Whats wrong with Season 1?

I played my rogue till level 70 but stopped some days before season 1, not because of the game but because I just had to do a lot and couldnt find much time to play games. Now since theres a little bit less stress in my “offline life” I wanted to come back to D4 but I read a lot of criticism.

an someone please give me a short summary and update of what happened and why there is so much criticism going onat the moment?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Season 1:

  1. Use The Barber on any build
  2. Gold Exploit #1
  3. Gold Exploit #2
  4. Gold Exploit #3
  5. Gold & Item Dupe Exploit #4
  6. Economy ingame destroyed - all is worth billions of gold now
  7. Trade disabled (economy ingame destroyed)
  8. Trade restored
  9. Currently a vast a mount of players vanished
  10. Hidden nerf/patching/shadowfix of Bursting Venoms downgrades a S-Class build to a A-Class while S1 is mid-running even if in last Campfire DevChat they told us not to do it again. They did it again.
  11. Nightmare Dungeons cannot be resetted anymore, but magic find is still not re-added. They didnt give anything back.
  12. They keep removing stuff/content from the game / downgrading it / slowing the players down.
  13. Update 06 Sept 23 - PVP Godmode Immortal Bug Bug Report: PVP zone immortal bug - #16 by BiLL-1916
  14. Update 15 Sept 23 - Another Gold Exploit closed via PVP seeds HOTFIX - September 6, 2023 - 1.1.3
  15. Update 28 Sept 23 - Another Gold Exploit closed via PVP seeds (again) HOTFIX 2 - September 27, 2023 - 1.1.4

Thats S1 so far.


Ok sound more like a problem lf exploids. What stuff has been removed? What is slowing down players?

Read Discord, read Reddit, read Forum.


you know what’s really crappy about seasons?

is the time you put into building a toon, for nothing.

what they should do is just keep adding to eternal, so people have a vested interest in their toons.

I stop playing once I hit 80, as the incentive to grind just isn’t there.


On top of what BiLL listed, the season just didn’t add much. A short storyline and some short dungeons (Malignant tunnels) that aren’t really worth doing once you have a couple of the hearts you want.


this wasn’t a focus in d3. or poe. seasons work. they aren’t for everyone, though

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myself, and many guidies just don’t play after a while.

there’s no point.

if 183 of us think this way, I’m sure there 100s of thousands that do as well.

blizzard should have made this a real MMO.

I’m mean lost ark is way more engaging than this game has been

They nerfed people from one-shotting uber lilith by fixing bugged skills and reducing the amount of CDR and vulnerable damage affixes, but not really coz people still oneshot or at least kill uber lilith in a few seconds, so instead of gitting gud they all cried and denounced D4 as a bad game that keeps slowing everything down.

Then people started leaving and more hopped on the bandwagon when Asmongold said he quit because he was crying about getting one-shot by a corpse bow and doing capstone dungeons way above his character level.

Then there’s those “ECONOMY” destroying gold and item dupers and some people managing to get eternal characters to seasonal and vice versa. D4 put out a banwave and again many people cried that they got banned for cheating and went on another D4 tirade. (IDG why you would buy gold and items, when you could just play the game and get them for no real world monetary cost).

Personally, I found S1 fun. Hearts were borderline broken but interesting to play around with (admittedly barber is broken but also elevated some underperforming builds). If you don’t do real money transactions then you don’t need to worry about the “economy.” But I guess you be the judge OP. Go make a seasonal character and try it out yourself.

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For me the exploit and stuff aint matter much, for this season anyway since there no leaderboard yet i don’t really care about that stuff for now.

What worse for me is the underlying problem this game has, itemization with useless garbage affixed that diluted affixed even more, enchantment cost is absurd, lack of loot filter mean have to glance on each rare junk after every dungeon to find piece to upgrade and do it over and over again until you puke or find some upgrade.

All these problem add up to the point i just can’t enjoy the game anymore. if itemization still like this i won’t bother with season 2.


Rogue… r u using bursting venom? It’s “fixed” so that the proc is working as intended. But the trouble is the proc is abysmally low like <10% per poison imbue instance. And how frequent can you cast poison imbue?

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well , if by that you meant the way people could spam over and over the very same sigil , it was an exploit…so of course it was fixed…

mostly for economy
though personally i never did and never will do trading in a diablo game , i’d much rather find my own stuff through actually killing monsters (not trading or using real money…that just spoil the fun in my opinion and the reason of it being an AARPG itself)

That being said, aside i do like season 1 personally.
some hearts are OP yea, but still they bring some new life to some builds and give quiet a few QOL , like for example the heart on the necromancer that auto-use the skill that uses bodies on the floor.
It’s quiet nice :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did but the number of discussions is overwhelming so I asked for a short summary here :slight_smile:

Short summary for you.

  1. Blizzard became ignorant and arrogant
  2. D4 is pure money grab like every other game from Blizzard has become
  3. The quality of life you have in this game is like sitting on the toilet doing no. 2 and no toilet paper any close to you
  4. After story or lets say after lvl 50+ the only thing you can do to really “progress” are spamming NM’s
  5. So hard exploits which destroyed the already bad economy
  6. But hey your mount can break the barriers now…oh wait we don’t use them anymore because they slower in city’s as when you walk and we can teleport to NM’s so no mount needed.

I could mention few more but I hope you get the picture out of it.

Enjoy and have fun


I used the good old twisting blades / trap build with no imbuements actually, but I’d like to start a new char for season 1 anyway, maybe a Druid.


The content is quite skimpy. I would say it is like a total of 1-2 hours of interaction with a new character if you did it all consecutively.
There are some new abilities, some are good, some are less.
And the final boss is much easier than Lillith.

I did level to 98 so far and will finish the seasonal thing and the battle pass.

But I would suggest playing a different class if you plan to do it, to keep it from becoming a chore. I played necro my highest eternal character is Sorc,

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The criticisms are general ones, and are not season specific.

A summary to help you get up to speed.

  1. Prior to the season, a patch was introduced to make things harder, and players weaker. The philosophy was so that content doesnt become overly easy. A lot of ppl regarded that s a nerf and were not happy.

  2. In the same patch, barb and sorc got overtuned/nerfed to the point of being unplayable. This pissed off a lot of people.

  3. The season itself seems fine. It has a short story, and introduced items you could socket into amulets and rings. They have some really cool effects. In the endgame, everyone uses this really powerful one called ‘barber’. It gives off powerful shadow explosions.

  4. Mid-season, they introduced another patch to improve barb and sorc. It generally worked. However, they fixed some bugs for a popular rogue build (bursting venom). The camp is divided: some say it’s fine, since it was bugged; some are pissed; but most people found it ridiculous that this fix was unannounced.

  5. Trade was disabled mid season due to gold duping. Ppl are posted because this is the worst possible fix for this issue, and after decades of d2 and wow, ppl expected blizzard to know how to counter duping issues.

  6. There continue to be bugs all around. Again, this doesn’t appear to be the kind of QA you should expect from Blizzard.

But if you take things slowly, and don’t be too serious, and generally stay off the forums, you should still enjoy the game :slight_smile:


forgot about the insane lag atm but nailed the rest

The community did not like the game and they started to poop on it. Try it for your self to see how you like it. I enjoyed every bit of it.

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So you did not kill Echo of Lilith and you did not finish tier 100 nightmare dungeon.