S3 situation report. It's worse than you think

This season is fried. I’m currently speedfarming Tier 90-100 Nightmare Vaults and posts on this forum haven’t even begun to cover how deep-fried this season truly is. Probably because 99% of people are still on WT3 - early WT4 and haven’t realized how deep the issues with this season run. I’m going to cover only some of the most egregious of issues in the hopes that Blizzard will do something.

===The Seneschal Robot===

  • It’s weak as hell. Even with Tier 7 Governing and Tuning Stones, it’s barely managing to do 10% of my overall damage. Its only good for cheesing final trap rooms in Nightmare Vaults with taunt and grip. But other than that, it’s essentially like playing on the Eternal realm in terms of player power.
  • Because of the loss of player power, many builds have become non-viable. If you aren’t running meta, you will have a bad, bad time in endgame content.
  • The Seneschal Robot has very little in the way of interactions with class abilities and aspects. Moreover, it’s inconsistent in terms of whether it counts the damage done by it as player damage or its own damage. For example, aspects that require you to do damage from different elemental categories don’t work with the Seneschal.

===Nightmare Dungeons===

  • Defunct. Nightmare Vaults have better density, less annoying mob types and reward more loot.

===Nightmare Vaults===

  • Not as bad as people say once you memorize all trap locations.
  • On the other hand, you are running the same 4 dungeons over and over again with zero variety.
  • If you play it safe and run 18 stacks of Zoltun’s Warding, you spend only 2 Pearls per run due to getting 3 Pearls back from the chests. So you can chain run Nightmare Vaults nonstop as long as you grind a couple of Pearls every now and then.
  • Nevertheless, the final trap troops heavily favor ranged builds that can stay in safe spots. Only the Vault of Stone has a safe spot that melee can use.
  • Moreover, trap design disproportionately favors builds with immunities and teleports for skipping.

===Governing and Tuning Stones==

  • In a word, complete disaster.
  • Leveling Tunining Stones to max requires hundreds of Nightmare Vault runs, translating to dozens of hours of real time.
  • Leveling Governing Stones with any semblance of efficiency requires you to AFK in a “Tech Farm” group that you can only join through Discord. Still translates into dozens of hours of real time. I don’t know WHAT you were thinking but surely 10 people AFKing around a mob spawn can’t be your idea of an engaging “seasonal mechanic”.
  • Altogether, you are looking at spending close to a 100 hours to max out both Governing and Tuning Stones. Given how weak the Senechal Robot is, this is completely unacceptable. Given that you could max out all Vampiric powers in S2 in just a couple of hours at worst, this is completely unacceptable. Given that maxing out Tuning Stones is a requirement to 100% the seasonal journey for the title, this is completely unacceptable.

===Uber Duriel===

  • The concept is dead.
  • Due to the loss of player power, many builds now struggle with Uber Duriel, making finding rota groups that much harder.
  • All the mats have already been duped into oblivion.
  • Due to the combination of these two factors, people who play meta builds (like HotA barbs) are simply boosting RMT champions through Uber Duriel 24/7. There are almost no legit rota groups to be found. Even in a “legit” group you are likely to have some tool with 1000 sets of summoning mats trying to get everyone banned.
  • Solo farming Uber Duriel is still beyond inefficient.


  • Good news: you can get 2 full bags of 925 items in 5 minutes from a single Tier 90+ Nightmare Vault.
  • Bad news: the chances of getting something usable are still close to 0%.
  • LOOT FILTER SHOULD BE YOUR #1 PRIORITY. I don’t care what you have to do to get it done. Stop S4 development. Stop Vessel of Hatred development. Get a working loot filter into the game. Manually sorting through hundreds of items every hour of grinding is simply not feasible. It’s doubly not feasible in S3 when you get all 925 items and everything is a potential upgrade. I don’t understand why this still needs to be said almost a year after the game’s release.
  • In addition to affix bloat, we now have useless aspect bloat.

===The Ladder===

  • Cancel it.
  • If still in doubt, refer to the above.
  • Dupers, exploiter, bots and RMT champs are already decked out in uber uniques and max rolled 925 items.
  • Some builds are so dominant that others simply won’t be able to compete with them.


