I didn’t even play SB this season, I played rogue. And my own random homebrew build at that. If you’ve cleared ~Pit 75, you’ve seen everything this game has to offer. Pushing to pit 80… or pit 100… or pit 150… it’s the exact same enemies and bosses, just more health to slow you down. All the while the entire rest of the game becomes unbearably easy.
It took me about 2 weeks to clear pit 80… on hardcore…ssf…and extremely suboptimal.
I actually got curious and looked at steam because if it isn’t Twitch it wil be this, and if it isn’t this it will be something else to prove that xyz.
Avg. Players
% Gain
Peak Players
Last 30 Days
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
Am I reading this wrong? There has been a 92% surge in players in October and then the most recent of the last 30 days shows +4.78%
So where is this saying that people are leaving by 75%
It is very common activities become low at this point of time, there is limited way for players to interact with the Realmwalkers. I believe players have already figured out all moves they can do in this 3 weeks play time with Realmwalker since Season 6 launched
well yeah you can just go to sanctuary discord server and buy duped items in their trade channels lmfao. GG they even sell gold for money on diablo.trade
From Blizzard’s PoV, the expansion was actually a huge success despite the very apparent player drop-off.
Even though the steamcharts numbers are dwindling, they still have more players, on average, daily, than at any other point on steam.
However, if they had released spiritborn in a condition that was roughly on par with the OG classes, IDK what kind of insane drop off we would be seeing.
Cant really go by last 30 days because its showing the amount of players over the last 30 days which includes before expansion and at launch of expansion. Thats why the gain. Just look at current peak vs the 55k peak at expansion launch.
The season is over because they refused to nerf a game breaking bug rendering all of the classes but one viable to play.
“Hey guys wanna hop on and grind your balls off to maybe get a 1% increase?”
“No Spiritborn Jeff”
“Come on guys! I’ve ran like 580 Pit 150’s today and I almost have my time down to 12.2 seconds! I just did 1 gabillionjilliontrillionshiztilion damages!”
I also noticed that even content creators barely bother with D4 anymore. We aren’t even a month into the season WITH EXPANSION and Rax was playing D1
Maybe the sales were okay, but overall I think S6 is a failure when we take into consideration that’s the first season with “big” expansion and it didn’t manage to even keep people occupied for more like 3 weeks.
The only thing content creator want to do is farm views for his channel, this work best when a game is difficult to play or a lot players hate the game. As the game is much easier for players in DLC as many of them have cleared Pit 150 or has max all their glyphs. There is very limited topic content creator like Rax can use to create an interesting videos. Playing D1 to farm views from those players not in DLC who hate spiritborn is the best idea he can come up with. Many more creative content creator are making video of Monster Hunter Wilds, which will be the next big game
S6 is failure, same as S5. This has nothing to do with the expansion, there is not much content in the season. We only have the giant dog in S6, we only have Infernal Hordes in S5 which I quit after 2 weeks as my Lightning spear sorc has cleared T8 the second day the season started. It took me much longer time to clear Pit 150 this season and I looking for a sub 3 minutes clear before I stay away from the season again.
What did you expect? it’s a season with 0 class balance where most of classes are stuck at pit 100 (with really slow clears), unless you’re a SB, then u can reach pit 150, i leveled 3 classes this season and it feels so pointless to not play spiritborn just because it takes me half the time to farm things than with another class.
In my opinion its really crazy that even after 1 month we are still not having a patch to solve class balance, or at least make sure that every class has an S tier build.
Also the ancestral droprates now make really hard min maxing a character without buying items in webs like D4trade. So why is people wanna waste materials, gold and time into leveling classes that just can’t hit the efficiency level even at Paragon 300?.
Please show me the real hard data that indicates that twitch and steam give us any real indication of how many people are currently playing D4.
Saying ‘people aren’t watching it on twitch so they must not be playing it’ is like saying people aren’t watching the NFL so they must not be playing football. It’s a stupid and ignorant argument.
And you already showed your ignorance about steam. 1000 people is NOT representative of hundreds on millions.
Oh look lets hang someone because they play other things besides D4 24/7
I must be doing something wrong because i split my time between half a dozen games that I like playing