Second Round of Feedbacks/bug reports/thoughts after the Open Beta


I am not sure if I should post these under the thread that I posted earlier after the Early Access Beta. Feel free to merge this with the older post.

Minor issues

  • The necromancer’s model within the tavern cinematic is glitchy.

  • A way to direct skeleton warrior would be appreciated.

  • Pets sometimes get glitchy inside town.

  • Necro is left-handed, can this be customized?

  • Darkness spells have brown/black effect animation, which makes them hard to see in dark background/terrain.

Major issues:

  • The targeting of corpse explosion & curse is decent, but I still prefer to have more control over where the spells land. Please consider implementing a cursor system like many other people have suggested.

  • Tainted Blood Ritual side event: summoned skeletons like to stand inside the blood puddle left behind by the simulacrums and die. Also, once I was stuck on 4 simulacrums left but could not find those 4 remaining to kill.

  • Pets are squishy in boss encounters, mostly because they cannot avoid Areas of Damage and they cannot be easily commanded to move to avoid those. I tried to spam Skeletal Priest to heal them but most of the time it’s easier to just let them die and resummon.

  • Once, my skeletal warriors just charged right through a destructible barrier (barriers with health bars/bone prison?). For me this is great because the pet can get in the face of the archers behind the barrier, but it’s still a bug in my opinion.

  • Teleporters’ teleport hits are impossible to avoid. Most of the time they just jump out of nowhere and land right on top of you with the explosion, this could get frustrating on higher difficulty where those hits will one-shot people.

  • Necromancer’s pets and spells easily fill bosses’ stagger meter, would this be a balance issue? I have not seen this happening on my other characters.

  • The pathfinding assist system sometime draws direction through impassible path. (Could this be a locked stronghold/story path?)

  • Ashava world marker said that I claimed the weekly bonus, but I haven’t been able to beat the boss and did not see or open any cache on any character.

  • Ashava’s event sometime does not appear. I arrived at the site, with the marker and timer on the map, but the pool that Ashava spawns out of and the countdown timer in my objective tracker do not show. Teleporting back to town does not fix this. I had to log out and then log back on to see the encounter.

  • Inner Sight meter fills up pretty much instantly on Ashava. Was this because Ashava has a big hit box and skills can land multiple times on the “marked” boss and generate massive Inner Sight energy? It feels great during the boss fight to just spam my Core ability and annihilate the boss, but it could be a bug.

  • Main stats do not feel strong. If they are just some numbers we have to stack to hit a threshold on some bonus power (for the Paragon Board later?), it does not feel great. There should be more ways to get main stats (from leveling up?), and they should scale slightly better. I was prioritizing having main stat on gears, but then I realized that 1 point of main stat only means 0.1% damage + some resistance/utility, so 18 main stat (which is on the higher range of roll on some items) is only 1.8% damage increase and is weaker than the 2-3% damage I see on some other items.

  • Please bring back Vitality and let me put points into it while leveling. I still feel like a lot of the power I have still relies heavily on the gear I am wearing. Giving us back the option to allocate stats where we want would give us some of that “the power is within you” kind of fantasy and feeling. This ties into the idea of making main stats more meaningful I have above. We can also have stat requirements for some of the nodes in the skill tree and on items/legendary powers to unlock additional power.

  • Please consider the idea of adding explicit synergy to the skill tree, for example: +1 point for Frost bolt also increases Frozen Orb damage (=0.25-0.5 point worth of +1 Frozen Orb).

  • On the same note: the % damage against distant or near enemies stat lines don’t feel great, especially when they can appear on the same item. To me they just feel like one more line of stat that I have to skim through before getting rid of the item. The “close” or “distant” clause has to be massive and should be in the skill tree or baked into legendary powers, to make this a contributing factor to our playstyle. At the very least, can we please change it to not have both “distant” and “close” + %damage roll on the same item.

  • Can +%elemental damage and +%Resistance not roll on the same item slot? It gets confusing sometime and I had to pay close attention before selecting/discarding an item when I was stacking a certain resistance/+%elemental damage. (Or they actually don’t roll on the same item slot and I was just a dummy for not paying attention?)

  • There are just too many legendary powers with similar keywords and long convoluted descriptions. This could just be my brain being fried after a whole night trying to farm for the Twisting Blades power on my rogue, but at one point while sorting through the legendary items and aspects to clean up my stash, all the ones that involve Stealth/Dazed/Vulnerable keywords just look the same and confusing to me. Can some of these powers be written more concisely/less confusing, or even removed? I get it there can be some build involving Stealth, Trap, Agility, applying Dazed status, but these powers are too complicated/confusing to be remembered and used, they just feel like space fillers. (And who is going to clear the dungeons for these powers?)

  • (I was a bit frustrated at not being able to find any of key “multiplier” powers throughout the beta, while being flooded with legendaries that are confusing and of very niche use. Farming for one specific power and hoping it rolls well is already hard enough, having too many powers that are just fillers just does not feel great. Seeing an orange beam should be a great feeling, but it is not (at least for me). People are complaining about the high drop rate in the Beta, but I understand that it’s the Beta and the devs would like to have people test out the powers. What I am more concerned about is having too many Legendary dropped but none are useful.)

  • There should be additional rewards for dungeon end boss beyond the first clear (If I remember correctly, the bosses did not even drop anything for the first clear). Many people including myself were farming Anica’s Claim for legendary items, but I was the one who made the mistake of going to the boss only to realize that it drops nothing. This goes back to my earlier feedback where dungeon’s end boss should drop some form of items/currency that may help improve/reroll legendary powers on aspects/codex. (Or at least some loot would be appreciated.)

  • What happened to “Blue items have fewer stat lines, but can roll higher range”? The current system just makes me shift completely to yellow items quite early during the leveling process. In the end game yellow is the way to go but blues should have some relevancy especially during the leveling process.

  • “Natural” legendary (items that dropped as legendary) still have more stat lines than yellow items. I remember hearing/reading somewhere that yellow items were meant to be the items you would want to hunt for and imprint legendary powers on. Currently, it seems like the “best possible” item you would want to use is a “natural” legendary item that you can use as is or imprints another power onto.

  • It could be just me, but I have only noticed “yellow” elites throughout the Beta, is this the case? Or are “blue” elites not in the game? Also, can Elites have (more prominent) colored name and hue around their models, similar to D3?