Seasonal resets must be gone

This isn’t World of Warcraft my guy.


Got any evidence that its doable to reach lvl 100 solo in 12 hours or talking out of your rear?

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POE are free software(free software x robot population game)!
D4 shouldn’t use the free POE population as a reference, and it doesn’t cost much to use robots in free games to pretend to be sales!

The off-the-shelf D2 and D3 are already good examples!
What’s more, D4 ​​not only charges for the software, but also comes with a paid pass and store, isn’t it!

POE are free software, so it’s understandable for them to do so!

If you really want to compare, the Destiny 2 game is still closer!

The vast majority of sales are on PC. So sure, there may be some more activity on Xbox/GP, but lets be real, no many were playing this when it was only on PC to begin with.

creating a new character each season should be optional, you should be able to experience all seasonal content on an exsisting character if you choose to play that way.


Again, you have no metrics to go by. And it is fact that more than “literally nobody” is playing the games.

And it is kind of funny that the meteics you are using seem to be completely dismissed when people use the same ones when discussing Diablo IV…

Huge difference there skippy. The vast majority of D4 is played through bnet, so Steam numbers are irrelevant. Most GD players play through Steam considering it had sold almost 6M of its 7M sales there before it came out on Xbox. So Steam numbers are relevant.

Except you don’t know. There could be under 100 people playing on Bnet, but you would have no proof except your “feelings”. There could also be thousands playing LE or Grim Dawn offline. There is no way to verify those numbers at all. Unless all the numbers are released by their companies, the numbers we have mean nothing.

But again, only 1 of those games has been scrambling trying to hold many talks with the community, trying to keep them in the game, and overhauling various parts of the game that weren’t received well on launch. That is telling by itself.

Play the PTR. The new xp buffs are active. I was lv 60 in 2.5 hours so yeah I think its going to be more 6-10 hours

World of diablo sounds more fun than just getting some new UI to grind out for 3 months that overtunes your character and makes the game insanely easy.

Give me a 10 man raid with 8 bosses any day over some stupid robot companion

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Dude’s invading this thread because his got deleted.

Just go play WoW then, my guy. It’s right there.

I was in this thread days ago.

You’re not even playing diablo 4, you’re defending a low effort new ui to grind system instead of something actually good

Yes, because I think seasonal resets are interesting and I would prefer they stay that way. If I wanted to play WoW (which I am currently doing) then I’d go play WoW. My opinion isn’t so much rooted in the fact that I like seasonal content, but the fact that I don’t need every game to be the exact same.

I have a lot of issues with Diablo IV and have openly expressed those issues throughout the forums, but seasons are not one of them.

I got the game on xbox game-pass and was hyped as I waited a couple weeks for it to be available.
I log in, love the game, but found out it resets your progression every 3 months.
I probably won’t ever log back in now. It has destroyed any desire I had to level up.
It makes the entire game pointless.


Don’t write such things, because you turn some people’s narratives upside down.

After all, people like you DO NOT EXIST.

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you know you can reset any game in existence, it doesn’t need to be a forced mechanic.

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All games have some amount of forced mechanics in them. If I raised alarm bells every time I encountered one in a video game, there would be no games left for me to play.

For example, I really don’t care to play objective-based competitive shooters. I am much more of a fragger-type player. I enjoy turning on some music or chilling with friends in Discord while popping heads in lobbies. It’s relaxing and a very easy way for me to unwind.

Because of that, I specifically choose to play games with frag-based modes like Halo or Call of Duty, and I generally avoid games like Valorant or Apex Legends. That’s not to say that I don’t play those games, but they aren’t my first choice when I want to play a shooter.

You don’t see me running to Riot or Respawn to complain about how TDM is second priority to them. I simply choose the games that are more aligned with my taste instead because I recognize that the appeal of those games are the objective-based modes.

This isn’t any different with Diablo IV and seasonal resets.

if you want to reset in any game, you can

And you can play any game you want that doesn’t have a seasonal reset mechanic in it.

Why would anyone ever buy a battle-pass? You pay 1000 coins for it that you have to buy with real world money, you grind it out and get the rewards. Then next season you lose all the rewards… who thought this crap up?
What’s even more eye-opening is that most of you on here will defend it like it’s a good design.