  • This season is a dud. Boost Governing and Tuning Stone acquisition so that people can 100% their seasonal journeys and move on to working on core features.
  • Like I have already said. CANCEL. THE. LADDERS. If you release the ladders in the game’s current state with exclusive cosmetic rewards attached to them, D4 will take a reputational hit that it simply won’t recover from.
  • When you figure out how to stop the duping, exploiting, botting and RMT AND do a complete itemization rework with a loot filter AND achieve a semblance of build diversity, then you can do ladders.
  • Until then, drop development on this season and work on more important features.

you can’t fix when you get laid off lmao


Now that is constructive and will be considered. Mark my words.


It baffles my mind that they thought releasing a leaderboard for this season AND in the middle of it is a good idea.

I don’t get it why this season released in such a barebones and boring state. Every single casual out there with a tad bit of experience with arpgs could have designed it better.

You know what truely insults me tho ? Go to the jeweler and look for the obols cache.

They want 500 stones for freaking 50 obols ! 500 ! In the time you have these 500 you could have grinded the open world events to get like 5-10 k obols.

Increase the numbers blizzard. Seriously. Why is that company so scared to reward us for our grind. This season is full with grind that rewards zero.


I dont mind the grinding part. They just have to adjust the value proposition by making the pet 5x as strong at max stones.

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They will. Just put it into a constructive manner.

I’m very happy to see a dedicated player and forum poster make such a detailed and accurate post.

I hope the forum White Blood Cells has mercy on you. >.<

I’m gonna play a different game and wait for season 5 I guess.

I hope they listen to you man, imagine if they release the ladder this season with the game in its current state…


I havent done a single vault run yet and I have a few stones at level 9 already. Im just doing the open world tech-hides. They are hard to see as they dont have some color on the map. They level up pretty fast with those


Wait for season 4 or season 6.

Seasons 1 and 3 were developed by the same team, whereas season 2 and forseeably 4 was/will be developed by a different team.

Given how 1/3 turned out compared to 2, I would say you can safely skip 5.


Good post thanks. Looks like I made the right choice completely ignoring this season.


i loved 2 things from s2 (they removed 1 of them during s2)

  1. a working horse (speed was perfect, when you got stuck on that invisa object - no problem - zoom zoom around it) - sadly they removed this over 2 weeks by making it slower and sloooower and sloooooooooooooower over a few patches

  2. vamp-tide loot pinata, that was wicked good for leveling and getting gear.

that was the best of all the seasons for me.


noone cares about ladders, let the youngsters show of their e-dominance. i agree with what you say, i personally wont touch the mini robot and upgrade it, its totaly useles.


Good post.
I personally am fine with the season…but only because I have lost interest already. Playing for a few hours Here and there and waiting for LE Release in 1 month. For Casual daddy-gaming its…ok.
Will perhaps come Back IF they Work on things already should have been there from the beginning.


This right here is the biggest thing. Ladders are nice especially when you can get some rewards for your efforts. However, I’d much rather have them giving us better itemization and a loot filter before any Ladder. Not to mention working on all the exploits, rmt etc.

They could make the new itemization the theme of a season for all I care. Nothing new within, just less of a headache gearing your character after some farming.

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Good post, especially on the Uber Duriel part, everyone saw it upcoming.

Without vampiric powers, many players are seeing that all classes are very weak… necromancer is one of the weakest!

There is no progress in the game…it doesn’t matter what level we are at, whether it’s 30 or 60 or 100…the feeling is that we are always weak!

The lack of item variety is shocking too…and some skills, for example necros, needed more buffs and better tree organization. Curses hardly help anything…using them or not makes almost no difference.

The game looks like it hasn’t even entered beta…


Sadly I decided to play the season story part. It is not entirely bad. However I doubt I will continue once the story is over, there seems to be no reason to go to 100 this season, when they have borked the NMD this poorly with “deadly traps”.


Well you have no argument from me, this all seems legit. I’m still playing in S3 but its not even close to how fun season 2 was. I don’t understand how you cant even customize (appearance), name and or even level your companion (only level its ham and egg abilities), that’s crazy to me. It seems like such an easy mechanic to add to the game. Aside from the lack of power it holds I barely even notice it next to me.

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Is the game difficulty easier, harder, same, as in S2? The absurdly low difficulty seemed like S2s biggest issue.

This sounds potentially good at least.

Duping is back, againagainagain? Seriously :partying_face:

A good summary. Without some significant changes, probably will do the same as season 1. Finish season journey and then stop playing until next season. Think I was able to wrap that one up around level 70…