S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

Of course not, because that would mean it’s their fault and this place is full of people who can’t take ownership of anything.

That said, there are a lot of posts here saying “I haven’t beaten it with any stacks yet” which quite literally means they’re saying it’s too hard.

I don’t know about that. I’m having fun. I also like that it’s not a run through everything smash fest all the time. It’s a little mix and that’s good to me.

But now I’ll await the “white knight” replies. I didn’t say something hate filled about D4 so let’s be a target. That’s more the problem with your perception than what is actually said. These forums are a cesspool of hatred and anyone who says something not outright negative about D4 is pushed out. Maybe if people weren’t so obnoxious there’d be other opinions around for you to think about. Sheesh, I was called a “white knight” for saying “both D4 and PoE have inventory management problems”. I did raise issue with D4 but got attacked because I wasn’t mean enough. :rofl:


Good stuff:

  • Story and quests
  • New location is well executed
  • New demons to fight
  • Season boss (should be a perma Uber)

Average stuff:

  • Seasonal companion
  • Open World Tremors (maybe they better in WT4?)

Not so good stuff:

  • Vault chest loot mechanic

Outside of that it’s D4 so all the things that fall outside the seasonal model that just need to be fixed or overhauled.


It seems like this team, that worked on season 1 and now season 3, they don’t know how to make things fun… :frowning: hopefully the second team will bring us a good season 4


Feels like there is no loot in the game. It’s hard to scrap enough legendaries to even use the codex.


As as per usual, white knights are playing armchair psychologists instead of just admitting that the season isn’t in a good place lol


Not to white knight, but highly probable that 99% of title sales happened direct vs. on Steam, so this isn’t at all surprising.

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PoE’s Labyrinth is one of the most polarizing systems and divisive systems in the game. Even though it’s been around for ages people still hate it. I don’t know why they thought to implement something similar here.


Nah, OP spent money on a product and it’s their right as a consumer to voice their criticism of that product.

Way too many of you dorks on this forum are infatuated w/ this game to the point of desperately trying to defend it from completely valid criticism that even the developers have thanked the community for giving.


Devs are so afraid of giveing pets significant power, even if it’s the seasonal theme, it sucks after a while. :laughing::laughing::laughing:


This season sucks. He wants it to be better.


Redesign? Common man, they can’t redesign the stash so that we can have more than 1 character for 7 months, you are asking them to redesign a whole season… Seriously?


This is how it always goes. They serve up a s#it sandwich at the beginning, so when they eventually hotfix buff all the underwhelming parts, and nerf all the crappy parts, the community sings their praises.

Every single time.

Just wait, they’re going to turbo buff vault rewards, scale back the traps, make robot stones slightly less awful and make robot more useful. Its terrible right now by design.

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Very little bought the game on Steam. They already had it thru Battle.Net

I don’t know, if you listen to the PoE stans here, everything about that game is pure gold. It’s not a shock they’d do something to appease these crybabies and it goes bad. Not saying the traps are bad, I’m saying there’s not pleasing these people, the forums will always be their war. They could mail everyone 3 bars of 24 carat gold and they’d still find something to complain about.

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I’m trying to sympathize with some of you guys but I’m kinda enjoying it? It was uncomfortable at first but after grinding solo aoz 15s for like a month its seriously not stressing me out at all. its actually relaxing. makes me want to load up some arcade classics on the phone, lol.

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because we all play diablo to wait in dungeons.

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I mean just compare poe forum to D4 forum. There will always be something to complain about however POE users are mostly complaining about the very few little things.

D4 has a TON of problems and alot are BIG problems. They have not fixed any LARGE issues in S3. It’s literally S2 repeat with traps in dungeons which no one wants to play. Everyone should be upset, including white knights.


Pointing out facts, or making a speculation about the game isn’t White Knighting. Is what I would like to say, but I’ve been called a White Knight for ridiculing the game but arguing with the poster. As long as you agree with the poster you’re having a conversation with you won’t be a white knight, soon as you disagree even slightly, you are a white knight. According to these forums anyway. I don’t agree, but hey I’m not about to change their minds, nor would I waste my time trying.

Easier to lump people into categories with inconsistent labels, especially when you don’t agree with them.


You don’t even have to disagree. You just have to not completely trash Blizzard, D4, and those that play it. Saying anything that’s not negative, even if you’re not discussing D4, basically gets you the white knight label on these forums.

In another thread, someone said, “Don’t speak for me,” and was labeled a white knight. Wish I could remember what it was so I could link it.


plus, try something else. Im playing a full charge barb. Thats CRAZY. So different.