S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

Blood Tide was a much needed and great addition to the game. Not having something like it each season is a very bad idea. Grinding dungeons is just not fun all the time. You need something else to break it up.

Should be its own post

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It’s not as bad as S1. Definitely not as good as S2. Not by a long shot. Seems like they took 10 steps backwards with this season.

Dude, what’s the game focus of D4? Getting loots, killing bunch of mobs with variety of BD or dodging incoming projectiles and traps? Did the developers get the focus wrong?

Based on conversations I’ve been involved with, they don’t like how they work as a skill. They want a different fantasy than what is being offered and until it works that way, they will not be happy. Mathematically, Raise Skeleton is the highest base damage skill in the game. No other skill has the same damage levels. But it’s Damage Over Time and you have to manage the skill. It’s not set it and forget it like the common style of ARPGs, see D3 as an example. If you use minions as a skill, they are effective. That’s just not what people want.

It also doesn’t help that in those conversations people didn’t even know that casting Raise Skeleton after they were all summoned would heal them AND increase their damage 30%. There are comments as recent as this week where people will insist that they scale off of all damage, which isn’t true. So how can we accurately judge where minions are, right now, if players aren’t using the skill at the very least as it is currently intended?

I’m okay with people saying they don’t like the fantasy of the minions currently, or that they don’t like the style, but what they actually say is generally not a factual statement. I’ve gone as far as leaving a suggestion in one of those threads on how they can change minions immediately to fit that fantasy. Those players seemed to like the idea. Like I said, I’m not against the idea of changing them or being able to change them but we need to be honest in our discussion. As far back as pre-season, you had Kripp passing videos where he showed how powerful minions could be and showed the build. Minions have only gotten stronger since then. If they’ve only been made stronger then how can they be so much worse now?

I think this is mostly due to them being damage over time. You will always see smaller numbers, we’re psychologically attuned to bigger is better so it tends to suck just because it’s not big numbers. I think another element is that there aren’t as many direct power increase aspects for them as other skills. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they really need it right now but it definitely feels like the minion skill is less expansive than others.

As another factor, I think minion builds are thought of wrong. Yes, I think the build guides are wrong. I think they just copy/pasted from one another and got serious elements wrong. Specifically aspects, like you don’t need all the minions you can get from aspects. I put in different ones, focused on things I know the minions get the most inheritance from. Stat-wise, attack speed is the most powerful increase to minion damage in my testing but the guides tend to skip some of the best attack speed increases. Minions get 30% of whatever your attack speed is, why would you put only 1 attack speed increase on your gear? Crit chance is fine and all but they only get 30% of your crit chance and damage, there really isn’t enough crit available to make minions crit viable on their own. They get 100% benefit from vulnerable damage though, strange that it’s the lowest priority on the Maxroll builds.

Simple stuff like that seems odd to me when everyone complains about them. The community at large is fundamentally wrong about minions simply because they look at too many guides. And those who don’t look at guides? I’m sure they can come here and hear the wrong things, or various videos and streams. This kind of information just permeates the whole game and it’s so… confusing to me how it happens. Do people not try to make builds anymore?

What are you getting at? Please use full sentences.

Duriel sets are already duped to oblivion.

This game still crashes.
ActivisionBlizzard’s games are crashing, Call of Duty, Diablo.
They remove elixir buff and they are trying to kill hardcore characters with crashes.
They are N~a~z~i and Soviet communist.
They aim to wear players down.
It just doesn’t stop to crash.
It is their proudly served ‘Live Service’.
Unbelievable, they are still selling ‘crashes’ to customer.
I can’t believe it is still an early access quality, or Beta, or Alpha.

Claims summons do more damage than a blood build.
Alright, so you’re a liar, got it.

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Learn to play, maybe spend some time off of Maxroll and you might learn how stuff works. Raise Skeleton is the strongest base damage skill in the game. You should probably figure out basic math before you start ranting. LOL.

who could have seen this coming?

