Shaco drops for eternal realm who cares?

wHo CaReS
right, so you won’t care if they’re deleted then.

Seasons could come with leaderboards and races. So a little bit different.

If you’re playing this genre with the goal of attaining chase items in a reasonable time you will burn yourself out.

Maybe it’ll be special in a year or two.

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Wrong. No one i know who played D3 every touched their seasonal chars after the season ended unless they didn’t already have said class.

It was always back to their eternal chars. Seasonal chars are the ones that are completely disposable.

Except that there’s no real RNG because Blizzard is always behind the lottery wheel with a magnet and reach their hands out into your cookie jar whenever they feel like it.

I am a little bit surprised that their reputation is not as tarnished as EA.

Lol like I said I got all 6 and happy I get to play with them for 2 weeks and then gone forever on the eternal realm…lol I was asleep during this so called exploit

gawk gawk blizzard gawk gawk

You seem to have a strong opinion on what people should and should not care about. Do you work for Blizzard?

Look if you want to quit then quit I don’t really care this is a solo game anyway.

This is crying about spilt milk though when there are a mountain of problems other than a basically 0% drop chance item not dropping anymore.

If I worked for Blizzard id be fired on day one because id tell them to listen to the community and they would just laugh at me and fire me.

the thing is if they don’t remove those drops from the accounts that just got one and now disable those uniques again for the rest of us, you going to see alot of accounts going to be sold for real money soon. even if we are still in early access, thinks like this shouldn’t happen. rollback is the only option here. if it is not going to happen, they lost any credibility.

I mean all your reasons are counter-intuitive to the point you’re trying to make. For those reasons, they should’ve let it slide and let people who have nothing else to do in the end-game have some fun / a reasonable goal before moving on to the new season. It gave me and my friends who haven’t logged in this week a reason to login only to be disappointed yet again. They said it themselves in their livestream, doesn’t matter how far ahead you are currently, when a new season starts you are back to level 1 with no advantage aside from some renown and an explored map. This was a chance for them to get more engagement before the new season starts but failed horribly.

It’s just another reason for some rage posting, which seems to thrive here.

Someone that isn’t me being able to utilise a bug to get something that doesn’t impact me in the slightest… Yeah, not bothered. Plus it won’t matter in 2 weeks anyway.

yea no compensation and no reroll is great , hope to see more player getting screw , its much intresting and fun than playing the game itself haha

Because people who played but didn’t do any helltides just get shafted, instead of doing a pointless rollback when we all have to start over in 2 weeks anyway. (And if you use ‘well then why do you care about a rollback if you have to reset?’ I got some map/altars of Lilith in that time, and they do actually matter)

I am mad and sad about it.

Why does Blizzard care about the drops, this is supposed to be an ARPG, why the frack on earth do you care? Why and you cannot even trade it. So why…
These developers are much worse than Jay Jay, I kinda feel sorry for him.

You misunderstood the OP.

How is this the “whole thing” in D4 when these items weren’t even chase items to begin with? To be chase items, they have to be chasable in the first place. These items were items that you wouldn’t get even if you played 80 hours a week for 50 years straight, in a game that resets every 3 months.

I agree that this should be fixed and people who got these items should see them removed, but saying these items were the whole point of the game seems like a huge exaggeration. These items were of 0% importance to 99.99999999% of the playerbase.

100% agreed, I don’t understand the fuss at all. It doesnt even impact your game play.

im tired of hearing this when everyone complaining about the battle pass was told that they should continue playing eternal. You cant have it both ways.

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