Ring of Mendeln

I saw a post but I could not find it. This ring actually makes it so your Pets can hit anywhere between 20k-160k on a fairly consistant basis if you are built for lucky. so FYI pet spec still does just fine.

How many times can a dead pet hit?


mine dont die. getscarriedttv u can watch.

lmao sorry not going to double your viewer count


you dont actually ahve to watch bud just go see the dmg silly and leave. I dont need u to watch. Its to prove a point.

I’ve tried that build a few times.

It is still usless at higher tier sigil levels because again, and I have said this a million times, unless your minions are ALWAYS hitting for around 1 million damage, you are never going to clear certain rooms, that need mobs to be specifically targeted.

You are right, minions don’t die, but they also can never kill what they need to. Also any build built off lucky hit RNG is gonna get you killed by so many 1 shot mobs that you have no control over (Looking at you snakes).


Ive stacked up to somewhere around 30% lucky hit and Im still never seeing this ring proc so far…

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Lucky hit is a weird stat that doesn’t really work the way it is described. It seems like all the lucky hit effects are independent of eachother and apply the stat individually. He is talking about this ring, but in reality it is not at all reliable, and leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve run builds with it a few times, and found it to be incredibly inconsistent, and led to me dying more often than not in 45-50 sigils.

branch what sigil level was it. im 84 and i just did the sigil for 94 and smoked it easy.

Yeah he is just advertising his twitch while spouting bullsh*t, has been all week doing it.


Ahh that makes sense lol.

Time to ignore.


yea no im not lol jarric is just a hater. I am genuinely trying to show people that minion spec works just fine.

I just wish the one real “summoner” unique wasnt another lucky hit mechanic.

Granted; its a great way of bypassing DR on +% damage in order to boost ouput, but 10% of your lucky hits is abysmally low.

10% of 30% is like… one in a hundred basically, and I STILL have never seen this go off. I dont even know what the effect looks like


Branch im not sure what your doing but inherently mages have some of the highest lucky hit% in game. My minions consistently proc ring of mendeln hitting over 150k each. Without even being full ancestral. Also how are you getting slapped with blood mist? With the CC on golem, mages and decrepify, I find it hard to beleive that you have trouble proccing ring of mendeln.

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Even rolled a wand as primary weapon for the added lucky, still not seeing it. I do see enhanced decrep’s cooldown reduction lucky hits going thru, but not Mendelns.

Glad others are seeing that summoner spec is doing just fine. Its alwasys difficult for me to see people complaining when I blow away the content just fine.

My expectation is that you are completely correct. At lower sigil levels (18-21), it’s working amazingly for me. Any sense of what levels it starts to become innefective?

Post tier 40, it gets rough. You gotta pick the right affixes / mob types. If you run into the wrong type of mob with suppression its GG. I cleared a 44 but it was so tedious and boring, that is when I was convinced to swap off.

Great. I can enjoy it for a bit then. My suspicion is that by the time I have to move off of it, I’ll have to move off minions in general. :confused:

Ring of Mendeln forces the necro to spam like 20 spells to proc it once. A necro that has to spam a spell 20 times isn’t playing pet build the way I want to, it’s just another spam build where the damage is coming from those 20 casts. How can I say the dmg is from the 20 casts and not the minions? Simple, stop casting, see how much dmg mendeln is giving your minions now, answer is 0.

I don’t wanna spam stupid crap on my necro to proc that ring, it’s not a solution… I wanna be able to just walk up to a pack and aggro my minions to the horde and have my army do the “spamming” on their own, that’s the entire allure of minions to me at least, and that style needs to be viable before pet build can be considered fine from my perspective.