Seasonal exclusive content

There is a reputation you can earn to get rewards, but overall not much. The ‘mixup’ of the gameplay is core mechanics and itemization this season. Next season we’ll be back to more standard stuff.

No problem I am sure I missed somethings. It was what I could remember off the top of my head.

After trying to explain something to a hardhead I just move on, it is not worth the time.

Why did you buy Diablo 4? Was it in any way purchase informed expressly by access to a non-premium battle pass?

The answer for roughly 99% of people is no. They bought Diablo 4 because they wanted Diablo 4. This they made a purchase to access D4 and the transactional desire is complete.

There’s a long standing human behavior that goes something like “I bought that car I wanted and it runs great. I even got power windows with it isn’t that cool?!” The person wanted a car and got a car, the inclusion of power windows was neither requested nor expected but it came included with the car. Would you expect that person to not buy the car if they found out there were no power windows? Nope. They got something extra. The initial sale was not the point of entry for the power windows it was ownership.

That person has to pay money for the power windows but as a species it’s not generally considered an extra cost unless it’s specifically itemized. Had the car buyer gone in and asked if there were power windows then yes that would be a deciding factor.

Just like your example of Amazon Prime. Standard behavior of the human species kind of stuff. We ask of Prime Video was a selling point that the purchaser looked for and make a judgement on that. Fact is most Prime users signed up solely for shipping benefits and to them the addition of other services is free. Because they’ve already gotten the value out of their purchase. It’s different if they ask for Prime Video, then they’re paying for Prime Video.

This is common human species behavior that you’re barking against. Which makes your argument pedantic (narrow and annoying) using semantics based on a flawed understanding of the human species.


Seasonal realms should never have gotten anything special to begin with. :man_shrugging:


I WISH we got something from S3 tbh (like a few Construct-themed events with a chance to get a portal to a Vault)

Just the final set of rooms, nothing big in particular, but not completely nothing also

I honestly think it’s a generational thing. Players who remember a time when games were sold complete without shops don’t fall for the company B.S as easily as the kids who were raised on nickel and dime games with shops.

“Duh, why did you not research blah blah blah…”

We did Mr. Tow The Company Line. Our argument is that you are being fleeced and don’t realize it. YOU need to research what gaming was like before Blizzard and other good companies were merged with greedy CEOs who cared more about greed than releasing a quality game. But by all means, keep settling for less. At this rate, games like this will be released in alpha state for $200 with only one zone, ALL cosmetics will have to be unlocked in shop unless you want your character running around in underwear and it will take three more expansions to get the same number of zones that you use to get on launch. All this while paying $50 every three months just to have the privilidge of a reset.

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This will utterly blow your mind, but you pay something with ALL games you play. Whether it’s in terms of time or dollars.


Correction in regards to the person you are speaking to:
Whether it’s in terms of time or your mom’s credit card.


As much as people might like to say time is money, you are not paying Blizzard with your time. They are not receiving your time (as cool as that would be).
This thread is making me feel like words have lost all meaning.

Note, there are some cases where you might pay with your time, like a game/software that makes the player/user work for them by some means. Cant really think of any examples on the spot, closest might be the protein folding software stuff that was popular at some time (don’t know if they still are, or the crypto craze took over).

Maybe. But I think it is more the general polarization in society.
If you disagree with someone, you apparently must disagree on everything, no matter how absurd it might become.

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What you paid for is a license to access Diablo 4. Within the license you get access to all basic features. Premium services within the licensed product come at an additional fee.
As time goes on the the licence fee per hour becomes less. As of now your purchase is less than $0.01 per hour that has been made available. If there is confusion on the word free. Some would consider a fraction of a penny per hour as negligible.

you are absolutely right, but honestly, i was in the mood for this discussion yesterday ^^

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I don’t understand why no seasonal mechanic you will play an overpowered build. Isn’t that all seasonal mechanics is about giving extra power to your character and making the game easier? Like the malignant heart, Ravenous, Genesis & Evernight stone?

You always get lvl 100 in Season after one week and load with 925 gears, some will get their Uber Unique if grind hard or RMT.

S4 is the only season your character will not be overpowered so I don’t understand what you are looking for in the seasonal game. I understand your frustration nevertheless just I think you may want to clearly define what you looking for in the season.

Good luck returning next season, but I think Blizzard will sell us the paid Expansion DLC instead.

You wrote all of this without refuting the definitions of “free” and “included”. My point stands.

This feels like that Patrick + Man Ray meme where we go back and forth, explaining that there is a paywall to access the battle-pass and then at the end Patrick says “nope, it’s free” lol

  • “Hey look up there!”
    Did you mean down? You’re pointing down.
  • “Psh don’t be so pedantic, words don’t mean anything”

You already disproved your own argument pal. Earlier you said “ I see people let this slide all the time” and made my point for me. It’s about what society thinks about where value comes from not your banal attempts to demand conformity to something you’ve missed the train on.

Like I said before, the human species has been doing this forever. Long before marketing existed.

Nomads A want some furs but Nomads B seem to overvalue their furs. Nomads B say they can give some of the meat to help with the deal and Nomads A take the deal.

Yes, they would not have gotten the meat without trading for the fur. But that doesn’t matter because the fur was the value point. The point of entry was the fur, meat is valued as EXTRA.

Your extremely narrow interpretation of trade (pedantic) betrays your inability to understand the human species.

That makes you wrong. The whole history of humanity makes you wrong.

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People falling for marketing jargon doesn’t disprove my argument :laughing:

If a company dupes you into thinking the product you paid is free or saying the product is free, the product isn’t suddenly free. You paid something to access the product or content.

“Well people talk like it’s free so it is free! Nevermind the money they paid!”

Whew. Imagine denying reality and basic definitions so hard instead of saying “Oh, I guess you’re right. My bad.”

Like I said, this is trade speak not marketing. And you say people fall for it but ignore it’s how society works.

You’re on some high horse thinking you know better than the hundreds of millions of people doing it before you were ever born. You’re the sole special snowflake that’s figured it out. :rofl:

Get over yourself.


“You’re on some high horse because you know how words work!”

If I have to pay to access something: it isn’t free. You don’t have an argument that disproves that.

“you know better than the hundreds of millions of people doing it before you were ever born. You’re the sole special snowflake that’s figured it out.”

argumentum ad populum is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth because many people think so.

Now look up what it’s called when you deliberately ignore over a thousand years of known behavior because you want to at high and mighty.

You still haven’t even understood that you don’t know the difference between marketing and trade. Maybe that’s why you’re so bent on what you copy paste from a dictionary.

Look up “at no extra cost” and get back to me.


A thousand years of trade would tell you that there’s a difference between “free” and “included”.

That you think knowing a simple definition is “high and mighty” says more about you.

You get some cosmetics and maybe a half decent story to boot.

“If” they actually manage to fix some of the core issues with the game, that is all I want out of Season 4.