S5 is a skip for me

From what I could infer, something’s broken in the core mechanics for several classes. They also addressed class balance briefly in the hotfix notes today, at least, that they see what we’re saying.

Take care, Shiv o/

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I think the problem is there’s no reason to do the new end game content. Everything else is better. PIT has more mats and drops better loot (lol), helltide boss drops more GA (they are nerfing wolf hearts though, huge L), and you cant even level glyphs at the end, you still have to do NMD. It also takes 15-20 minutes to finish it, its just not worth and will probably never be worth doing.

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They accidently pasted Season 5 on top of season 1 servers.

The lack of creativity with this new content is appalling. They brought rogue like elements but took nothing good about rogue like games.

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I’m feeling a repeat of season 1 and 3 about to unfold with season 5. Oddly enough the best seasons so far have been even seasons. If that is the case let’s hope S6/expac is up to snuff in keeping the track record.

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Watch Burim or Thessains high pit clears (125+). You can watch it on Maxroll’s pit ladders. (No holy bolts)

They clear using golem spam with tendrils to CC and they stand near to the mobs so the golem gets Hellbent Commander buff.

You should probably read some of the blue posts on this. You did get buffs but they also got bugged out mobs with more health the intended on the PTR so you feel like you lost DPS. But sure. Skip S5, always good with a break from the game.

I will play S5 so I can see what the final resulsts actually are when it comes live and make a determination at that point. As always, I never pay for the premium battle pass until I’m 1/2 done with the season & of course I have to like the cosmetics, to make sure I like it before I waste $3 :slight_smile:

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No - my damage number went down after the PTR copy. Nothing changed. It has zero to do with enemy HP.

Yes, I am aware that I lose Shepard’s as a multiplier for Pulverize. However, all the supposed “buffs” that Pulverize received don’t make up for that loss. Thus my comment regarding the rain. Rain feels great; peeing on my leg doesn’t.


I think we’ve all learnt by now to skip the odd season team.


Literally no one knows what the seasonal mechanic is and you are mad about bugs to class balance. This ptr is ONLY to test infernal hoardes and new uniques and legendary powers. They specifically stated that the seasonal mechanics were not in this PTR and would be revieled in 2 weeks. The PTR isn’t for fun, it’s for TESTING. it in the freaking name.

And they make you grind for items,mats in the PTR. Absolute trash. What a waste. How do you test if you have to grind??? I uninstalled this after a day.


They gotta maintain that cliche I guess.

Odd seasons bad, even seasons not as bad.

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Not sure how you concluded this. Its a 18 tier buff. Pit boss HP is bugged so factor it out of equation.

Non of my 3 barbs works on PTR. Their tempering is missing due to the tempering rework. Had to re-temper. Pay attention to details.

There are pulverize cleared 129 on PTR. Which is a 109 build on live.

What I was going to say. Class balance and more fun things to do is what is needed here.

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Balance changes and 50 new Uniques and Aspects are not interesting?

Nope, none of them are. It’s my opinion, and apparently widely shared. You can disagree and play all you like, I won’t stop you!

Without substantial changes, it’s a skip from me. S6/Expansion 2 months away from S5 launch, nothing interesting here in S5.

I don’t know how people can have such a venomous take on a PTR. Maybe S5 will be a bust but to judge it on the basis of 1 day of PTR is just asinine. Maybe You really don’t belong on a TEST server.

the main reason is still no social features, no pit leaderboard, literally none of the major things people have been asking for are being added into S5. if we were to see some of this it would soften the blow regarding some other things.

the season mechanic does not even need to be announced. it is always just some added grind that’s required to augment your damage a little. it will be trivial, probably feel tedious to acquire, and not something that changes anybody’s feelings.

the only thing for people to look at is the infernal horde and the new items/balance changes, both of which are super lame.


Season 4 was the fix.

With season 5 they go back to ruining the game again.

Maybe another year for a good season


The reason why they made this game become an MMO diablo game with no way of conversing with other players/making groups together to tackle content and STILL one year later not a word regarding it, this alone makes this season the last season I’ll be touching this game.

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