We can look at Twitch stats showing that views are already nearly around numbers that end of S5 had (and the game was pretty dead then). Can’t post link, but you can see it on Sullygnome.
But not only that, we have Steam data (I know, most people don’t play on Steam, but it’s the same thing as public polls - you don’t ask entire nation but about 1000+ people and it’s good enough for representative sample) that show the same thing. Expansion release created an all time high, and now we have only twice the numbers the previous season had when it was already completely dead. You unfortunately need to look at steamcharts yourself, as I can’t post link.
And what’s most amazing to me - they didn’t even manage to fix some basic, obvious bugs and annoyances that were there since the start of the season.
They could:
- Fix the broken XP wells
- Lower chance for spires to appear in hordes
- Fix the raw material scarcity
- Do something with Masterworking
- Do something about dupes and trade scamming (I mean - any reaction at all)
- Maybe they even could quickly hotfix at least some of SB bugs so it’s not so crazy OP (they had a brief moment when streamers were already discovering the exploits when other people were still levelling - if they acted fast, they could have lower the impact of the bugs)
I suppose people will point out even more things that probably could have been done with just few lines of code each, but they waited for people to get frustrated and leave. So for 70%+ of the people (and the numbers are still falling) - these issues will never be solved.
Did you ever think to take into consideration that the twitch numbers are fluctuating due to people jumping on and off the the twitch drops each week?
I don’t understand this strange desire to promote “the game is dead” narrative when for me, its the farthest thing from what I see and how I am playing.
If this game had died as many times each season as people said… it would be the most powerful undead being in the universe lol.
Not refuting that there are bugs. That is obvious.
Two weeks ago someone said the same thing… "Oh oh, twitch numbers have drastically dropped… after everyone got their drops. Nobody seems to say anything when they release a new drop though.
As for me, the only times I even watch twitch is for the drops. And I don’t actually watch but just leave it running in the background.
AGAIN third party sites do NOTHING to prove numbers for anything Other then their own usage. STOP believing what you see on twitch, x, reddit, the poe forums, steam. Those are ALL the WRONG places to be looking for information. LOL 
seasonal games always are “over” at a certain point. Some people got enough time to get stuffed finished in 2 weeks. others need 2 months.
im for sure glad that i dont have to play for 3 months. A lot of great games to be played out there.
These are only wrong sources when you assume that statistics doesn’t work. Steamcharts doesn’t mean that 15k people are playing Diablo 4 worldwide. But you can use them as indicator of what % of people playing month ago are still playing. And this % with some margin of error with high probability will also be around what is happening on other platforms, because the sample is in thousands of players.
But you cant go. I still need citadel cosmetics lol.
Damn Ny,
This is spot on and took me a minute to think through…as it pertains to me.
IF this is solely a Seasonal Game (Eternal?) then I agree with you 100%
If I played/enjoyed Seasonal…but I don’t.
I know…my choice, etc.
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I personally believe than Steam numbers give a reliable information on the state of the game, whether it is for reviews or player counts. But we have to take into consideration that it is already the 6th season for D4. It is makes sense that many players are spending less and less time in the game with each new season. What matters is that they come back when season 7 starts.
I am not bored yet. Just started a new build yesterday.
Steam data doesn’t represent the majority of D4 players (most are on battle.net) so using it to assess whether the game is “dead” or not is misguided.
At this point steam is a large enough sample size to see a trend across the whole game. Im not saying the game is dead, but a sizeable chunk has already stopped playing this season.
I just explained above that you will have to assume first that statistics doesn’t exist. But in real world statistics exists and it may be suprising - but it also works, so saying that Steamcharts cannot serve as some kind of source of data to determine percentage of player retention is just delusional.
Yes, and that’s was my point. In seasonal game you either react quick - or may as well not react at all. Barely any difference when people already get burned out because of bad design choices/bugs that were not fixed fast enough. They know it’s seasonal, so they just get frustrated and that’s it. When frustration hits it’s hard to get people back.
Yeah that is wrong… how do you base a stat on something that is optional to use? Those are STEAM numbers not DIABLO numbers!
D4 is all ready in maintenance mode. They learned their lesson. D4 made Billions already. They started on D5 before D4 was finished. D5 will be out 5 years after D4 release. That is if they don’t release another mobile version first.
The worst issue I experience is crashes on system like 7800x3d, 64 RAM, 4070. Latest drivers. Whatever I change (DLSS, graphics settings, swap config). When you used opal, elixir and it has tendency to crash at the end of hordes or curastcity with mythic tribute and 50 mln. While I have no crashes playing heavier games.
Multiple others issues like bugged bosses (fixed), dismount (fixed), conduit, Halloween “event”, side quests in Nahantu, etc.
What I enjoy is party finder. SB looks good but needs to be carefully tuned.
One of these days…
I will find this mysterious Website that gives accurate statistics about exactly how many people are playing the game and how many are doing it with a smile. Giving out statistics not even the company releasing the game publishes.
And then… MARK MY WORDS!
I still wont give a crap. xD
Me having fun. Me not having disconnecto or problemos. Me likey Sorc and Spiritborn. Sure there are some hiccups, but no game is perfect… Dont like it dont play it.
What I have noticed recently is the active population on the eternal realm is picking up instead of doing a solo on the world boss as usual there are at least 4 others now.
No doubt the devs will screw it up come season change for some stupid reason
You said it, " no game is perfect" however this game is more less perfect than most
And they don’t need your advice to throw this game in the bin and not play it, that has been happening soon after release, I fart on the cheat SB class, a class that needs no skill to play at any in game level
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Have you tried switching to RTS mode on your monitor, that monitor setting I find works well with DLSS
Does this mean if I find 1000 people who liked VoH, it’s good enough indicator that the majority like the game?
For anyone who neckbeards even in the slightest it’s done. Overdone. You left the roast in the oven too long and now the fire alarm is going off.