Remove all the gating mats

…and make them buffing mats like Profane Mindcage or Stygian stones. Would be great if they applied different buffs to enemies & rewards and could be consumed in multiple places, or if they were used to control the RNG in tempering, but I’d settle for just having them buff the damage/HP and chance to drop GA items in the content they currently gate.

Stopping pit runs to go collect runeshards or hordes runs to get compasses or boss runs to collect mats is the same kind of content diversity as forcing us to go free prisoners or carry bloodstones to pedestals. It’s annoying, so the drop rate has to be jacked way up so that it’s only briefly annoying, which means finding these things isn’t exciting.

But Stygian stones are exciting because they can be actually rare. Mindcages are exciting, at least early on when you are doing a lot of helltide, because they make the experience more challenging and rewarding but you don’t just have to wait for them.

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I can’t understand the love for 100 different currencies. Why does every activity need a currency to unlock it?
You idea for the events to always be available but for currency to be used for positive effects is great!
It will make people want to farm the currency, but if they are out can still run whatever activity they want.

I can live with grinding for a benefit.
Grinding just to grind is very annoying and turns the game into a chore.

I think they were trying to recreate the lots of things to pick up feeling of PoE but it didn’t work.

Right, and the reason it didn’t work is that in PoE the stuff you pick up gives you ways to boost your items or character. I understand that they want to have the actual boosting be less complex and have it go through vendors who can give you a little tutorial on it. And I certainly understand not wanting the crafting material spam of a game like LE.

But gating the content itself is just awful.

Glad to see the drop rate is buffed. But just goes along with my comment above: low drop rate for gated content feels bad. High drop rate for gated content is just a meaningless speed bump. Make it a juicing item instead and it fixes both problems.

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