Shako: Dealer errors do not result in player loss

It effects pvp. Im not a PVPer but Blizz might delete them they have before

That’s not how this works, lmfao.

It’s either majority rules, or house rules.

If there are enough folk who are displeased, or the devs feel that the exploit risks the integrity of the game, it will be fixed. It’s really that simple.

Bank accidentally gave me $734 once. I got to keep it. But that was in 1988.

Maybe the analogy to Vegas breaks down a bit.

It would be more like someone discovering that if you go to an ATM and press the numbers 3 7 and 9 at the same time as * it will spit out a $20. Someone accidently doing it may not realize it was an issue and just keep the $20. Someone finding out about it online and going to every nearby ATM to get $200 shouldn’t get to keep the money.

I don’t really care if they take em away or not - but yeah, I think the latter option is the best.

And again i was right you envious and jealous rat, they didn’t removed the items as i said, you should not dream about other items too much ahahah

As it turns out, they indeed don’t give a crap about us.

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You’re wrong some people will only play eternal realm only so stop trolling a biased opinion.

IT WAS NOT AN EXPLOIT. It’s a result of a company rushing out a game before testing. Then scrambling now to recover from their botched game with rapidly diminishing player retention. This is what happens when you have your customers beta test your game.

As i said i was right, who talked the no sense? :slight_smile:

23 likes vs the 50+ likes from people disagreeing with you. You’re wrong. Go away.

They got out of this, as i said i was right, they didn’t removed the item :slight_smile:

Now you can stop your battle

and every season you play forever will be pointless. you dont make any sense if everything you deem to be pointless. k_y_S

What percentage were just playing the game versus knowingly exploiting a bug? A guesstimate is fine.

+1 OP is right.

That’s crazy how people are mad. I didn’t get one, I did the Helltide jsut after the hotfix and was just here for mystery chest. For sure I’m sad because I could have get a Shako or whatever, but it’s Fine.

People keep it, it’s not my problem, it’s not yours, let them enjoy it.

Season is here soon, so it’s 2 week free Shako for them, what’s the problem?

Stop being so jealous.

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It’s sort of hilarious that you would use that analogy specifically when the opposite is actually true.

There are very, VERY few instances where an error on the dealer’s / software’s part will result in a net gain for the player.

Because gaming is actually regulated to a incredibly (and insanely) tight degree here — logs are analyzed, and if it’s not a legitimate win, it can be (and often is) “rolled back”.

You definitely slept through your statistics and probability class, my dude.

Have you been to Vegas or any casino my dood? Blackjack the 2 most common dealer errors are revealing their hole card accidentally and a misdeal (such as only dealing you one card). In the former, the play continues and player has advantage knowing the exact # to beat. In the latter, player often get the option to receive their second card or disregard the hand. Both player advantages.

Regarding your stat class burnnn, waiting for your clarification. Are you indicating that if Blizz implemented 1.04 as intended, you would have a 0% probability of getting a shako from helltide?

Tell me you’ve never been to Vegas rofl.

It wasn’t extremely high, it was extremely low chance still. If you were informed of this possibility and tried to farm uber rares by opening helltide chests, you would not see one in that timeframe. Even the 142 drops were very lucky.