This part leads me to think it can be completed solo. You may have to run it 2 - 4 times to complete each part though.
if you watch the video they make it pretty clear it cant be done solo
You referencing the part where they need a player to stand on the gate open circle and the other player goes through to stand on the one beyond the gate to allow the other player behind through?
That sucks… but for a chance to reset bricked 3GA base, I am willing to put up with the group raid… although this kind of content is not my favorite. Will probably do clan runs.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
With post quality like this, I hope your one of them. Let’s not forget they just added a group finder which would presumably include this, so you can play solo if you like, grouping a whole once a week should you need to earn yourself a scroll.
Hopefully that’s not too cumbersome on you.
I can’t open the door in SSF…
I think this go by characters, like in other raid game i played. Just create multiple characters to claim the rewards. If there is world tier requirement for the character to claim the scroll. You can pay a bit gold to ask other to boost your character to save time.
What an amazing solution. Now you can grind for the privilege of bricking your god-tier item multiple times. I’m sure that’ll feel great and really pump that playtime. Definitely not going to cause even more players to dip out from the imminent frustration.
Imagine getting a 3 GA best in slot, bricking it, using a scroll of retempering, then bricking it again.
They said there will be big changes coming in season 6, like season 4 big. I’d like to know that season 5 items won’t be marked as Legacy Items.
If this is true they better not add anything, it wouldn’t matter anyway.
I just hope that it is not a guaranteed drop.
This is the Devs’ utmost effort for the tempering system…same result!
Scroll of Retempering idea is… ok.
Only allowing it once per item? Not so much, in my opinion.
Fantastic IMO because its absolutely absurd to allow infinte rerolls. They might as well BIN the system if you have infinte rerolls and just let you choose Tempers with Max stats at that point
Come on man at least do some base level research before you spread misinfromation based on your “guess”.
The scroll of tempering will NOT be locked behind the expansion. It is avaible in the base game and has a chance to drop from monsters outside the citadel. This is taken directly from Adam Fletchers tweet.
Honestly, for those of you who want to be able to brick items so badly, just don’t reset the tempering when it happens… stop going after people who don’t have the time to find that 2nd 3-GA great item… I know that, in my case, on the rare occasion that I get a 2/3-GA item, it’s almost always lousy…
It will come along with both the scrolls of amnesia from the battle pass rewards and the resplendent spark from the reputation reward.