''$$ shop items will not look flashy or better than any gear available as drop in game'' --- D4 promotional videos before release

Oh gawd. They should sell a spit emote. Either that or an offline/solo mode.

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Ugly doesn’t sell as much as beautiful.
We know who pushes ugly and why.
That doesn’t mean it’ll sell.
I feel no enticement to buy cosmetics if the characters don’t look well. But don’t take me for my opinion, do a real poll on your users.

Someone linked it above and it was confirmed by multiple people in this topic.

I know its hard to believe…that’s why i made topic in the first place

You could insert basically any sentence before the above, and it would sadly fit Blizzards current lack of vision and/or spine.

That said, I cant wait for rainbow pony mounts. Sometimes I just want to watch the world burn.

Yes please. An offline mode is basically the only thing I would ever buy from the D4 shop.

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:credit_card: :credit_card: :credit_card: let the skins show begin

I remember them saying the best looking cosmetics aren’t exclusive to the shop too. But I never believed them because companies always lie when they’re hyping a new game and going on their PR binge. Kind of like politicians.

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Now that the game is being fixed, they really need to invest a bit of time and money into better cosmetic armors. I keep looking for something to buy but it’s frankly all what comes out of the rear end of horses and so I’m never tempted to waste my money.

Meh. Item Shop cosmetics are just so over the top stupid, e.g., armor made out of tongues, a head on fire, a backpack tree stump, etc.

All of it is pretty lame.

You can outfit your build with in game cosmetics and still look really good or you can buy a customized look if you have the money. It’s called freedom of choice. I swear old ladies complain less about things than some people on this forum…

Is that an actual item in Diablo 4 shop?


Sadly it is yes. Some weird ideas from the artists

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How many seasons until things other than cosmetics will make an appearance? Anyone want to make an educated guess?

I’ll give two more seasons.

You know it’s bad when 52 posts in all but one person still hasn’t figured out that nothing the OP quoted says what the OP thinks.

And 52 posts in people haven’t figured out that “”I think the shop stuff looks better”is an opinion that doesn’t hold water.

Could someone at least complain about something that’s real?


When the new expansion comes out I think

Sounds about right, I’m actually surprised dyes have not shown up already in the store.

It does mean exactly what i said,because this was his reply on question ‘‘why are there flashy items in the store,when you stated there wont be any’’

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They never stated there wouldn’t be any flashy items for sale. That’s why what you’re saying doesn’t mean what you want it to mean. You think it means there would be nothing flashy because of your personal bias.

Never mind that the overwhelming majority of shop skins are trash. Haven’t seen a skin worth spit for any class but the barbarian.

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That’s a laugh. All of the flashy, exotic gear with cool effects are limited to the store. It’s not an opinion that doesn’t hold water when all of the normal items are bland.

Then again shills are known for being delusional.

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it sucks cause for example the rogue outfit could have easily been some cool rogue questline about the fallen mage slayer organization but nah instead its a $20 skin on the store.


There should be some cool items that are possible to get without having to use the store. They could make them super rare and limited but it should still be at least possible to get them.

I like how P2W games usually make it possible to get the same things but with a longer grind. Buying crap just gives you instant access to things like higher levels. It wasn’t impossible to get legendary stones in Diablo Immortal, it was just a lot easier and less time consuming to buy them. But when it comes to in-game cosmetics, they lock everything behind a store with no alternative means of getting them.

It’s probably Ubisoft’s fault like usual. :joy: I remember playing a singleplayer Assassin’s Creed that had exotic items & all the past character outfits locked behind their Ubiconnect store. Trash.

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