''$$ shop items will not look flashy or better than any gear available as drop in game'' --- D4 promotional videos before release

Yup :unamused: and BTW since so many of you Buzzard Fan’s Flag people at the drop of a hat even when nothing wrong was said…Many times just because you felt like it :unamused: I’m gonna start flagging everyone of you who says the games great or telling anyone they got their money’s worth go away! :-1:

That this is your idea of reasoned discussion speak volumes about your opinions.

”whaaaaaa anyone that thinks the free transmogs are better looking than the shop are SHILLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSS!!!”

Grow up.

So like I said, the shop skins are ugly. The only skin I think was good didn’t even have special effects, it was the regal barbarian skin with the crown. And I’m pretty sure the sword was just a gold recolor of a free weapon skin.

The rest of the skins are trash, even the battle pass skins. I don’t like when my Necromancer looks like medieval Iron Man. The shop includes some of the worst items of all, the backpacks.

But for you, my negative opinion of a part of the game makes me a “shill”. You clearly don’t understand what the word means.

No, my point is where did they say “$$ shop items will not look flashy or better than any gear available as drop in game”?

They did say The best-looking cosmetics aren’t exclusive to the Shop.

Nothing about any of this is even remotely close to false advertising like you are implying.

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Careful, people don’t understand things like opinions on appearance.

Right, because attacking everyone on the entire thread and saying they’re wrong because you personally disagree is so mature and reasonable.

I used to call them delusional fanboys but shill was shorter and easier. If you want me to call you a delusional fanboy instead, it’s no big deal.

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Many people seem to have problems separating facts from opinions. You seem to fall into this category. Sorry the little game hurts your feelings.

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Projection and hypocrisy at its finest. Must’ve been triggered by the delusional fanboy comment. The game doesn’t hurt my feelings, I haven’t played since the start of Season 3. :joy:


Sounds like you are butt-hurt :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:. Saying you played until the current season isnt the gotcha moment you hoped :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:.

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Then that means you are a clueless drone with no other reason to be on this forum other than trash a game you shouldn’t even be playing. I believe spending time complaining like an impetuous child over something you don’t like is pretty delusional.

Like I already said, grow up. You can’t even fathom that a negative opinion is quite the opposite of a fanboy.

Stop using words you don’t understand. Maybe you won’t be one of those people I called out that scream things like “false advertising “ without even a cursory understand of what that legal standard entails. The delusional fanboys are the ones hating over things they don’t even understand. Heck, those people I called out didn’t even get the quote right, they just lie and say they said something before launch that’s easily disproven.

That’s right, delusional fanboys. Are you sure you want to fit in with that crowd?

You should come over to the side of reason where opinions are formed from actual facts. The side where we don’t cry like children over lies someone told. There’s only a few requirements, you need a dictionary, have to form your own opinion, and not be a reactionary imbecile. Reasonable people take some time to weigh the facts, look for other sources, and then form an opinion. It’s pretty fun over on this side, we don’t even have to rush to call people shills. It’s totally cool when you don’t have to hate everything because someone else told you to.

Edit (added): You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time complaining about something you aren’t playing. Definitely sounds like your feelings were hurt.

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I can guarantee you that I’m not butthurt… other than the fact that the game is disappointing by Blizzard standards and they are increasingly being greedy. The usual stuff most people who aren’t fanboys believe (including the subtle, passive aggressive ones who trash other games to make this one look better – like saying “this game might be a piece of trash, but it’s not the biggest piece of trash out there! Nyah”).

And Purrsuasive, your little rant is so off-base and full of assumptions it’s not even worth responding to. Keep believing you are on the “right” side and superior to others, just because.


Oh, its quite obvious you are :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:. So many whiny posts, lol.

I apologize if the truth seems like whining to a delusional fanboy. “How dare you talk bad about MY game?” — fanboy rage, all sorts of emotional crying.

*My bad, it’s only the truth when fanboys agree with it. Otherwise it’s an opinion. And probably a wrong one. Because only shills and fanboys are the ultimate authority over what is good and correct.

Living in a fantasy world where you recreate reality to suit yourself must be fun.

Edit: Aren’t you the genius who said Diablo 4 was going to sweep the GOTY awards? It didn’t win a single one and wasn’t even nominated for the overall GOTY award category by most publications. LMAO, speaking of being a delusional fanboy.


When you can’t even find the words to properly express your viewpoint then there’s only two possibilities, either you: don’t actually hold a valid viewpoint and are repeating other people’s talking points, or the viewpoint isn’t sound.

Based on your kneejerk defense of a blatant lie and your open admission of being here deriding a game you no longer play, I can only conclude you’re one of those delusional hate fanboys that only repeats what other people said in spite of the ridiculousness of it.

Absolutely. Welcome to the USA, you must be new here. Since you’re clearly new to our nation I must inform you that the United States Supreme Court has mandated through court rulings the ever increasing nature of short term profit even if it harms the future of the company, lest you be held personally liable to your shareholders both civilly and criminally. That’s right, the people deciding to put those bad $28 cosmetic packages into the store have no choice to do so or risk financial ruin and possibly a prison sentence.

Wrong. Nothing major has changed (outside of the brief PTR) since I stopped playing and won’t be until Season 4, when I will resume playing again. I did everything there was to do and found the season boring. I don’t ‘hate’ the game and never said I did. But I don’t defend it like a fanboy either. Nothing major has changed since the game launched, the way it will be once Season 4 hits. So there’s no ‘blind hating’, I played the game and been around the community long enough.

And no one cares about your delusional superior intellect and trying to make people seem stupid. Don’t you have a failed game to make or something? :rofl:

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They want you to get it in game by buying 3 season passes and then getting enough currency to buy one outfit like that

There’s a lot of copium you’ve got there. Funny how you change your story each time someone calls you out.

I can’t help it if you feel less intelligent than I am, that’s a you problem that seems to bubble up every time you reply to my posts. I can’t fix you feeling inferior, you need to take a deep look inside yourself.

What, lol? Are you so mad at the little game that you are just making things up now? Its very odd that some pixels gets you this butt-hurt.

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Idiotic claim in the first place. First off because it can never be true. Because what one person thinks look nice another might see as garbage.
But mainly because the items in the shop are meant to be sold. That is to benefit you nerds that care what your character look like and me that laughs at you idiots paying for my content.
I do not want items in the shop but I want them too look cool. Because I want you idiots to keep funding my content. And hopefully one day d4 will actually not totally suck.

honestly, the term “shill” becomes kind of ridiculous by now.

id say the most delusional people are the ones sticking to a game they dont like.
anyway, i sincerely think more transmogs should be achievable through tasks in game, but at the end of the day, people will still complain about the mtx shop.

This was always in regards to the 3D quality if the gear. They are all the same quality. You are being disingenuous.