Hmmm… yet another ugly armor set. I guess I’ll skip this one as well, perhaps Season #3 will have an armor set that I like
Looks like crap. Not that it really matters.
I’m kind of ok with this, means I’m not missing out on anything.
Hopefully the battlepass ends up going away along with the store eventually!
Looks better than the season 1 armor for sure.
thats good tho isnt it?
if the shop outfits are unequivocally better than everything ingame, that makes them look like greedy unethical clowns. cant win this one.
having “decent but nothing really amazing” stuff in the shop is the best they can do imo.
i’m talking about paid track/paid outfits. idc much about the free track we all get it.
It looks like it came straight out Rod Fergusson’s colonoscopy.
Show me an in-game set that comes anywhere close to the quality of MTX sets
Here’s an idea: instead of an armor set how about a cool blood effect that can be worn with any armor in the game?
Cool. Where’s the balance changes?
Pretty sure they don’t stick those in the Battle Passes.
yea i’m not sure why they aren’t selling things that changes/adds particle effects in the game. it would probably sell really well and look nice too
Agreed. There isn’t a single item in that shop that jumps out and says “buy me!” Maybe I’ve just been spoiled with the cool armor sets that WOW has(which you actually have to play the game for). But even POE has really cool armor pieces in their shop that illuminate and even weapon items that do fancy tricks. Not that I would ever buy a cosmetic in a game that already charged me full box price. But if you want to sell shop items, they have to be cool or bad%ss. Everything in that shop is just…bland. I mean either go all the way with that thing or just close up shop and go home. Right now it’s a waste of time and resources.
Bleh. The armor skin is meh & bleh. They took a piece from this and a piece from that and just recolored it. Might be a little better if we could color the armor ourselves the way other games have allowed instead of being stuck with the color pre-sets in game currently.
I guess you didn’t play a Rogue this season. Feelsbad.
Female Rogue doesn’t have pants.
That looks terrible lmao
Very nice indeed.
More char
Yea, it’s weird. It only does that on specifically the female rogue. And those pants are on the paid part of the battle pass. Can’t wait to see how buggy this next one is