Season 4 trading

Very excited to hear that Blizzard will be expanding trade to include Legendaries and Uniques. I am less excited about the fact that Uber Uniques will not be included. I think this is a missed opportunity and i hope that they reconsider this.
If the goal is to keep less Uber Uniques in the pool or hinder real money trading, i am not sure. My pet peeve with this solution is that i cannot share Ubers with my friends. That is my sole purpose when playing games like this is to help my friends. Maybe a solution could be that items obtained by any party members when the Uber Unique drops could be shared for a limited time? I do not know if this really matters or they should just open it up to include Ubers. What do you think?

Oh and a side note they should make it so that resplendent sparks drop during high level content, like the new 200+ bosses or above a certain level in the pit. - Yes i know that level 200+ bosses drops the first time but a smaller chance should be there afterwards as well.

In Diablo III you could trade an item for up to an hour after being grouped with someone.

Seems easy to do.

Well need to keep in mind Uber Uniques are going to be droppable from other ubers as well, just at a lower rate than Duriel and Andariel.

Also I am not sure there are really enough Uber Uniques and other systems for other equally as rare items to really warrant making them tradeable right now. I think in the future when we do have have a lot more of them it would make sense.

As for the last part. I am not entirely against them making sparks droppable from the new uber uber bosses at a low % (after the first time guaranteed one).

There are others like you in this thread as well. Same exact topic.

AT this point they might as well just make everything tradeable including ubers. Not much different than current planned system. No idea why they drew line on ubers? Maybe metrics?

This is a terrible system that encourages trade sim 5000 instead of playing the game. You could just flip items all day and gear your character. PPL did it in POE. Kinda defeats purpose of playing game. D4 trade should mimic D3 trade. Limited trade of items earned in party. None of this full trade and while not even supported by Blizzard (need to get anywhere). You have to find a third party site to trade. I am against this as well. IF you are going to have this much trade in the game and as much as I hate it, then you now need a way to do it in the game itself and automated. Hate to admit it but Bliz is making a good case to add AH back in the game.

In general there are limited amount of uniques. But that is for another debate. I get your point and maybe that is the reason but at the same time making them tradable i do not see the down side.

I am not entirely against them being tradeable. I do think though, if they do, their drop rates may need to be lowered a bit more.

I think first though before that. I would like some improvements to the bosses themselves to make them more enjoyable to fight, and make the effort put in to get to them not feel as much of a drag, and like I said maybe some other systems to.

So, lower the drop rate for everyone, to include those that don’t want to trade? When trading affects game play, a line needs to be drawn.

I remember when the drop rates in D3 were tied to what was for sale in the AH.

And how does this affect your game play? Why are you so concerned about others?? Show us on the doll where trading hurt your feels

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