Season 5 is season 1 2.0. Are we really back to this?

101 seems fine. They should have probably introduced an AoZ-like glyph to make it possible to keep progressing without having to use giga-broken, giga-buggy builds. Maybe uncapping paragon levels would be a good compromise.


But this is exactly the case, the example was exactly the pit, the one that should basically be infinite scalable.

I donā€™t know, it doesnā€™t make sense to argue like hey buff everything so I can make pit 200, it just wonā€™t be the pit 200 anymore because the challenge it imposed is gone and so is its relevance.

Yeah but the PTR is not a copy of S4 which they then applied the new S5 stuff on-top of it. The PTR is itā€™s own thing and is bugged to hell and only up to test some very specific things, like the Infernal Hordes.

If you think the current PTR is what goes live when S5 goes live then youā€™re delusional. Use your brain before spouting all sorts of nonsenseā€¦ but it does make for good clickbait. I guess they need their clicks.

Vessels really has nothing to do with whats on ptr. Its just a quickie 2 month dealio. Expac will have more power creep than you can shake a doombringer at.

I bet real money you never got close to Pit 160ā€¦thatā€™s out of 200 tiers. The difference between 160 and 200 is lightyears of power.

Hard content exists.

On the PTR, tier 8 compasses arenā€™t a casual thing either.

Get your facts straight instead of posting a falsehood based on your experience at the kindergarten level of content.

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Endgame diversity seems to be a foreign word for you.

Thereā€™s no difference if I run Pit 60 or 160, becasue itā€™s the exact same content gameplay vise.

Why isnā€™t it allowed in your oppinion to have more endgame activities for good equiped chars beside Pits?

Only becasue Pit160s are impossible to beat it isnā€™t allowed to have other challanging content in the game?..Iā€™m so glad that youā€™re not a game designer, the game would be horrible. :sweat_smile: :woman_facepalming:

Good ARPGs give you the freedom to play different content in the game and juice it to your needs, so most of the content stays relevant even with very good gear.

If you like Helltidesā€¦Juice Helltides.

If you like NMD ā€¦Juice NMDs.

If you like Uber Bossesā€¦let us juice them so theyā€™re not 1 hit loot Pinhatas.

Endgame diversity is the keyword hereā€¦Having Pits as only challanging endgame activity is everything but good endgame design.

And clearing Pit160 doesent change this fact, esp becasue its not different to Pit 1-159 and 161-200ā€¦itā€™s the same crap, just a bit easier/harder.

And if you belong to those who like to applaud themself while 1 hitting 99% of the content in the game, simply donā€™t juice the content to make it harderā€¦itā€™s that easy.


Yup, there needs to be some why to scale the content in the world for the other events for the players.

The damage and design is way too far apart. If the builds and classes are tuned to pit 101, and there is no content that matches it anywhere else, wellā€¦lolz.

I guess the torm bosses are okay.

That mindset is how we get powercreep and another diablo 3 doing 1billion damage with minimal gear, Iā€™m glad youā€™re not a game designer.

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Each class should have one amazing build each season . Why are barbs always overpowered?

That tends to happen with a class that has access to two additional offensive aspect slots that also hold affixes, tempers, and masterworks. Barbarians are designed to be the standard for power in the game and other classes canā€™t touch them without gross overtuning to compensation for the disparity. Either barb is always going to be way stronger than everything else, or all of the classes will be astronomically bad.

You lost me when you said Druids were powerfulā€¦ tell me you know nothing about the game without telling me you know nothing about the gameā€¦

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you keep pushing this and I hope you get it. just like they did with PoE. and I think like maybe 6 people played it. overworld content isnā€™t ā€œendgameā€. itā€™s the beginning to the endgame. just a tip. as I stated before, youā€™re looking for an MMORPG.
to make this bluntly as possible:
you are rolling the starter zone in an MMORPG with a high level charter in high level gear with a possibly broken ā€œmetaā€ build number-crunched to roll the highest tier SEASONAL content. congrats, you beat the game, log off and enjoy summer. iā€™m not against juicing content at all, what-so-ever. so, you get your wish, juiced content. then what? hang out like it is an MMORPG? ask for better drops? ask for more juice? ask Blizz to go back and make content 1 year old (lol) harder because they are breaking the game with their seasonal content/metas/items?

In a perfect world there is not only one build for a class that is ā€˜goodā€™ā€¦ but 5+ builds that are goodā€¦ or even most of the builds you can imagine.
ā€œPlay your wayā€ they saidā€¦
But the truth is: you canā€™t play your way because most skills are underwhelming.

Thisā€¦ so much this.

The designers of the Qi array season have a lot of malice towards necromancers.
These designers are more hostile towards players.
The inexplicable large-scale nerf of the first season
The third seasonā€™s secret library traps are filled with the goal of making players uncomfortable to play.
The current PTR is the same. The compass design is not very interesting.
The strangest question is why such a design team can still exist.

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wut ?
so you wanted every build to be on par with bash barb ? the same bash barb that could do billion of damage for 0 ressource ?

no thanks.
game is already too easy as it is

every build should be around pulverize druid build level or something mid like that in my opinion.

Did not read the patch notes? I donā€™t know why they keep doing this. When it comes to Necro shadow its always all over the place, they brought it cause it was weak, then they bring it down. The blight builds were nerfed before season 4 even started.

Now they nerfed shadow again, yet barbs are doing billiions of damage. Now bone is good, but there are some of us who dont like minions, and blizzzard is trying to make us all use minions to make good builds. I have been playing on PTR this past few days, shadow doesnt have the DPS to push far on the pit or do the infernal hordes.

I managed to make a bone spirit build, that can hit for up 2 billion damage. But itā€™s clunky unless played with minions.

Unfortunately, I cannot test blood because I donā€™t have the gear. Yet my barb which I changed to a deathblow build has pulled 11 billion damage, with some minimal gear changes and no greater affixes or optimized tampering or master working.

Barb shines every season, yet they keep getting buffs, while the other classes get this 1-3% buffs that are doing nothing. Barbs have like 3 times the damage, defense and hp from the other classes. Itā€™s ridiculous.

Are you being deliberately reactionary or just accidentally oblivious?

They didnā€™t nerf everything and they havenā€™t announced the season mechanic. Your entire post is nonsensical.

That wouldnā€™t fix anything, the broken builds would just imptove their glyph way faster and still be just as far ahead if not moreso.

You can tell a few things should be nerfed when the world bosses or the blood maiden get 1 shot. But only when specific classes or builds are present.

Everyone else just chicken scratching away at their health so if you buffed boss health it would just make the chicken scratch builds even more weak and useless in the encounters.

So the logical thing to do is nerf the Superman builds and buff the wimpy builds but that makes too much sense so to hell with it.

Making the buffs/nerfs DURING the season is necessary. NOT next season. People are playing right NOW.

Doing it next season for a pat on the back of what a good job you are doing. Shame.