S3 situation report. It's worse than you think

:wink: I know we’re all adults here, but I don’t want a forum vacation for using a “naughty” word.

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fixed that for you you’re welcome

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No. Fixing the itemization should be #1 priority.
Toss everything out and start new on a blank sheet.
And remove at least half of the damage mechanics bloat (crit, overpower, vulnerable, …).

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indeed ^^

awww, I feel ya, wait a moment while I break out this tiny violin and play for you…

Diablo 4 needs a Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn-style reboot.

Elements of the underlying tech, including itemization are so painfully sophomoric that when I play games from other seasoned developers it makes me cringe.

I don’t know if the gap is because of management not having a good vision or if theres brain drain going on but the game will not survive for the lifespan they expect at this clip.

what a trash this pet man, blizzard never learn

You can have a very good season mechanic/theme, but the base game is still awful.
If PoE has a dud seasonal mechanic then its still saved by the base game. In Sanctum league i didnt touch the league mechanic at all but i still played for 2 months just enjoying the base game.


They should just disable trading. It’s the only way. No transferring of items between accounts in any way.

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Quit dropping Stones and just drop a stone upgrades. Let the player choose how to use the upgrade. Most players will not bother with trying to max the stones. I have decided to skip that task I’ll just play and if I get an upgrade now and then OK.

Nice post mate, thank you.
AT this rate this is eroding my trust forever in this game, and once LE launches it may be the nail in the coffin

Good post. About the rota’s, can we be banned for partying with someone who has duped mats? If i didnt dup them or trade for them, still?

I don’t know, but I wouldn’t risk it.

Yea, sucks though b/c right now i am only doing rota’s with buddys but if they quit, ill do them with whomever, and the duping is out of control…

A total season 3 wipe could fix it. I’m not playing with cheaters. What’s the point?

While I agree with the problem, I don’t agree that a Loot Filter is the ultimate solution. Stats, as a whole, need to be entirely revamped. There are too many that do the exact same thing and too many that feel completely useless.


The barb charge is absurd and beyond annoying, this needs to be changed asap, as for the rest yea this season is not good, this team really needs to get it together the feedback is universally negative, 10 year plan is seeming like a pipe dream at this point

Ever since I completed the story, I’ve forgotten it’s there most of the time. This thing should grow as you upgrade it, keep up with you, and should be a NOTICABLE formidable force the more upgrades you get for it as you approach max. It should have had customizable options, different skins you can either earn or farm. It’s abilities should’ve had unique auras or graphics.

I’m not saying it should have a friggin’ side car in which your character can sit and auto pilot the whole game, but it should have been something I actually remember is there.

If it could morph into a side car that would be badass

Im havin fun. I’m not basement dungeon blasting it though. Still in the 60s, lol.

I plan on spending most of time the second half of the season. Just playing sans vaults atm :smiley: