Shard of Verathiel is a HUGE mistake

Yes, I understand… but an ordinary dagger for such a colossus should generally look like a toothpick. A human-sized sword would be a bastard sword for them. And a two-handed one is just like a dagger. Our weapons spontaneously change size.

Im an old head, maybe a donkey. When I see it fit, I forever hangup with a company. I am there with Blizzard. Breaks my heart, I was there for D1, D2 I played so much, especially when I lived overseas, that is until Guild Wars hooked me for long time.

See, Blizzard has made a ton of money from the initial sales. Then a year later, they try to retool the entire game, only a quarter later release an expansion for 50 bucks, I include the tax.

What have they done to warrant this? They COULD easily reward the fans, and say, the Basic Version will be only twenty dollars. Thanks for sticking thru with us.

This is not the Diablo I grew up on, this is the DEIablo and well, it shows in nearly every area of this game.

There is plenty known why this game is a joke in a sense.

I have decided, I will use the expansion to leave this game, and choose one of the three that catch my eye, never played any: Balders Gate 3, Dragons Dogma 3 and or Eternal Ring.

My thought is this will hold me over, until I am able to buy into the beta at POE2.

Greed has ruined Blizzard, it has destroyed Diablo. we are left with a shell of a soul-less game… No dopamaine hits EVER in this game, EVER…

As the numbers plummet and they will, the exposure to the Game Store will diminish, this game will not be around as long as its predecessors. sadly.

Following up on this, I would really like to see super high cost cash shop items that only I can see when used that let me specify different names instead. Like, for instance, I want to rename tickle attacks “sweet kisses,” but only on my sorc.


There are several issue with this item. Mainly that it favors barb and rouge. Sorc and druid, in particular, are having issues using uniques due to the limited item slots. You lose 1 aspect + 2 tamperings. I was hoping S5 will address this, but nope.

Items should supplement a character’s power, not be the source of it.

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300% multiplier is far better, no issues at all, my barb has filler aspects such as elements, chieftain etc

Shard of verathiel is exactly the kind of uniques, this game needs.

Unbalanced and fun!
It makes you laugh madly, your eyes wide open in disbelief.
It is not only the 300% mp to basic attacks.
It is the +to basic skills
And the basic attack speed tripple crit GA to make sure, second AS bucket is at the stop and everything is going out of hand.
Whoever designed that unique, had fun. And a vision.

mua’dib … Mua’Dib… MUA’DIB … BOOM!!!
(my name is a deadly word)

Is this an mmo with hard to beat bosses with Uber loot at the end? No

Is it the Lich King handing you out Frostmourne after his defeat? No

So why not have fun in this sometimes boring game?
Try new things, try new items, be couregous.
It cannot be balanced 100%.

There will be a guy, trading for every max effect 4GA unique and stick the most effective ones of them together.
It will get unbalanced anyway :joy:

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Delusional, you will have “fun” 1 week at best, then you will complain game is lacking “content” because you kill everything in 1 hit.
this kind of thing literally kills the game long term.

Basic skills should be used to generate combo points, stuns, or whatever that will set up big core skill hits.

Like a boxer using a basic 1, 2, or jab… And then coming in with a ferocious core skill upper-cut or round house.

Last season was all “round house, round house, round house, round house.”

This season is all “one two, one two, one two, one two.”

Well, most of these skills deal way less damage than core skills. On sorcs, where they generate no mana, it can be as little as 1/5 the damage (frost bolt for example, compared to ice shards). Even comparing fire bolt to fireball, fire bolt does like 2/3 of its damage as a burning DoT over 6 seconds and hits only one target, whereas fireball explodes. So with the max buff, fire bolt is doing ~110% damage + another 280% as burning to a single target, whereas fireball with a 25%-ish offensive aspect is doing ~105% direct damage to its target and everything around it. Or if you want single-target damage, incinerate has a 40% aspect that brings it to 165-245% direct damage depending on how long you channel for. Incinerate costs 15 less mana, fireball costs 10 more. You can also add chance to double-cast fireball to your weapon if you aren’t using the shard, which makes up for the attack speed (and these numbers counted the skill levels).

I don’t think it invalidates all other builds. Even at a max roll, most basic skills won’t automatically be better than core skills and they will now cost resource just like core skills do. Some minor tweaks to the roll range (maybe cap it at 250) and resource cost (maybe 30 would be better or 25 but its inherent resource generation is removed) would bring it in line and I think it’s a great tool to have around to allow people to make a build focused on a basic skill they like.

If certain basic skills are way overtuned with this available, then those skills can be adjusted.

I like it. The only problem I have is they create new items then they nerf class stuff to compensate for power of items. They need to stop that. It’s making class balance worse.

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Ahhh I understand.
That is why it is less boring now, because i kill everything in 1 to 3 hits?
Id rather take the one shot variant then.

I still find it hilarious they apparently managed to somehow make the game even dumber. You gotta tip your hat sometimes.

You are a little self-critical.
I myself played Diablo 2 from 98 to 2004, I don’t remember exactly, I only had pirated versions available. Mostly due to the fact that there were no methods of payment for the original. That’s why I bought (eventually) the updated version. True, I remember the game completely different from what it is now. Maybe it’s a matter of modifiers? But I never focused only on her. I always liked RTS better. But even now I have a lot of ARPGs of various types in my library, although I still haven’t found Heirenberger… But sooner or later I’ll add that too.
As for games, it’s more of an occupational disease. So don’t think that you are somehow worse than young people, you just value your time more.

I think it’s more like this:

  1. They create a set of skills and items
  2. They look at what people are using and think about ways to make it more fun by buffing unused stuff
  3. They add an item that works with an underused skill
  4. They realize the skill still isn’t good enough so they buff it to the point that it’s worth making a build around
  5. They add another item down the road that works with a generally under-used group of skills, including the skill from 3
  6. The skill from 3 is now double-buffed and no longer needs the buff from 4.

I mean maybe they do that too but I have seen a lot of class stuff nerfed because they can get too much power from item or even tempering. I don’t like that at all. Class builds underperform a lot due to this.

Bring more power to the class and balance new items to that imo should be what they are doing.

What kind of balance is it when u nerf basic skills then make uniques to push same basic skills past where they were before?

300% x multiplyer? What are they smokin over there? :smoking:

How many core uniques does it take to add up to one basic skill unique now? 7??? :man_shrugging:

Lost for words at this level of incompetence. S5 looks like a basic skill disaster.

Did you see the reworked old uniques yet?
Plz forget their old stats you are thinking of.

I think it will be much different to what we assume we are getting.

Huge mistake…I agree!

They need change “Basic Skills deal [100 - 300]% increased damage…” to “Non-Physical Skills deal [100 - 300]% increased damage…” that make sense for players could freely build their favorite gear.

Wait until blizz will introduce in S6 another items to make core skills viable with 500%x dmg to core.