Rip my eternal barb

i’m here to cry because i have an eternal hota/charge barb that i have spent time min maxing to the tee for hota when bored with season 3. oh cool hota nerfed by orders of
magnitude. i guess i needed to eventually upgrade all his items anyway but i hope he can actually kill something when i load him up when the patch is live.

Nope, completely unplayable now. Better overreact and uninstall the game now before you come to your senses. Lilith forbid anyone actually see how badly they were nerfed without jumping to conclusions.


Barb was ballanced.
Does not mean, he can’t kill anything.
Maybe you just farm your new equip as fast as the other classes and not 5x faster.

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Barbs will still be very powerful. It’s looking like about a 20x reduction for hota overpower crits but that still leaves it in the 20-50million area. That’s not taking into consideration what the new gear will do for the damage.

I think it’s upheavals time to shine though or double swing or some whacky ancients with tornados. I still feel barbs will be the most fun to play with personally speaking.

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yes instead of doing 1 billion damage u gonna do 100 million damage. completely unplayable and just only 15x more than any rogue build


Crap. You used to be able to do 30 billion. Now it’s only 10 billion.

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eternal minmaxer :rofl: :sob: :rofl:

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It’s probably 70% damage reduction, and 10% damage intake additional (the barb dmg red was removed).

I’m in the spot as you, I have a really cool Eternal Hota barb and need to see after the patch how usable it still is.

It’s really annoying that they just go really overboard every time. They boosted Overpower like crazy because they wanted people to use it. We use it, and now they nerf it by 50%. I mean come on guys, make up your mind already, we’re not your testers, we’re your customers.

lol, all my barbs are whirlwind.
don’t tell me about cry.

Always upheaval!

Seriously though, I think Barb can still 1 shot duriel solo with 1 person party. We shall see, but I think this is the case.

I feel like the intention was more they dont want 1B hota damage still 1 shotting the level 200 uber version of the uber bosses.

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Oh no, now instead of one-shotting Duriel TO THE EXTREME you’ll just… one-shot Duriel.

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Good game balance > your weird idea of eternal character strength.

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Logical. Even in legacy gears, many barbs have GF.

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Every one is going to have to re-gear with S4 and the new Itemization.

Pretty much. The 6-7 shakos i have are garbage now because I can get better ones :rofl:

Barb has one extra one handed weapon slot and one extra two handed slot compare to Necromancer and sorcerer which you can put extra Legendary affix, Gems and Greater Affix. These extras give Barb insane damage next season. The nerf to Hota is just to balance the game. Otherwise everyone just play barb next season and the game will be boring.

there is really just one asnwer here:

PTR Notes arent final. They are up for testing on the PTR. i repeat THEY ARE NOT FINAL. they can change based on feedback…

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indeed , so i don’t understand your post.
i mean, every classes get nerfed , buffed etc…

and it happen at the best time for you : where there’s a whole new itemization making all your previous items pale in comparison : so eitherway you had to change your equipment if you wanted to do the pit.

eitherway you’ll see at release for now it’s simply a ptr patch note, nothing set in stone

Yeah but how the nerf/buff really shows how much lack of vision and coherency there is.

Look at inner calm changes. What is the point of the 3.5 patch change if this is the S4 change?

The S4 change could have just been the 3.5 change or the 3.5 change could have just been skipped.

My only hope at this point is the re-grind for x-pac does not include 1025 level items.


Yeah, a mob with a million health points does not need 100 million dmg done to it in order to put it down. Just relax.