Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

I planned on collecting all the statues and renown on eternal realm only. I won’t be farming statues and side quests again for renown on seasonal. If they force us to do it, I’ll just have to skip that part.

I don’t mind clearing dungeons and fog of war again but that’s it for me!

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so instead of a story quests i have to grind side quests for renown? and even search the stupid altars again?
this would be the same bs as playing the story again.
no thanks.

Let us keep our renown and perks from this. This would make leveling way quicker to spend more time enjoying the new features. If this isn’t done i likely wont be doing seasons. Releveling is annoying, the renown itself is annoying. There is no reason to not have seasonal content that can be added to a game without requiring a new character every season.

Releveling could be fun but at this point is too slow to relevel all over again.

and it took you two weeks to get it, so I guess it wasn’t that hard. Get a grip, dude.

I levelled a rogue on softcore to 75 and got max renown then decided to roll on hardcore and was hella annoyed to find that i had to do all the renown again so i am praying that there will be no reset for seasons, or even more added as its boring filler content and i have no intention of doing it all for a third time.

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nobody said its hard. its boring.
you should read the posts in this thread.


well, i dont care what people says or want. i wont be doing stupid renown ever again. i’d rather quit the game. guess i wont be playing on seasons

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I wouldnt mind doing renown system again if its completely revamped every season, where you get renown by doing completely new things / challenges. I NEVER want to touch an altar of Lilith ever again and doing same side quests again and again isnt that interesting either.

barb 87 here, full renown.
Most of my friend already stop playing because of Renown system.
I can do it 1 time.
If blizzard aks me to do it every season i will simples play POE.
i do not know why this Devs make this king of content.
Not everyone want a boring grind of 30hrs, doind worthless content to get paragon points.

Solution: 1-Remove Paragon points from Renown system.
2- Carry Renown Acc Bound across Seasons.
3-Make it Easy to farm, like helltides, worldbosses and other events giving Renown

I really hope they do not do this mistake.

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map exploration only need to do 1 time… 1 time
not every new character that skip “Story/Campaign”

**Map should stay reveal, all way point, lilith altar, dungeon…
**Renown should stay collected !!! Not every new character reset Renown even though skill point, paragon point, hp potion is unlock for all new character on the account

100% - will not be doing the entire game again on a new character every season. I am enjoying the Rogue a lot, but I wont be rolling another one, or trying the other classes. I wont be doing the entire game again every 3 months … it wasn’t that fun and I don’t care cosmetic pixels.

I think the only thing that would make me participate if there was something like an auto group finder for dungeons and a lobby for nightmare matchmaking. I have played the entire game solo thus far and it is the complete opposite to how I played Diablo 1 and 2. I truly don’t like it.

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Im still missing 4-5 quests in each zone and then like 50% of dungeons in each zone.
And I’m already level 73.

Now, will I do this in each season?

LOL, hell no.
No way.

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Diablo 4 is a live service game like Path of Exile or Destiny 2 and the like. The main appeal is the seasonal updates that every 3 months brings some new mechanic, game changes, and otherwise.

All of these games have some version of the “renown grind.” In POE I have to do the same 10 Act campaign again for the Nth time I’ve done for years and unlock maps all over again. In Destiny 2 every time they increase the pinnacle cap I gotta go RNG grind for upgrades in content I likely don’t want to do (and have done ad nauseam). This is all on top of an XP grind as well. It’s all boring, repetitive portions of the game to get you back to where you were.

I would be 100% thrilled if they decided to make renown carry over, but if they don’t it’s really just par the course for these kinds of games.

Making arguments that this kind of repetitive game loops will drive people off isn’t wrong, but it certainly hasn’t stoppped or made other seasonal live service games any less popular or successful. If that kinda game isn’t for you, Diablo 4 will likely never be for you because that’s the kind of game it wants to be. They want bursts of perpetual engagement, not you 100%ing the game and never coming back or looking at it ever again.

I’m not re-doing ish. The entire point of not playing season characters is so you don’t have to re-do anything. If they reset regular chars for this each season too, I’m out

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You don’t have to do everything too unlock all renown rewards i had everything unlocked in late 60’s. Still don’t have all side quest and dungeons many left still.
The statues you do after you take all waypoints you open mapgenie filter for waypoints and alters and just go from north to south or whatever i did them all in like an hour minus the few i already found by doing campaign etc (like 8 or something).
Also it’s nice way to collect flowers and ores along the way.
Once you have all the waypoints you can be anywhere on the map in like 1min the map ain’t that big really

I have already ignored the season.
There is so much to do in the game that, for me, a season would have to last several years.
Just gaining levels would get boring for me quickly.

The worst part of Renown system is covering the entire world map again, leaving only a few waypoints.
What’s the point?
That doesn’t make any sense.
We spent hours and hours finding every corner of the map to have a better QoL in a second rum with other classes and, WTF! The map is gone.
And now, you need to farm each corner again and again and again, for every new class you want to play.

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To play the game? Wut lol.

If players want to participate in the paid addon battle pass then they’ll need to play seasons.

That’s what you mean.

Eternal realms will always be available to play. You can actually very easily play without doing seasons. You okay lil bro?

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Whats always funny about comments from ppl like you, is that you can’t counter any of my points since you know they are all accurate… so accurate they hurt your delicate feelings…

So you attack me personally.

I’ll take that W. Thanks. Go find a safe space somewhere