Season 3 has turned into a yawn fest. šŸ„±

I love the game, hell i have 11 chars at 100 now with max paragonsā€¦

That doesnt say he isnt right, the game need something more once you maxed out your char besides farming Duriel mats, or the game will self-die.

They announced what would be in s3 before release. Huge changes wont be coming mid season. Luckily there is other games out there if u are bored.

I dont disagree with this. Further progression would be cool since lvling is so fast now getting stacked is too fast and easy. However that is something ppl requesting and moaning about. I rather see something like d3 where the paragon cap is higher than what is possible in a season.

I think the problem is that progress is still too slow. Yep, hear me out.
Instead of this notion of one character season, Iā€™d rather have it so players could almost max their character in a short time, and have multiple alts.

Sadly, so few builds can do better than just ok at the end game. That needs to change.

Progress is too fast not too slow.

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Season 3 will pick back up a bit when the gauntlet hits next week. Then it will die out again. Season 4 will see a huge increase in returning players, but Blizzard will end that fun asap. Season 4 will die just as quick as season 3. Blizzard thinks nerfs = fun. And they always will. Hell, they REALLY thought about nerfing charge barb mid-season even after they promised they wouldnā€™t nerf high performing builds mid-season. We dodged the Blizzard bullet on that one.

IF they are not going to nerf charge barb then are they ever going to nerf anything midseason? What does it take to be nerfed? utterly rediculous they dint and instead gave them buffs.

Nerfing a build mid season will generate a huge backlash. They rather not piss off their remaining playerbase.

Btw why people care how other builds are performing? I understand wanting your own build to be buffed to perform closer to top builds, but why ask for nerfs?

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I was leaving hope for The Gauntlet. Massive disappointment. Grinded like crazy, no useful ubers. Game is dumb.

i found fun in last epoch

but it will not last for long

season 4 can allready roll out for me ;d

Nerfs should be reserved for the most egregious displays of imbalance. I think we are there with barbarian and we could be for some time. Using 4 weapons with 2 two handers is op. Who else can use two ubers and get 30k life easy and still have a 2h aspect and 1h aspect to play with? My sorc decides to use the uber staff and that it for me. You imagine what I could do with a 2h aspect and 1h aspect as well???

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Forget d4 for now, wait Till next season.
Try Last Epoch, have some fun

NTY On Last Epoch Almost as bad as D4 :unamused:


The Gauntlet looks boring and since I have no desire to login at all, I can continue to play other games while waiting for Season 4 to launch.

I am completely tired of burning through forgotten souls, gold and tons of time to just waste it at the Occultist.

Uber uniques is the worst idea in this game and needs to go away entirely. The droprate outside of Duriel is still absurd.

NMDs are lacking and people running vaults over them should show them this and NMDs need to be improved.

Would love D4 to burst out of itā€™s yawn fest.

  • Solo offline or online SSF mode, donā€™t care which but would love to see it. I could start from scratch and work my way up to beating something that is quite hard to achieve without interacting with others. Like p8 lvl 99 in d2 solo.

  • Full open trade in the multiplayer game to build wealth over time.

  • A wide and open way to do magic find all over the world. with the addition that MF is best made alone (and XP is best made in group but still OK alone).

  • A equally wide and open build variety that comes from my own choices and a big pool of options from itemization.

  • Nice eternal / season activity to do that isnā€™t beating the AI alone or in team. Doesnt have to be kill other players, could be something else Im open to whatever.

But hey Im just randomly typing here hoping for things.

The way Iā€™ve seen D4 develop over the ~9 months its been out points in the opposite direction =/