Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

I think renown reset should remain. It really gives something to work toward other than the repeated grind, which is what these games are often lacking.
But, add more and new ways to get renown, to keep things fresh. Most obviously, whatever new content is added should have renown points related to it.

Also, add a “Holy Grail” renown system. Turn in Uniques to NPCs in each region for some extra renown. Only 1 turnin per item in each region of course (or maybe just 1 turnin overall, asking you to choose which region to get the extra points in).

Stuff like that could make it feel less repetitive and grindy imo.

Would be a shame if repeating content gave endless renown, then it just turns into the same thing you already do.
Add new ways to get renown, sure, but it should remain something that only gives points one time per season.
But for first kill on each world boss, first legion completion, and first time you pick each type of reward chest from tree of whispers etc? That would be fine.

However, Blizzard for some reason continues with their nonsense of making seasons the only game in town.

They’ve already said Altars will carry over, this is a non-issue.


Hard Agree. That was a chore, a very boring chore. Everything better give renown and on repeat. If all I want to do is one dungeon, that should keep giving renown.


I said it in a video, I’m not doing this garbage again.

I’m frankly shocked I’m doing it now. I’m still AT LEAST AT LEAST 5 hours from finishing it.

This is a HUGE HUGE HUGE timesink.


Comparing PoE to D4 is apples to oranges.

PoE is a game designed for the hardcore players, literally built for the top 2 percenters. D4 has mass appeal, and is on console, with millions and millions and millions of casuals playing right now. I bet PoE never cracks 100k concurrent, and D4 is pulling several million at a time. What works for PoE will not work for D4.

If they don’t put seasonal content on eternal realm, this game will bleed players in a way not seen since New World imploded. Casuals will not stand for rerolling every season to access new content when it comes available.


the alter stats will, not the renown(grind) you MUST do for the stat points/paragon points that come from renown

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No plans to farm all that renown again, ever. What a terrible design idea. The only worse part of the game than renown farm is the campaign acts 2-5.


That’s kinda insane if you have to regainrenown every season . At the least, if you have to get all the altars again for renown. Sheesh that’s gonna be a killer to a lot of players.

Possible fix is to give nightmare dungeons give renown for each 5 or 10 levels or something . So you have choice to grind renown

Keep the realmwide stats + altar of lil stats, but open them all after finishing campaign. You would be able to farm them during campaign to get a bit stronger, but after finishing, it should be unlocked.

Characterwise rewards, should be farmed again.

The only things you need from renown are the first 3 tiers and those are super easy to get. Grab some portals, do the fortresses and a few quests and you are done.


I have made 2 posts like this

Good thing I mentioned only Altars, then.

White knight toox at it again with his dumb logic. Ladder and renown 2 completely different things.


Uhhh…no. By far the most important tier is the last one. You get 20 paragon points from those, which can literally be build defining points.


So will the season also wipe all your existing characters? I feel that is the way it should be, a true fresh start with everything completely wiped.

If we allow characters to stay on a realm, that would not make sense in a game that has content designed around seasons.

Just let the Eternal Realm run the season journey synchronously, and there is no need to be forced to create a character (level 1 and reset economy) setting (similar to Destiny 2, The Division 2, DI, etc.), or a better and novel mode !

Let the season mode continue to use their D3 old-fashioned way, and there is no need to change it. I even suggest that it may be more challenging to be more hard-core. After the season journey is over, the character will be frozen directly, and there is no need to put it into the eternal realm !
Just keep your ladder rankings, achievement stats and rewards, and carry over to future Season Modes(level 1 and reset economy)!

Yeah the renown grind makes me gag, I’m not maxing out my renowns every season.


Signed. Nobody I know enjoyed the renown grind. Anything else in the game is more fun than this. Most things outside the game are too. I capped renown with current system, and unless they change something for the better I’m not doing it again.


I got plenty of free time to grind the hell out of this game, but I sure as hell aren’t doing these again.

I bought the game to turn my brain off and mindlessly do dungeons/events and farm gear/levels.

Not run around and collect statues or farm quests for renown every season. I’m already burnt out at 70 chasing them.

All those super casuals that don’t even realize this are going to jump ship when S1 starts and they need to do this again lol.


That was always my goal with seasons unless there is new stuff to do (which of course there will be) but clearing the battle pass is my main goal.