S5 is a skip for me

ok, cool story bro’.

Sounds like you’re gonna log on when season 5 starts to bich about it anyways

ajhhahahahahaa good one

i want to enjoy creating my builds, but blizzard doing 1 billion damage tempered builds with bugs, and people are forced to play that builds :frowning:
Bash multiplitive temper is a mistake! maybe i wanna play frenzy ?
flay duration temper, vulnarable double dip is a mistake! maybe i wanna play with grandfather sword!
because of these billion damage tricks, double triple dip things,
even uber uniques are becoming worthless :confused:
if you choice to create your builds for enjoy, you cant find a group , they kick u, bcs you are too weak compare to blizzards bugged billion damage builds :confused:


Hell I can’t even play it takes forever to load and is very laggy on my end. Been playing Erdtree all day but a game with even less hardware requirements can barely run.

Nvm apparently it resets all settings when you first load up ptr again.

The odd season curse is real. Yeah unless significant changes are made to infernal hordes and the plethora of bugs are fixed it is looking really bad. This is coming from someone who is usually optimistic.

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it’s well known.

even season = good

odd season = skip

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I can’t even get it to open up for me… it hangs on the title screen.

yeah, I can’t get past the title screen…

You won. Everyone else in PTR is in hell

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Same for addons.

Addon 1 = odd = skip :wink:

You can’t find a group in this game no matter what anyway.

Yep, wonder why the Xpack will be on an even Season?

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It’s like Star Trek movies. Every even one is good.

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Aside from the nerfs/balancing S5 does not offer anything to make me want to play it. The theme and end game just does not interest me. Basically its a kill box with bosses at the end. Reminds me a lot of Petrified Screams in D3 with revives and a boss room. Unless there is more I will be glad its a short season.