Rod Missed The Point on Diablo 3

More stash tabs doesn’t take development time. In fact, most of the QoL stuff we’re asking for would be trivial to implement or is already there.

Rod and co. just didn’t want to speak the “plain truth”. The implication is that in D3 they were gradually adding these QoL features as seasonal content/rewards, expansion content, etc. Not that they needed time to develop.

He just couldn’t come out and say it. But we all know they have deliberately held back many of these legacy features so they can use them for future monetization and seasonal rewards.

Of course, they will also provide an in-game way of unlocking some of it. But there is little doubt in my mind you will be able to convert real money into convenience. It will not just be cosmetics.


It’s just common sense and bad PM (Project Management)!


alright I do agree about gear and speed buffs. That would actually be cool if 4 paragon levels (a full level) gave you a slight speed buff along with a choice of stat bump/node.

And this one will get hate but gear. Because so many other skills on my sorc are useless at level 70 outside of ice shards, ice build, firewall, pure fire etc it just means I have to search for very specific gear with op stats and the affix. The rerolls are expensive past one if you don’t get even 1 affix but I do get it’s a bonus for an rpg… at least I think it is. Lol.

I just imagine, d4 being other iterations rework, they would still get bashed, as in like: this game is just d3 in an open world, bla bla bla, people will complain regarless lmao.

D4 all ready is D3. The differences are so minimal that it makes no sense to pretend that D4 is some how a step above D4. If anything D4 is a worst version of D3. It’s not improved in any way shape or form.


I mean… they didn’t even manage to finish up the runeword system that they were trying to sell during the early development builds. Do people even remember that was actually a thing

Sounds like they either have no time or the manpower to actually finish what they talked about, decided to just copy paste stuff from D3 half way and sell the product

probably new developers who didnt work on d3 with too big of egos to add stuff to their game that isnt their idea.


Add greater rifts and entire open world becomes pointless lol. People wouldn’t leave town.

After seeing years of hating for Rift system (and game overall) for being boring not sure why people now want D3 features. Hypocrisy or just those few D3 fans started to be loud?

Can’t please everyone but D3 shouldn’t be inspiration for D4. Just before Immortal it was considered the worst game in Diablo franchise. There can be a lot more creative modes made that are not Rifts.

If the entire open world becomes pointless just because of Rifts, then it will also become pointless after they add NMd teleport as they promised.
Oh, and since NMd is the endgame, and there are only a few maps and bosses AFAIK, I doubt it is really less boring than Rifts.
And as an ARPG without an overlay map, I think even D2 is not inspiration for D4.
Maybe this really should be called Lilith 1 instead of D4.


It is unexpected change and against D4 idea. If devs will now listen to all those who want D3 back we will end up with weird messed up game again.

This is why we have a half-assed game, we got a half-assed Developer team. They missed the mark on this game so bad. I hope Microsoft cleans house, because Blizzard is a garbage dump.

Even with all the hate towards Diablo 4, Diablo 3 still has worse rating on metacritic. D4 is better than D3 and that’s a fact.

You don’t even get my point.
If the open world content is enough rewarding and fun, there will not be a problem.
It is a failure of the open world content design, not NMd or Rifts.

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I think Rod said that because he didn’t want to reveal to the public that their goal during development was only to create a great “skeleton” of a game (which it is). It’s hard to imagine for us but maybe all these years of development weren’t enough to really delve into perfecting the UI, etc.

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Imagine that there can be players who enjoy D4 and its open world. It was a vision even back in D2 days technology just wasn’t there. You can still play D3 and it will be getting seasons. It may be failure for you just like Rift system was failure for others. Why insist on changing this game?

There’s no way D4 systems are less fun than D3’s Set Dungeons or Challenge Rifts. Those modes are so frustrating and opposite of fun. Constant complains about it in D3 forum.

Based on similar complains Blizzard tried to change original D3 vision into something D2ish. From tactical slower gameplay it turned to fast brainless numlock trick button smashing with big numbers and cooldown reduction being must have stat. All skills designed for situational use became spamfest.

Uber bosses dying in seconds. Greater Rift gameplay is gather mobs in one place and watch slide show because engine can’t handle numbers. I’m sure there are a lot of players who don’t want to see anything based on D3/Immortal in D4 like Rifts and it will result in even bigger complains. RoS expansion was improvement at first but then turned it into mess.

Right, the 10 years of support argument only applies to actual gameplay content, like classes, zones, cosmetics etc. it does not apply to things like QoL or UI. Those dont require 10 years of support, they can be implemented immediately as a standard for any game going forward. That line of thinking from Rod seemed totally clueless. Probably why the state of the game is as bad as it currently is regarding QoL.


Let’s face it, the open world is a failure by default. All they did was just replace the loading screens in between zones with insane rubberbanding and dump random players in the map with you to run time-gated content.

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Imagine that there can be players who enjoy D4 and its open world.

If people actually enjoying open world as you said, then why

Add greater rifts and entire open world becomes pointless lol. People wouldn’t leave town.

I don’t see any logic here.
Players will always choose to do things more fun and rewarding. If open world content is good enough, you don’t need to worry about it “becoming meaningless”.

Your replies are basically complaining about D3 features and ignoring the problems D4 actually has right now. I don’t see any D4 haters, but I do see a D3 hater, and it makes this conversation meaningless.


And don’t forget the altars. :joy:

Well yeah because I overall don’t understand why some think D3 is better than D4 and solution for D4 issues is to bring D3 mechanics back when they were getting just the same hate for years. OP just wants Greater Rifts back here but he can just continue to play his preferred game.

There won’t be perfect solution because it’s the same with D2 and PoE fans that want D4 to be like their games.