash and wardrobe is permanently full of people lost in their user interface doing things), but also beacuse I had that feelig of “artifically expanded map so we can say it is big”, a sort of “streched spaces” typical of mmo.

  5. I really liked graphic and arts, but I had often a sense of not clear definition of things vs ground (except for that horrible glowing necro minions). I mean, in particular, monster non clearly in evidence against floor.

  6. I feel the camera view should be zoomed out. It is too much near the ground.

  7. why are the monster so big? That little fallen from D2 became trolls 2 meter high…

  8. Too many rares and legendaries, but I know it was for the beta…

  9. Also, I had a general feeling of not so fluid movements like in D3 (I dont mean fast, I like that d4 is less frenethic), but I hope it is beacause it is a beta. i remember the beta of d2r was terrible clucky, but then the final game much better.

  10. Finally, a couple o subjective though about some skill.

-a) Frozen orb for me has too long cast delay. I suppose enchantress will be that glass thing as usual in your games, that need to constantly move to avoid damage and melee mobs, so a so long cast delay doesn’t fit with the needs. I tryed frozen orb and I was “forced” to replace it with another skill for this reason. At lev2 world ok, but I’m sure at higher difficulties a mob one shot me while waiting for cast delay ends.

-b) I feel like ice shard necromancer and ice shard enchantress are inverted lol… you assigned an entrantress skill to the necro and viceversa. While necro army take place in the feald, I see much better a 5 shard on one row from necromancer to target one enemy, and a wider area shard skill on the enchantress trying to avoid to be engaged in melee form a group.
