Seasonal exclusive content

Battle pass is free. The premium battle pass however is not free. The free one includes a bunch of cosmetics and titles etc. The premium includes things people might actually use.


Correct, you would think that most people would know how the BP works by now.


how can one be so spiteful? why does a game need to die for you to quit?

I mean, maybe i got you wrong, but thats the vibes you are sending with this message lol.


Similar to the people who hate the game but sill hang out on the forum? Entertaining stuff. :popcorn:


My message is ARPGs need seasonal content. No one wants to play on eternal for years on their 100lvl overpowered builds.
No seasons = dead ARPG.

well, you got a list of seasonal content that comes with the totally revamped itemization. So, please explain to me, how this isnt ā€œenough new contentā€.

ill grab a tea while i wait.


It isnā€™t free. Itā€™s included in the purchase of the game and participation in the season.

free battlepasses arent included in the game purchase. they can remove that anytime, if theyd want to.


Can I engage in the battle pass without purchasing diablo 4?

yes, you can have an xbox game pass.


Ah, so the Xbox game pass is also free?

it is not, however, you dont purchase games via the xbox game pass, as they can be removed anytime without further notice.

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So I am paying something to access the battle pass on D4, whether itā€™s a monthly sub to another service or a $70 purchase on Battlenet/Steam.

The battle pass is included, and isnā€™t free.

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Seasonal content is the board with rewards.
Everything else is a fix to main game.
Thanks, but Iā€™d wait for s5.

They added 5 ducking bosses you entitled baby

Shut up and dont play


you are paying something to access the game. The free battlepass is a goodie blizzard offers you, and of course, tries to incentivize you to buy a premium battle pass. You Owning, or renting the game, doesnt entitle you to a free battlepass since, as i said, it can be easily removed if blizzard chose so.

see ya then.


Thatā€™s more words to say ā€œincludedā€, but it isnā€™t free.

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just that it isnt necessarily.

whats your agenda buddy?

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It isnā€™t included? So when I purchase either the $70 version, or pay the monthly sub through game pass, I donā€™t then have access to the seasonal battle pass?

unless they remove it, you have access to the free battlepass. your purchase alone doesnt entitle you to a free battle pass in general tho. as stated multiple times by now.

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