Season 5 is season 1 2.0. Are we really back to this?

There are Pit levels 60-150 and I think they are the in-betweens you are referring to.

The tormented boss nerf was not needed though in mid-season

Ye but 60-150 are still Pits and the same content as Pit LVL 1-59 and 151-200.

Why isn’t it allowed to have multiple challanging activities instead of just 1 called Pits?

Or even a possibility to make all content challanging, f.e. “profane mindcage” but with the possibility to raise the monster level up to +100 instead of only +10. ( So everyone can adjust the difficulty to his needs, in the ARPG community we call this “juicing”.)

This way ALL content & areas in the game stay relevant, even with very good gear…Not only Pits over and over agian.

As said:


I agree: Remove all the gating mats - #4 by leusebi-1647

Let us juice instead of gating the content.

You can’t keep buffing up, one up’ing each build without trivializing everything into worthlessness about the game but the the most difficult content that you’re trying to buff things up to.

Because that’s the ONLY content that shouldn’t do doable by all classes, and most reasonable builds. ALL the other content in the game should be doable by the average-skilled player, not 5 or 10% of the playerbase.

For some players, the game will never be too hard. Fine, those players have upper level Pit.

EVERYTHING else should be accessible and doable within a season of play.


Noone talks here about making all the other content in the game as hard as Pit200.

But the current difficulty outside of Pits is so trivial atm, they could replace all monsters with zDPS bowling pins and it wouldn’t make any difference.

That’s why I’ve suggested to expand the profane mindcage idea…Those who want more challange outside of Pits can juice the world with a +100 mindcage.

Others who hate mobs who actually fight back can simply ignore it and play without mindcage.

In games like Diablo it’s all about farming loot, as more engaging activities as better…If you have just 1 activity in endgame where you don’t faceroll everything without resistance the loot hunt becomes boring prety fast.

Because you either have to run Pit 24/7 who offer challange but not that great loot or you run the other 99% who partialy give better loot (Helltides f.e.) but are boring a.f. because they don’t offer any challange.

A good ARPG offers endgame diversity, in D4 we currently only have 1 and it’s mediocre at it’s best.

I mean can you explain me why Diablo 4 shouldn’t have more endgame diversity in your oppinion, so all content stays relevant even with very good gear?

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Couldn’t agree with this sentiment more. Well said, I haven’t canceled my preorder yet however unless they reverse these nerfs I’ll be doing the same. It seemed like they’d finally figured out what made D4 fun then they released those patch notes and I realized just how poorly this game is being run.
Doesn’t anyone find it funny that they had a campfire chat and neglected to mention the massive nerfs they were sitting on dispite promising they wouldn’t do that again.
There’s something about it that feels very very sleazy.


End game diversity? Great. So long as the average skilled player with average gear can do it ALL. ALL of it. Every Tormented boss, etc. For those that like to push it, there can be high level pit or NMDs. Nothing else should be beyond the average player to complete.

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You’re still going to login and play everyday while buying the seasonal battlepass + 30$ skins

No have only bought season pass at season 1. All their cosmetics are ugly as hell and waste of money. I will not play season 5, and i yes not playing season 3 as well.
I do what i say so don’t use that standard reply on me, like you know what players do. Some might say one ting and do another, but i don’t.


TLDR all the responses, but…

They do not need to do such a huge nerf to Blighted Aspect, if at all. Taking it from 120% to 100% is as far as that should ever drop.

What they need to do is rework Kalan’s edict, so that there is a better option for minion builds than Shadowblight. They need to bring up other things to make shadowblight with blighted aspect not the only choice. It isnt that shadowblight and blighted aspect is busted. It is that the other tools are too underwhelming.

Also, they need to fix how core skills scale. Buffing up skills that do such little damage on their own, is not going to be the proper replacement for nerfing Blighted aspect and Wither.

Putting a cap on Wither is such a dumb move. It is fun as a player to have something like that for DoT builds. When crit is all the rage, something like Wither should be left alone.

Disagree. S1 nerfs cut down power for everyone before they changed all the combat math like crit/vuln etc. That’s why those nerfs weren’t good. S4 with tempering has made the game a joke in terms of power and absolutely, outliers like bash/flay and any other of these builds doing ridiculous damage, need to be nerfed, to be brought down to more sane levels. If not, where does this insane power creep end? The game is now so unbelievably trivial in all areas, except high level pit, even for non S-tier builds, and it’s mind blowing people would want to “buff underperforming classes/builds” to that level.

I do agree the current strong builds shouldn’t be nerfed so hard, only to then replace them with new builds/items next season that are ridiculously OP instead. A better balance has to be found by the dev team. This for me is the biggest flaw/problem in the game right now. It feels like D3’s sets and Flavour of the Month design all over again.


The problem is that they havent fixed the base game and made it stable.

Seasons are supposed to run ontop a stable eternal base.

Eternal people are expecting to be able to speed 101s next season/major patch.

If they get nerfed under this benchmark, it will just be beyond expectations and have a bigger backlash.

Season stuff doesnt matter so much since each is their own microcosmic game, but the eternal side is what tracks longitudinally and if its not stable, you have worse variance.


That’s due to lack of endgame. Helltides is not end game. It’s farm content for the masses. Can’t make helltides like 100+ pits because it’s leveling content through the entire game.

The upcoming content tier 8 took a guy over an hour to kill the boss and that was without deaths on a well geared bash barb.

I hope you stay true to your convictions. I didn’t mind the season 4 affix overhaul, but got bored of it very fast because the skills are just getting a bit tiresome now. If sorc is destroyed for season 5, i won’t bother.

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Actually, the ideal method would be to reduce what the current overpowered builds can do, then tune the content downward to match the new ceiling. That would leave all builds in a better spot than simply buffing underperformers to the moon. Yes, this means we’d have to trust the devs can balance their content better, but it is the ideal path to do so. However, given the track record for balance I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one.

As much as I’m sure people aren’t going to want to hear this, Season 4 was meant to be a gigantic season long beta test of the itemization overhaul. That’s why there is no real season theme other than the Iron Wolves (which I hope stays so that people that have lives can at least grind toward mythic uniques rather than never getting one via drops).

They could also adjust the pit’s reward curve again to better match what the classes can do in S5 going forward. Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t be holding my breath here either, especially with an even shorter PTR than S4 got.

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Blight Aspect is nerfed down 70% (from 120% to 50%)
Hellbent Commander is nerfed down 33% (from 15% to 10% each rank)

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Yeah, as long as their isn’t a functional change and they (blkizzard) is able to communicate this effectively, shoudl be fine

BNut lik4 we both know how their track records is about controlling expectations and communication. LOL./

Nerfs are fine. No build should be doing billions of damage and trivializing the entire game.


Generally agree, do you feel speed 101’s should be an appropriate floor of such nerfs? (we just pits nerfed to allow better access to upper pit levels)