Scroll of Retempering

Edit: Adam Fletcher says that we have a small chance of finding scrolls of tempering as a drop in world outside of Dark Citadels. This is good, now I don’t have to rage quit this MMO anymore and can ignore the co-op stuff :slight_smile:

Players will be able to earn a Scroll of Retempering weekly, as a reward for completing the Dark Citadel.

Scroll of Retempering resets bricked tempered items.

Thanks Blizzard, for forcing group play! I guess all the SSF players are to be discarded in this instance. Definitely not buying this Expansion at this point. Very very disappointing that such items are locked behind forced multiplayer content.



They’re addressing a real problem by putting a tiny, irritating band-aid on it. Truth is, they want people in game longer, so bricking is a mechanic they fully support. This “solution” is the lowest effort gimmick they could come up with while still seeming to pretend they care about player base concerns.


Why weekly? Most people are done with a season after a week of play, if not earlier.


Yep a must have item LOCK behing coop dungeon. Sorry blizz but tou will lose many players with this one.


I’m guessing you need to have purchased the expansion to participate in the raid (and therefore obtain the scroll?)

Introducing a problem in a major system, leaving it unresolved long enough to irritate most of the player base , and then locking the solution behind a paywall is some nefarious dark patterns stuff


Or you could just find another item and not need to group up.

Agreed. I really wish they would have leaned into the system to make it more like the successful LE forging mechanic, rather than trying to bandaid it.

Yeah, this is a good point. If you have to have the expansion to have the scroll, then they really need to make the system work without the scroll.

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Not sure where the “weekly” part came from.
The Gamescom panel said there will be a Citadel vendor who will sell scrolls of re-tempering for citadel currency.

Each week what is available will change. Nobody said you can buy a scroll only once a week.

In MMO’s I’ve played, there’s usually a weekly cap on the reward currency you can get from a newly added raid series. Maybe it’s something like that.

Brave the Dark Citadel

The Dark Citadel holds three separate Wings, each with their own secrets to unlock and demonic plans to unravel. Brute force will only let you venture so far; the cooperation of your allies is the key to besting each Wing before finally facing off against the final boss.
Besting these complex bosses and intricate wings will require the efforts of your entire party.

Each wing can be taken down as a group, and can be done in multiple visits if you require respite during this grand task. Communication with your allies will be key within the walls of the Citadel, and a new Marker System will be available to help indicate your next intended move.

Earn Coveted Rewards

Every week you can earn a Weekly Rewards cache the first time the Dark Citadel is completed. These caches could grant you resplendent and exclusive items only offered from Dark Citadel.

Throughout the Dark Citadel, you’ll earn Citadel Coins, which are key to unlocking cosmetics exclusive to Dark Citadel that evoke the regal mania of its demonic owners.

its a weekly reset raid, similar to ones in wow it seems.

To me that means you can complete it unlimited times per week. The first time you complete it will reward you with a bonus a Weekly Rewards cache.

Basically like World Bosses.

Since you earn Citadel Coins every time you run the Citadel, and a vendor sells the scroll of retempering for citadel coins that means you can buy the scroll multiple times if you have the coins needed.

There is still a lot of info to get there could be other ways of getting it they didn’t say this was the only way

I love the “surprise” lol. As somebody that long ago wasn’t getting the xpac though:

You get a group finder for it, though I was never one on board with raiding in an ARPG, but you knew this was coming. So put your money where your mouth is and be done.

You would use scrolls on failed stellar GA items (you shouldn’t prioritize less than 2 or a plus skill one anyway), at most you are playing with 12 total items, not all of which will be legendary needing tempers.

The next min/maxing trick will be to make multiple alts so you can get multiple scrolls a week. Decide if that is for you or not, but of you’re done after forced grouping, I would hope you didn’t preorder the xpac and were at least waiting for confirmation. Now you have it.

Rip they did it. Welcome baby mode to tempering although weekly. The cry babies won


It may not even be weekly.

I can go either way with The Citadel and the Retempering scroll… it’s not the end of world even for a solo player like myself… I’ve grouped up before, so, like I said not a big deal.

As for the retempering scroll… even if I get one, would I use it? I treat tempering as it is now, as a lesson… If I have a bad temper, well, that’s how it goes… either sell or trash the item… go out and find another and try again. I guess the scroll will be beneficial if you tanked a 4GA item.

Dang weekly reset for tempering. I mean cool they added that, but shoot you have to complete the dark citadel to get one which can’t be done solo, and you gotta rely on the Party Finder to get a pug that doesn’t troll or be toxic.

Players gone be like - “Well I got my scroll this reset of the week! DARN IT BRICKED AGAIN. Guess i’ll login next week when my timer up”

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can i unsalvage all my bricks

Watch the scroll get massive duped . Solo players rejoice for RMT cause this item going to get duped to the max cause ppl simple don’t Wana group

Oh dang, didn’t think about that! and we all know which inventory tab these scrolls are going to live in.

Hopefully it goes into the materials list and not the inventory. But yeah going to grab my tin foil hat cause I know what people are going to start conspiracies!

Did they say if these scrolls will work on current items that we want retempered? I may try to temper some 3ga stuff in the stash if I can retemper them later if I fail now.