Ruins of Eridu nerfed, Whats next? Just gonna kill all fun in the game?

I played warcraft 3 religiously for 4 years dude, I saw the life drained from it as people transitioned to world of warcraft and the remaining 30,000 players across all realms stuck around because it’s a far better game that SC1 and SC2.

Whats ironic is sc1 and sc2 were better than d1 and d2. The playercount even during that time proved that.

This is just the result of not knowing how to properly gear in d4.

For me, it was one of the best dungeon in the game the respawn form all the monster again and again was funny, but now it’s just as boring as 95% of the other dungeons.

Fun is to destroy pack waves over pack waves and nothing else.

I’m considering taking a break from the game, it’s really bothering me.

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D1 was a single player game LOL You can’t compare SC1 to it because SC1 was built upon blizzards original battlenet, just like D2 was.

why standardize down instead of up? this is diablo, after all… give me more stuff to slay.

Nobody cared about a point and click indi game to a rts. Thats the point.

You can’t prepare for 30 stuns one after the other, it’s the core reason why rogues got nerfed in world of warcraft, because they could stun lock indefinitely or at least until you’re a body on the ground.

Do you know the leading cause of a forum-necrosis? Silly statements. All jokes aside, again, mob density makes the game FUN. we are literally battling the tides of hell and I don’t want to be running from pack to smaller pack. That isn’t the answer.

If people are dying because of mob density they need to lower the difficulty, tier, or change their build. I’m level 67 and just got to tier 4 as a sorc. Yes, it’s tough at times. The sorc has little health compared to melee classes but decent mobility/defensives. I don’t blame mob density when I die. I blame myself for pushing the difficulty or mismanaging my own build.

Now if there was anything out of your statement I’d actually change is perhaps adjust some of the elite affixes or buff skills of characters that are currently unusable or too resource extensive. That’s my take. I love me some mob density tho.

I can afk in wt4 and they can stun all they want. Never going to die. Apparently you aren’t very good at this game.

Sorry but it feels just bad if most of the stuff gets nerfed over and over again.
Maybe nerf XP gain but do not nerf monster density.
Having empty dungeons feels so boring.


Im a lv 63 druid and have spent 37 hours grinding dungeons in world teir 3, i have yet to see a single unique drop. If they are gonna lower density then fix the freaking drop rates to compensate my efforts

D4 is a post D3 storyline, in the unseen years between the two games, nephelim population dwindled hence why are aren’t smashing through thousands of enemies in seconds. Not to mention the prime evils are still gone and the only real threat in the story at this time is/was (depending on where you are in the story) Lilith and she doesn’t command hundreds of thousands or millions of demons.

lets stop whining and complaining and move on… so what is the next good EXP dungeon, so far im still finding Eridu somewhat adequate but im sure there is something even better?

Dont say a word publicly because then bliz will take it away

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Is it one mob? Sure, wouldn’t die any time soon. AFK in a T50 sigil? Dead. What if you get bad rng and you have loads of stun capable threats in your dungeon because of your demand for 519283021983201 enemies a pack

um no. We speed run them all day, 50’s are zero effort, they don’t much require paying any attention at all under 70-80

This, despite being on the bottom of your list, is 90% of why people where running this dungeon.

This should have been your primary note, because it is THE solution.

Nerfing has a very negative feel to it, so buffing things is a better solution. PERIOD. The showrunners need to take that in heart and figure out how to buff the areas that are most fun. Maybe pay attention to what people are doing despite low XP gains and give them a little love in the rewards department. The problem is simple… nerfing is easier on the development side than improving content. Hopefully they will figure out killing fun is counterproductive in the long run and adjust their thinking on these matters.

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THE worst thing you can do to a game is make it not fun…
What’s going to make us want to keep playing, you ask…

  1. Hacking and slashing mobs quite frequently
  2. Mob density that make pulls seem crazy, and the feeling of accomplishment.
  3. Items available from defeating content that will progress your chars
  4. Being rewarded equally by the content difficulty…NM dungeons…Hmmm

Things that will make people bored = BAD for business…

  1. Making the game boring…taking longer to be fun
  2. Making us feel corralled into what you want us to be doing. I can watch tv if I don’t want to be interactively entertained.

Its not our fault you guys designed the game to incorporate so many legendary affixes we need for our builds. This alone has made your orange item drops twinge worthy as we need specific ones to upgrade the yellows we find that are upgrades. It is also not our fault that your aspect dungeon affixes don’t use rng for the affixes being imprinted.

No matter what you do to the game, the people that still play it will have certain meta, the things that are the most rewarding, and they will focus only on that.

The game is gorgeous and pretty fantastic. The mindset of nerfing the fun out of it makes no sense.

When I get through my first char, my plan is always to play the others. After that Hardcore. Now that the game keeps getting less and less fun, and rewarding…I may not even make it to max my first char.

Why not just buff the other aspects instead of nerfing? It might be worth it to experiment. The people that will quit playing after they max one char, will do so no matter what. The people that love the game like I have will keep playing in all its aspects.

This information comes from my extended play testing after the latest hotfix 9.
I have played the majority of the dungeons in the game before, the random non previous meta ones I selected have dropped maybe one legendary item per run on T4 on my Lvl 80 Sorc. The packs of mobs are super easy now and boring, with hardly any Elites. When there is an Elite the drops are garbage now. The game feels like a boring walking simulator now. It does look nice though.


hey smart boy, NM exp is not as good as iridu