Yeah, doing lvl 50 nightmare dungeons currently, should be 100 exp for each, wich is a lvl from 15 to 16, o from 16 to 17… but… after almost an hour and 3 dungeons… i get NOTHING !!
It just keep happening, so many times already that make me wanna quit… but i wont star over until season 1 ¬¬
There are already some people complaining about this issue, no glyph totem exp after complete the dungeon, and we all have Barrage in common. Since its not a very popular glich, its probably barrage wich is triggering the bug for some creazy weird reason.
Pls blizzard check this out NOW D<
I don’t believe telling them “NOW!!!” Will have any effect whatsoever except possibly a negative one where they take their sweet @$$ time just to be petty because you told them what to do, assuming your problem in the game was the most important one of all so they should just stop doing whatever they’re doing and do what you told them to….I dragged that scenario explanation on a bit longer than I intended. In short: I think they will assume what I said above about you and decide to help your issue last. Good luck though, I hope it gets sorted out for you cause that sucks.
Same here. Also playing Barrage rogue. Did 3 nightmare dungeons just now and none of them gave me Glyph Exp at the end.
Same here as a Barrage Rogue. Last 3 nightmare dungeons did not proc the glyph upgrade.
This is happening with all character classes rn as far as I know.
Here is another post going back 18 days and Blizz has still yet to acknowledge things.
Because Blizzard is good to nerf characters but not good to bug fixing
I manage to lvl my 2 last glyphs from 15 to 21 without bug… being carefull and land the last hit in the dungeon goal with puncture, just bug once in like… idk… 30? 40? dungeons betwen 50 and 60…
It feels so diferent without bug, you know you are going to be rewarded after complete the dungeon. Bug is just anoying as hell and is barrage for sure.
6/23 - killed boss with barrage, no glyph XP.
Hi, same there. If I played tier 1-9 it so there was not problem. When I started played tier 10,12 so 2 finished dung without glyph xp portal in a row. It were: these dungeons: Sanguine Chapel and Feral’s Den
Same issue with barrage build.
Happening to me too, often back to back multiple dungeons in a row. I am also playing a barrage build.
barrage rogue here - happened to me twice tonight.
Hello blizz? You copy?
just ran my first nightmare of the day and lo and behold bugged…
Same here, my last 4 nm dungeons were bugged. When I do any NM dungeons more are bugged than functioning.
Barrage rogue bumping for visibility
Bumping this as it has been happening to me all the time we need an official response this is absurd
Its not a bug is game design, rogues deserves a nerf.
Bump. At least a simple “we are aware of the bug affecting barrage and nightmare dungeons and are exploring a fix” would be nice.
Bump. I have been having this issue 1/2 to 2/3 of the time. Can you please look into this issue? I’m playing a barrage rogue.