Shaco drops for eternal realm who cares?

Oh, for sure. I’ve played Blizzard games long enough to know how good they are at botch jobs. This one is very low impact though.

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I do agree Blizzard always has some sort of bug after maintenance, I’ve seen smaller companies fix problems way faster.

If it doesn’t matter, then it shouldn’t matter if the shakos are deleted either. I’m guessing you’d start seeing how it matters then. People are such hypocrites, man…


I dont care, i need them to fix my CL sorc ASAP so it wont be crap on S1 if i will not reroll to dru or necro lol…

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I dont care if they delete them. I don’t have one and 99.9% of the player base doesn’t have one it doesn’t affect me and my game. This is a solo game anyway so doesn’t bother if they keep them or delete them. We all have to start over in 2 weeks anyway

that .00000000000001 is exactly the point and the root of all the problems, we just want a good game with good drops

Cool, then they should be deleted.

This your first diablo game?

I’m wondering the same about you lol, you know shaco was not so astronomically rare in diablo 2, right?

I mentioned this myself in another topic.
Diablo 4 doesn’t really have a target audience.

It seems they have a monetization method but they’re just winging it when it comes to content additions. If they add season content to the core game it makes the game more “Dense” as they called it. If they don’t add to the core game Seasons get boring.

They can’t have it both ways.

Nope played them all and never had one drop for me and im not whining, I love this game

so you don’t know what drop chances are in the previous game?

if i may put my 2 cents in, and i mean no disrespect to devs or any other player on diablo 4, but i do find it to be unfair of people who got it during the"glitch" i feel like diablo should make it either easier to get due to the issue that i understand was not their fault but for hard core gamers like my self grinding that gives a unfair advantage over everyone else, just for them descovering it…

This is BIG DIFFERENCE between d2 and d4.

In d2 you can get anything, soj or shako, just do runs. And you can get some ber rune and trade it for 2 or 3 shako lol.
The main idea of d2 is perfect stats, everybody was looking for perfect one.

Here, in D4, this items are just not real, without bug you cannot get them at all. And also you can get a really bad stat rolls. This is frustrating. I dont have any reason to play after getting 100, just zero reason.

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yeah I hear you and that’s kind of the point, the game has not launched with a plethora of uniques like D2 and that’s one of the problems, they should have 100 more uniques and this one iconic item wouldn’t need to be so crazy rare

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Do I know the exact drop rate no? But was 0% for me and for how many Baal runs I did was still fun for me

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Finally, someone understand what i felt.
Its pointless, No fun, Nerf and nerf incoming on every class.

Barbs and Rogues having fun, NERF them because Necro and Druid player that havent found the RIGHT build at early release COMPLAINS about it!

What shako, you play diablo4 to get that thing?
In Diablo 2 i farm for A LOT of things, and if uber items drop thats good.
If you only put good loot on UBER items.
Well, good luck finding players to play that.

What game is this, This is a gold farming and herb picking simulator,
Now i farm 127 millions of gold, and i’ve tricked my mindset, not to farm loot.
If you hoping for loot, youll get disappointed really fast. Just pickup, and sell to vendor to rack up those gold.
Because i smell a massive nerf incoming, and you need gold to respec…
TBH i really enjoyed picking up herbs and materials than farming the loot.
The loot is just for sold. At first i disassembled all on Blacksmith, grown tired and not felling any progress until i sold them all and racks up millions of GOLD!

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this tbh … if you see posts like this they are always people who abused it.

That’s certainly true, they tried to rope in people from multiple demographics…which worked, in the short-term. Now people are realizing that the game isn’t really looking to be anything more than a rogue-light, and one that doesn’t live up to the majority already out there.

That’s not really the issue.

The issue is that the core game is dull and has zero replay value. If it did, you can run Seasons alongside that while still having Eternal folk content on the Eternal realm until expansions drop, even more-so if you do this with the Seasons:

Improving: Seasons

If they were to do that alongside having great core content with replayability, you would likely see the demographics that aren’t enthusiastic about Seasons, like myself, actually engaging in Seasons…as they’re intended to be played…since you would still be indirectly working on your Eternal character through them.

Going through the Seasons would slow the power creep on the Eternal realm, as people would be building on their Eternal character through the cannibalization of their Seasonal characters and the exp boon you receive from such would likely not equate to as much exp you would gain through directly playing your Eternal character the entire time.

That makes the expansions easier to develop, as they don’t have to factor in a drastic power creep since Eternal folk were distracted by Seasons.

Personally, I think this would work fairly well in unison…but it requires them to actually work on the core content to bring all these various mechanics up to par and incorporate fun game loops.

They’re unlikely to do that…because it seems like they’re just aiming to bank off Seasons alone to sustain their live-service.


That’s like saying if you get it in the season it wont matter WHO CARES since it will go to ETERNAL in 3 months. SMFH