S2 cements GOTY status for D4

While I appreciate the offer I am happily married.

Lol goty? There’s no way in hell, this game is on crutches

Lol he didnt think that he was the crazy one and not the people. Maybe you can make your own game awards? Pretty sure d4 will be nominated there

a troll post with 400 replies, you guys are amazing!

this has been more entertainment then anything D4 has to offer


If I would tell you how blatantly the latest 18 exploits where in detail (gold, items, dupes), you wouldn`t even dare in creating this topic. I summarized most of the S1 ones here: Whats wrong with Season 1? - #2 by BiLL-1916

I can tell you that would never been a GOTY, because the bugs were just ridiculous and S2 added 3 new of them.

These things are inherent in a Diablo game.

  1. what the f is a bigot? most of you use that word incorrectly
  2. how am i your definition of bigot if i spend time on said forums?

nothing is clear of what you said, since like i said, you can go on said forums and see the numbers for yourself

who’s the “bigot” now, boy wonder

….hope he/she/it is as happy as you. Although I still think that you are a crazy program routine who trolls the forum on the run from developers.


1. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Your time spent on said forums isn’t what makes you a bigot; your attitudes toward transgender people makes you a bigot. The fact that you spend time on forums aimed at supporting transgender people makes you a dangerous bigot.

And before you make the argument, because you are nothing if not utterly predictible; no, being prejudiced against bigots is not bigotry in itself, since it is not an unreasonable belief.

Why? Because your in denial??

Lol it’s seriously hilarious seeing everyone else get upvoted but you in every thread you create or comment on…

Yet you continue thinking your right and your opinion matters. Lol

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your last paragraph is a logical fallacy, not an argument, but just further cements how simple minded you are

you claim that reading up on a subject makes one a bigot, i guess then all doctors are bigots against ailing people, all teachers are bigots against uneducated people and all religious people are bigots against atheists

great logic boy genius

That’s because this place is a mindless echo chamber. One drone after another “lol d4 bad” . People who hate the game so much they spend all day on here. Makes zero sense. I can at least say that I like the game and spend time here when I unable to play from my phone.

Can’t wait for the big W. Baldur’s what… Diablo 4 FTW!


Looking at the posts, people are just talking in circles. This must be the secret to so many repeated posts! Make a troll thread, bait it with something wrong or false, and then defend it with as much twisted facts + logic as possible. This must be the secret to why people have 2k+ posts!


Huh, I was wondering who reported my last post and now I think I know who did it.

Because God forbid anyone even mildly criticize or insult the Patron Saint that is Activision Blizzard King.

Yeesh. Anyway, D4 doesn’t deserve GotY, in spite of the stellar initial reviews. I do however think it’s a shame it didn’t at least get nominated for its music. I love The Gale Valley so much, and the battle theme for Tur Dulra.

Not that anything is beating FF16 lol, and Soken 100% deserves it.

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As I said; predictable as a clock.

Just stop; you’re embarrassing yourself. Nobody cares about your bigoted fundamentalism.

Are you seriously trolling right now? Please stay on topic.

Well, certainly wasn’t me, I spent 24 hours in BlizzJail myself.
Don’t know what could have possibly “offended” :man_shrugging:t2:
Might have been the Fable 2 achievement for multi partner “fun”, or they took offence to Khajit and elves in Skyrim being romancable :rofl:


I’m lost here, what is the topic. Is it bears still or trolling?