Maybe they should bring in the people making the Skins for Overwatch 2 to make outfits for Diablo 4.
Both of the S1 and now S2 has been.
While the Skins from OW2 battle passes has been amazing
S1 armor was pretty good, but like I said in another post, this one is too reminiscent of an extant MTX necromancer armor and the wing-skirt part looks like it was lifted straight from the sorcerer MTX set.
This is pretty boring as far as a BP purchase set. I have no incentive to purchase a crappy art design.
Parts of it will probably go very well together with a future BP / MTX set, but on its own it just does not bring a feeling of “OMG MUST HAVE” that seasonal sets are supposed to evoke to entice people to buy a battlepass.
Yeah true that, still a bit of a shame. It really needs to be omg I must buy it! To be a hit.
Man those armors look terrible. Just completely underwhelming and devoid of any creativity, like most of the armors in game and in the cash shop.
Well… looks vampire-like I guess.
Yeah, to me it’s “meh”. The white colored armor looks better than the standard one, but it’s still meh.
It’s also exactly the same between male & female, so seems like a rushed/unimaginative skin.
I don’t think I’d want to play Season 2 this time, will probably revert to Eternal realm only to test if the changes are worth it. I kinda lost the appetite to grind brand new characters and then have stash that I’ll need to consolidate into one at the end of the season.
Massive moment when 2004 WoW sets from Blizzard that are limited to basic geometry and painted-on textures are somehow more imaginative than 2023 sets with full physics, lightning effects and all the other bells and whistles.
its ridiculous how they focus on new cosmetics and not things that the community asks for like new classes, new map and a real money auction house to say the bere minimum!
Like the whole “game”, really.
Bland, uninspired tripe.
Designed for the easily pleased. The average Joe, with low standards.
I want a campfire chat with art team instead of the systems team
thanks didnt see it!
It looks quite nice. prefer this a lot over the s1 armory
Bet you can’t guess which one is druid.
Necro already had a skin like this.
I agree the OW skins are amazing by comparison.
I think they look pretty cool. I mean the BP is like 10 bucks and gives stuff to play for. Not that big of a deal
don’t worry, there will be a premium paid cosmetic set for each class at launch that will look better and cost more than the entire premium battlepass per class.
Bliz won’t leave their big spenders hanging, this is just for the poors.
I hope season 3 is Hello Kitty themed so I can finally get some armor I want…
I don’t think I necessarily want the art team to be designing the class and programming it >.>
Anyways, I agree with the general sentiment here on this armors. They’re “okay” at best. I’ll probably grab the battle pass and this armor set is at least okay for a Druid which I still feel like has nothing amazing, lol