Shard of Verathiel is a HUGE mistake

Personally I find basic skill builds far more fun to play than other builds because I never have to worry about resource regen or cooldowns. I can just wail away and the only thing holding me back is attack speed, which I can buff. If you want to get players to try other builds then Blizz needs to fix that. Having to wait forever just to pop my big shot is not fun gameplay.

Just my opinion.

Being able to ignore resource is the part of basic attack builds Blizzard didn’t like. The new unique sword does fix that because it will be needed to max any basic attack build’s damage potential, but it adds a resource cost.

Dunno man. With funerary pick and iron rose, i could just spam free blood nova via blood siphon, and hit hundreds of trillions, with blood necro in d3 xD Atleast this makes generators cost resource. It is not a mistake. Allready getting builds in mind for using generators.

100% NOT a mistake. That sword is top of my hype list for S5.

It takes up a temper slot and basic skills can’t be spammed without investing in resource generation just like you would for core skills. A very reasonable unique that increases the number of builds each class can do - doesn’t get any more exciting!

GA resource cost reduction on a 2nd ring and weapons can be good too.


Extraneous characters

Nothing about the Druid makes sense. He’s supposed to be one with nature, but a giant glutton.

Pretty soon these % damage to x skills are gonna be inflated just to the levels of what D3 was. This time youy just don’t need to equip 6 pieces

The whole concept of basic vs core vs other skills is lame. This is unnecessary and very superficial deviation. It pretends to give the game some depth, but when you observe it from close distance it shows its profane nature very easily.

Was it so hard to make 3 skill tabs per class with 10 skills each, all requiring some class resource, instead of snake-like branched tree with superficial deviation of types, where one skills gives resource to the other, or depends on the rest, and where the only difference even between classes is really the naming and the animation type. Because we all know it all ends with “WHOOSH WHOOSH BIG AOE SPLASH DAMAGE” anyways… let’s not pretend skills are that much different, because they are not…

Now go and compare this to d2 where each viable end-game skill has very different behavior and you will see where was the mistake in d4.

The way you’re looking at it seems like the problem to me. It’s not a verses thing, it’s a “with” thing. Basic with core. Basic with other. Core with other. Finding the right interaction is the fun part and does add depth.

Not sure what you’re trying to drive at here. AoE damage is a requirement in these kinds of game, so all classes need to be able to do it.

They are different. They play styles is what makes the skills different. This season my Druid played completely different than my Barb. Just because they both could do AoE damage doesn’t make them feel the same to me at all.