Seasonal resets must be gone

POE has brainwashed people into thinking this is the norm.
Seasonal resets are just a get out of jail free card that lets the devs add less content because you have to do the entire game again every new season.
Seasons are for quarterly reports and sale boosts for investors.
Seasons are NOT for the benefit of the players.


Ok, then it sounds like you found the game you want to play and thats good. I myself find GD to dated.

Yes D4 has seasons however its target market is casual bob. So even with seasons its not like it takes any time to be max level grindind for gear. D4 does have much beter combat gamplay than GD

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In a way, I would push back against this. While the ā€œfeelā€ of combat is nice in Diablo IV, the actual mechanics of it, the skills you use and how you use them, is absolute dogcrap. Grim Dawn is much better in that respect, along with the ability to customize your skills in many ways, and a larger pool of skills to use.

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Better combat = better gameplay. Yes you can have much better systems but at the end of the day if combat is dated and not fluid its not as good as you think. How many ppl still play GD? How many ppl still play LE?

This is the wildest thing, in my opinion. Leveling in Diablo IV is braindead easy and itā€™s only getting easier.

I would understand if leveling is atrociously grindy (and even then I would say there are some innate benefits many may not realize outright), but the game has basically appealed to the casual market at every turn, and people are still out here acting like a seasonal reset is some unforgivable, inaccessible mode of design in a video game.

But thatā€™s the thing. Diablo IVā€™s combat does not feel good overall to play. While the individual impacts of skills is fine, and the smoothness of running around is fine, the actual way you use the skills and implement them is clumsy and boring. The Combat overall does not feel good, and it does not have better gameplay for it.

As far as how many people are playing GD or LE, who knows. Those games are able to be played offline. And it is not like we know how many people are playing D4 either. However, only 1 of those games is scrambling trying to change as many things as they can to get people to play it or return to itā€¦

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Yes but if you listen to all the karens they want a game like D3 where you have 8 hours each season. They want to log in and be max lv in 15 min with full gear within the next hour or have a preloaded stash of shakos for new toons made.

I can understand why blizzard caters to them because they make money and its a business decision. D4 is the 2nd most casual arpg slightly behind D3. S3 I was technically done in 3 weeks playing casually and the unique stones took me 300ish runs which is the only reason it was that long.

At least with the new crafting system we have something to chase but I think blizz will also cave with that giving karens unlimited rolling because of all the :sob:

At the end of it tho the combat surpasses the competition which is the key factor in an arpg.

I definitely donā€™t want this. If anything, I want slower, more impactful leveling and a better experience during the game. I hate this ā€œrush to max levelā€ mentality, and I think that is what is hurting the game overall.

The people asking for seasons in eternal and quicker leveling are cut from the same cloth. They donā€™t care about the game insofar as playing it. They want instant gratification and they want it yesterday.

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Blizzard had an opportunity to create a leveling journy. They didnt and said they dont want to which ive accepted that. Im sure Iā€™ll get more gameplay out of it and would be back for each expansion because blizzard does storytelling right.

PoE2 is likely to follow the same route because theyve already said they are targeting a more casual audience.

This is a lie, and you know it. I wonā€™t speak for anyone else, but I want seasonal content in the eternal realm because I want more content in the main game because the main game is so lacking in content, and at least including the seasonal content in some way would help alleviate that and is the lowest hanging fruit that the devs can use to do this with.

Your dismissal of what people want, and your comment towards my statement is ignorant and rude.


Weā€™ve already gone down this path. Iā€™ve explicitly told you why seasons wonā€™t solve what youā€™re asking. Seasons add, at most, 5 hours worth of content to the game. What makes them appealing is that they remix the same content youā€™ve done, enabling you to approach the content differently. That is what makes them fun, not because they prolong your time with the game by a large margin of hours. If seasons were added to eternal, you would play the game for, at most, 2 hours before the content well drying up, and youā€™d be back to where you are right now.

Itā€™s not ignorant or rude. Itā€™s realistic. People who want to be able to level to max in 10 hours are the same people who want seasonal content in eternal: Because they donā€™t care about playing the game. They just want the gratification of getting the most powerful gear but without the time to put into getting it.


And I have already explained to you why you are wrong, and that seasons will help with what I am asking (and that is all I am asking for. I know it wonā€™t ā€œsolveā€; nothing short of a major rework will do that. Seasons will ā€œhelpā€). Seasons will, every time a new one is released, offer more content to play through. Which enables people to have more options to do things. Variety is Diablo IVā€™s weakness, and giving more variety helps. Period.

It is ignorant because you are presuming my motives without any knowledge of me. It is rude because you are doing it with an insulting and dismissing attitude. I do care about playing the game. I want Diablo IV to be a good game. I donā€™t care about quickly getting the most powerful gear. I want the content of getting said gear to be fun to play, designed to be repeated, no matter how long it takes to do it.

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Yes, I know you have. Iā€™ve witnessed firsthand your solution for remedying this gameā€™s problem, that being a convoluted system of turning off and on seasons on a whim as if you can just do that without breaking the game. I think it demonstrates an elementary understanding of how gameā€™s function and a larger sense of misplaced optimism because of some perceived notion that it would all work out fine.

Iā€™m not presuming anything. If you donā€™t fall into that category of individuals, then good for you. I donā€™t think it renders what Iā€™ve said irrelevant about the broader demographic, though.

4K over the last 24 hours, 3k peak concurrent. down from the 61K concurrent all time peak. Literally no one plays it.

Oh really? I didnā€™t know that you could see everyone who was offline? Or the XBox? You have some amazing metrics.

And I donā€™t think you know what the word ā€œliterallyā€ means.

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In other words , you are bored with the game and only come back for a new season. Gotcha.

Which exactly why it is pointless. There is a reason games like wow explode and diablo is a ghost town except maybe when the new season hits.

It wouldnā€™t be pointless if Blizzard stopped listening to the wrong people. The people complaining about seasonal resets are the same people complaining about how long it took to level in this game. They all want instant gratification and the game is arguably worse off for it.

For every WoW, thereā€™s also a Destiny 2 and/or Suicide Squad that plummet out of relevancy. For every Diablo IV, thereā€™s a Path of Exile that is actually quite successful and manages to retain a healthy playerbase post-season launch.

People constantly say that games with persistent endgame progression are far more successful than seasonal resets, but in reality there are only a handful that are actually successful to the degree thatā€™s worth highlighting.

Beyond WoW, can you actually name a game that has a healthier playerbase than something like Diablo IV or Path of Exile? Looking at the Steam Charts, thereā€™s not a single game in the vein of WoW or Destiny 2 that break 100k. This is just a false narrative pushed by people who canā€™t stand the idea of a game being designed beyond what they like. Warframe hasnā€™t broke 100k in the last year, and neither has Lost Ark. Destiny 2 has certainly passed 100k a couple times, but more often than not the gameā€™s playerbase either shrinks or stagnates.

It is the ebb and flow of the live-service genre for games to see peaks and valleys. Maybe those peaks and valleys are more extreme in seasonal reset ARPGs like Path of Exile or Diablo IV, but they exist nonetheless.

And from where I stand, one type of live-service doesnā€™t appear to be more favorable over the other by the broader gaming community.

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Listen! I just got back from playing Eternal Realm. We defeated World Boss on World Tier III in the public game. I played a Level 61 wizard (Lightnig Ball build) with 55 - 60-ish randoms and at the end everyone thanked each other for fighting together.

I love Eternal Realm :slightly_smiling_face: