Seasonal exclusive content

So it is included behind a paywall of either $70 or a monthly subscription until they hypothetically remove it, at which point it would no longer be included?

hm, i assume you are just bored. have fun buddy.


I’m trying to understand your aversion to the word “included” but commitment to the word “free”.

I have to pay to get access to the battle pass and it ‘comes with’ (another way of saying ‘included’) my purchase of the game. So it isn’t free.

If you need help with the definition of those words, you can look them up.

While I wont claim to understand their view, some people apparently want to do just that.

Note, there should still be season content, it should just be available in both Eternal and Season. Which would not affect you negatively in any way.
In S4, the whole itemization revamp IS the season content.

So true.
I am so annoyed when people say X is free, after they paid for the thing that gives access to X.
I wont pretend I don’t also say it sometimes, but even more reason to be annoyed by it, since the marketing trick worked.

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yes, you need to purchase, or rent, the game to access anything that happens inside the game. you got that totally right.

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Great. So it’s included in the purchase, and isn’t free.

well, you also need a smartphone, or pc, to access free playstore games, by your logic. they arent free then.


Now your just being deliberately obtuse. You know what it means when we say free.


Charlie Chan say: “Mind like parachute: only function when open.”

August 18, 2022 Blog: The Battle Pass has Free Tiers and Premium Tiers. Throughout the pass players can earn a variety of rewards for free, just by playing. At any point during the Season, players can purchase the Premium Pass to unlock the ability to earn Premium rewards tiers containing seasonally themed Cosmetics and Premium Currency.

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You’re not “trying to understand” anything. You’re trolling. I’m not sure why these guys are getting sucked in. They’ve been around long enough to smell a troll when they see one.


I got a FREE copy of Diablo 4 when I purchased my 4090. The cost of my 4090 wasn’t higher because it came with Diablo 4, and it wasn’t included in the box. I was given a code to get a FREE copy from Blizzard.

This applies to quite a lot of people, some got it free with KFC too I believe.

So the battlepass is FREE to those, whether it’s “currently included” in the base game or not is irrelevant, many people play Diablo 4 that didn’t purchase it, and have access to the Battlepass. If they decide to make the Battlepass premium only, then it will no longer be FREE.

That being said, FREE and Included as synonymous in this discussion, you’re both just being anal about something to get your post count up… Stop it, it’s ridiculous.


Ooooo mom got tired of the all the bickering.

Your anecdote doesn’t apply to the majority of players and isn’t relevant.

Being aware of marketing jargon and knowing the difference between something that is free and included is part of being a responsible consumer. Theyre not synonymous at all.

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I also got my copy from Nvidia. But Alte is still right that you got it at no additional cost. It was not free.

Others are of course also right that everybody knows what you mean by “free”. Still, it is never a bad idea to be more accurate with language.
Especially nof if the language otherwise used is basically “corporate PR speak”. We shouldn’t let that shape our perception.

The point is, he’s arguing just for the sake of argument. He knows that its FREE. He’s just arguing that it’s included because… well, he’s a troll basically.

Trying to make out that they’re not synonymous when I specifically said they’re synonymous “for this discussion” shows that he doesn’t care if he’s right or wrong, he’s going to argue about it anyway.

The whole point was, you don’t PAY for the battle pass, and it’s only available in Seasonal. So when you play Seasonal you get FREE cosmetics from the pass that you’re not paying for and don’t get in Eternal.

If the cosmetics and therefore the Battlepass was “included” in the cost of the game, you (1) would get them in Eternal and (2) wouldn’t have to complete the seasonal journey to get them (because it’s not available in Eternal and isn’t included if you have to work for them).


Not all seasons had themes, and not all themes were season exclusive. In D3.

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So the S4 new uniques are not exclusive? I prefer them not to be (as I like to have a choice, and not be “forced” to do seasons), but I noticed that new aspects were harder to get and good rolls, esp., on Eternal, YMMV.

What a pedantic argument. This is the stuff people resort to when they don’t have an intelligent thing to say.

Or are you saying that your personal entry point for D4 is the battle pass? That there’s no other reason you bought or gained access to D4 other than the non-premium battle pass?

You see a smart person would say that’s just a perk added because really they wanted to play the game. So yeah, it’s free.


Thank you. So tired of seeing complaints about this. I kept making mental notes about all of these individually but it is nice to finally see them summarized in one place. As usual, 90% of the complainers are unwarranted.

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There’s nothing pedantic about it and it’s weird that people are so eager to try and argue something that is blatantly false. And then calling that person unintelligent, when they know the definition of words and is aware of marketing jargon? Very strange.

I have to pay money to access either tier of the battle pass, one of them costing an extra fee. Neither are free.

I see people let this slide all the time. “Oh it’s free on Amazon Prime” …you mean that annual 120$ subscription you pay? Don’t be so easily duped.

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