Man I remember the OPs name from 6 months ago crying. Looks like he still here crying.

I agree, it is the season of the crash.
They are selling us crashes.

It’s astounding how they had 11 years+ to make this game and all they did was charge $70 entry and add $40 horses and more $26 cosmetic armor sets, all functioning fine. The rest of the game though has no meaning, you want to be casual and complete the bp + play other games well Blizzard still has that tribal mentality where you must only play D4 and nothing else or you won’t complete it.

There is no fixing it really. They have a solid foundation but will never properly utilize D4.

This season is the ultimate crap of all and so does Blizz…

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Im pretty disappointed. D4 is just pretty awful. Its just not a good ARPG, no trading no economy, builds are lackluster, no complexity.

I love grinding but wow D4 grinding just kills my soul. something went really wrong.

Blizz should really look at PoE and PoE 2; everything about those games blows D4 away, systems, bosses, different mechanics, trading, currency, economy, the lust is endless.

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i’ll skip this season unfortunately, ill wait s4 and minions buffs

The solution is simple, fire all the diversity hires and current dev team.


are you even getting someone to back off your statements ? Seems like everyone above are bashing you here and there…

Are you really going full Rocky on this ?

It’s only been 2 days and as a “dad meme” gamer who has a kiddo and doesn’t get to play as much as others in general, I’m a little scared of the vault trap mechanic, but it isn’t a dealbreaker. I’m taking a wait-and-feel approach, as in, I’ll judge it when I get there. It seems like an interesting challenge and I think there are going to be many who like and appreciate it. Most who don’t are probably like me, lol…I have that lack of time AND skill. I worry that I’ll spend time getting mats for the warding and then get no reward at all because I got hit by every trap, well, not every, but you know what I mean. That’s gotta hurt. Again, I don’t know if this is how it works. Others that won’t like it, I suspect are the ones used to running T100s in 2-3m (the racers), because now they’ll have to slow down a bit, which is likely Bliz. intention. Slow down, folks! I was never interested in AoZ but when I maxed 2 characters, I finally decided to jump in and it wasn’t bad. I could never see myself getting to teens, much less 20+ because there’s no way I was going to grind that Tear to even 2, lol so, I don’t know if I have any hope of doing these vaults, nightmare-style, I’ll try though!

If I was going to ask for any changes atm, not knowing the details, they’d be that they throw us, less-skilled casuals a bone. I wouldn’t want the mechanic removed, I welcome nothing more than to award those uber-skilled D4 players with the best in-game loot they deserve, but instead of making it so you can’t open the chests if the warding is gone, I’d say allow it to be opened but drop some 925 loot or “less of” the loot it intended to award a max or warded player, so if the chest awarded a unique or 2 for warded and max warded, respectively, maybe adjust it to have it drop 1 unique for the nobodies, 2 for warded and 3 for max warded. If it was to drop 925, maybe have it drop 3 for max, 2 for warded, and 1 for noobies. The other change is that for some reason the vaults feel massive…not sure if it’s just me. So many doors, and wings, but maybe they’re just reusing maps and I’m not noticing. I’d say cut the size down just a bit, or remove some doors :slight_smile:

Re: 1 and 3, again, wait and feel for me. Right now the Tremors seem ok. They seem plenty dense, but I’m only 50. If I’m wiping packs of them out per second at 100, I imagine that would be lackluster. I can only assume the governing and tuning stones won’t be as bad later, since we should have tons of mats to just make them. This to me is similar to vamp blood. My first char was blood-starved but char 2 had enough blood to unlock and level all the vamp powers as I got them.

Your points are valid but I would at least give it until all types of players hit 100 (not just the uber youtubers and hardcore players) and get a real feel before I considered that the season needed “salvaging”. I think Blizzard is simply trying to slow people down, so the majority of players don’t hit 100, min-max and then complain about boredom and nothing else to do before the next update hits…but it has backfired, spectacularly.