Servers need to be stable and movement bugs need fixed to justify amount of CC in high level pits

I don’t mind there being a lot of CC. In fact I welcome how challenging it feels. Learning the fight and getting good at it, dodging/charging/leaping to position myself. I actually enjoy it. However, for the amount of CC there is the servers need work. I’m mid channel whirlwind and get flung across the screen like a slingshot. Or when it comes to movement bugs, not being able to move for up to 5 seconds after evading, charging, or leaping. It is things like this that take the fun out of the “challenging” part.

I just really hope that server stability and squashing bugs that affect movement is going to be a top priority.

Question for you, what server are you connecting to? Usually it’s something on the ISP’s end and not the server itself that causes issues. Otherwise there would be a lot more people on here complaining.

I guess US East? How can I tell or be more specific?

I’m not saying it CAN’T be my ISP but I and my ISP Techs have run every test and everything “seems” to be good on my end.

1Gbps 5-10 ping no packet loss and around 1ms of jitter. Hardwired.

We went over extensive testing in another thread and found a potential repeater close to the server causing an issue for people on the east coast connecting to the US-Cental server (there are no east servers).

So you very well could be experiencing the same issue going through the same repeater. Which again isn’t something Blizzard can fix because it’s not their hardware.

You would have to keep pathping or tracert running when you get these connectivity issues to be sure though.

Just for reference:

Has some information in there you may be interested in.

Thanks Iggi, I’ll read over this when I have time. If this happens to be my problem, does this say anything about what steps I can take to fix it? Or is this something my ISP is going to have to do?

It would be on your ISP side. Most you can do is complain to them, in a nice manner mind you.

Potentially if you have a vpn you already use you could try using a different route to the servers, but if you don’t have a vpn, next best thing is to talk with your ISP while the problem is occurring.

It’ll be difficult depending on how long the issues last, because they may not be able to see anything on their side if the issue doesn’t occur when they test. You just have to make sure they keep testing and not just run one test as they tend to do.

Ok, I’m not saying this is or isn’t my issue, but I’ll look into it. However, if it isn’t then something has been going on for me since the release of the PTR which despite not playing is when I started having ping spikes in game.

On another note, my point about movement bugs still stands either way.

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I believe there are already some bug reports in the bug forum about the movement issues. Hopefully they are working on those.

frankly speaking if it was ISP routing issue, there is not much you can do, and there is not much they can do either.

it is basically an automatic process for the ISP, they are not manually connecting a single user to a specific route. If the system decided hey screw this guy in particular, well your ISP cant / wont do much lol, and neither can you.

This is especially true since you are a residential user. You are just…nothing to them =/