S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

I think good compensation would be for Blizzard just to explain why it happened, and what they are doing to prevent it from happening again.

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you post doenst help anything just cus you feel like that doesnt mean bring drama up. compensation is necessary as the games unplayable for alot of people for almost 12 hours now

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what update was relayed except they are looking at it after 12 hours? come on now and its a game braking bug for people in t3 and starting t4 so yea its crazy

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I believe that the tree is one of the only ways to make gold in the game to roll items… We are at a standstill until this problem is resolved.

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Do you even read? The post of mine you just replied to lists the Blizzard responses and no, it is not just “looking into it”. There is a nice button to jump to the Blue posts if you can’t find them yourself. :woman_shrugging:

I am sure you can put in a ticket for the cost per hour that you were denied access to a portion of the game. You don’t pay by the minute or hour so not sure they can help you, but you are free to ask.


Nah, nightmare dungeons aren´t working for me either because I´ve got no source for mats to craft sigils.
Without adding to the drama I hope they will fix it soon.


Then its a bad company. Any company running a 24/7 server must also have a 24/7 response team. That means minimum stuff, but both customer service and developers on standby to do whats necessary if critical bugs arise.
If you are running something outside of your timezone you have to answer to the people in that timezone. (for example we had people active working on state holidays because our product had customers in other countries for which the days weren’t holidays) Same with nights. Its called corporate responsibility.


you are commenting for drama rather than for solutions. if you have issues with how people feel after having to report a bug for 12 hours then thats a you issue. the only updates they have out are on this forum. this is a game braking bug. compensation is the least they have to worry about here. just stop

the level of entitlement is quite tremendous lol
bug happen, and week ends affect staffing in ANY company: it’s not a matter of defending or blasting, it boils down to freaking common sense.



So the updates on a Bug, that is noted on the Launcher, are on the Bug Report forum in the main thread about it?

Did you expect them to be updating somewhere else?

I get it, the bug sucks. Nobody likes it and everyone is frustrated. I normally feel their communication and response time sucks. This time they actually are doing it right and have been providing acknowledgement and updates since 2:20am PDT. They have a fix created that is now in the testing phase.

If that testing passes, they can deploy it to the servers and things will be hopefully fixed.

This is a GAME company, not a critical infrastructure or financial service. Despite that they have been providing communications all night and this morning every few hours. Any time they have new info, they have told us.

Here is a list of the times they provided updates on this thread. They also updated on Twitter, and put a notice on the Launcher.

This whole thing sucks, but they most certainly have not been ignoring it and have had staff on it since it started.

Might that bug be linked to a strange issue I encountered during that time frame, that i never encountered before?
When changing zones, from the shared world to an instance, the game showed a disconnect error and I ended up in the character selection screen. When trying to get back into the game, another error message told me that my character failed to safe and that I should wait a few minutes
After doing so, I was able to get into the game without any further issues. The only noticeable thing was, that I lost about 5-10min. of progression, nothing more, until trying to turn in a Tree of Whispers reward that is

Same problem. Received a task up to level 75 (level 60-65). The task required arriving at level 75. Now the list of rewards is empty, but it is impossible to complete since the task scale is full. At least add task restart. It is clear that this was done specifically to slow down the progress of those who are ahead of schedule, but this is dishonest.

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Wait, there is a conspiracy that the bug was intentional now?

it appears to fixed for me…they reset to 7/10 anyway

edit: lol sorry not yet i was in wt3…doh!

are you just sitting on this forum spam replying to people who are experiencing the issue and sharing their thoughts? thats against tos. just to remind you

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Guys, this is a GAME. You are PLAYING, not using a SaaS solution for a production line/financial service. I DO work for a software company, with drastic SLAs and trust me, when, in real life, a company is facing a bug, it’s an ISSUE.
Again, here you are playing, not paying a fee every month of every time you use the Service.
So, let’s wait for the fix to pass QA and enjoy other activities in the game, there are quite many to do. Or go outside and breathe some fresh air.
EDIT: And I experience the issue too, blocked at the tree :wink:


Replying to others that are sharing their thoughts on a forum whose purpose is to share thoughts and reply to others is against the ToS? That’s some seriously ASUS levels of logic there, pal.

The tree is one of the only options for making gold in the game… How to roll items and do other activities with the gold paralyzed?

Do some helltides and dungeons. Farm other things than gold. Farm items and sell them, for instance. Gold is not so much paralyzed.

he literally made 3 people delete their comment. hense the reply. its considered harassments and spam