Shop prices increasing

I damn sure won’t…The weird part is these cosmetics don’t even look good :man_facepalming: Why would I wanna spend $$$ on this trash

Hey, wallow in ignorance if you want to, Cringy. Basic economics applies to everyone.

Your 20 years of failed research doesn’t trump a hundred years of Keynesian practices. I did go to and graduate from college, 30 years ago. Explain why people don’t put on a sale during periods of high demand. Your contention says that they would if they only raise prices when there is no demand.

Its very simple, because of all of the fools who have been buying stuff at those rediculous prices since launch they know that they can squeeze even more out of people who can’t help themselves. Gotta get that bank!

This is literally taught in universities. It’s called the law of demand.

I admire your confidence in being wrong, though.

It’s not just the law of demand, it is paired with the law of supply, no?

Blizzard is the only supplier for their market, assuming they have the market cornered they can raise the prices as high as they want until they meet whatever profit margin they’re after from their dwindling playerbase. If Blizz thinks they can get away with hiking prices up, there’s no substitutes for players to buy from so they either pay up or don’t.

I assume Blizzard has done the math and decided their prices are the market equilibrium for D4.

It’s not as if having more players magically allows them to charge more, the “demand” will always be the amount people are willing to pay for a product.

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Check out mobile sales analytics over the past 2 decades, the trends show higher pricing with lower player populations.

Guys were having an Easter sale holiday event! Buy buy buy at new inflated just over normal regular price! :joy::joy::rofl:

Just want to note that no existing items have had price increases.

The product team though has been hearing the feedback and it may take a little bit but there will be some more discounted items available in the coming weeks/months and we have some changes to announce regarding some other items like the Portal Pack here soon.


hope so. only items i even care about are emotes. and seeing an accessory bundle that includes an emote for 1800 plat is a little absurd


is there a possibilty that some of the back pieces got additional stuff added which we didnt pay attention to?

Like i honestly could have sworn that certain back piece prices went up.

hey, look, it’s that Pez Radar guy that some folks on here swear never post on the forum. I see three post from him just today. I guess that blows that fallacy up.

So weird that there are no Holidays sales ever and Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not a thing when Demand is at an all-time high. It is almost as if consumer economics are more complex than that one macro-economics course you audited 30 years ago.

So weird that no equal cosmetics are ingame. Was promissed, still waiting. What a chance to to something for an endgame acivity….


He must be bored of playing the Gauntlet. :rofl:

Honestly I don’t blame him for not posting in here more.

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Discounts on mtx aren’t going to save this. If they don’t knock it out of the park with the ptr and itemization in S4 then they’ll need a doctor to call the time of death on it.


Me either!!!

I’d like to see an emotes only pack. Spamming “This will be your last stupid mistake” is getting old.

What is more important cosmetic or game for you?

The people who already bought the portal pack should get a coupon for any future addons cutting 10$ off the next addon purchase.

Also this type of statement is worded to deflect the rumor but doesnt put it to bed when you mention the product team.

When it comes to money and not gameplay balance I feel hearing from the head of the product team would be warranted here vs a CM response.